
Learning Magic

Lamia wasn't able to get too close to Hermione before Percy flew at her in rage. With all his power he launched himself straight into Lamia and plunged them both through the wall into the hallway. As they landed Percy forced her against the staircase and wrestled her to the ground.

"Have fun in tartarus, check out the forest of curses. It is excruciatingly painful down there. Have a pleasant trip!" With that Percy Drove his sword right between her eyebrows. The sweat on his brow flooded his face representing how much effort he had to exert to beat the her, Percy crumbled down wearyly and sighed.

That was close, Lamia was fast if it hadn't been for his demigod speed and reflexes, Hermione wouldn't be here right now. Then slowly he let his head fall against the stairwell wall. He pursed his lips, he had to get off the wall at some point, face what was behind him. He kept playing over and over what Lamia had said. Did this mean that Hermione is... Pregnant?

He took a deep breath before plastering a sheepish smile on his face but maybe it looked a little forced he wasn't sure. Time to retrace his steps. He turned around to see the wizards and an awkward Hermione staring at him through the Percy like hole he'd created. Ginny was checking on Hermione making sure nothing was wrong with her, but her watery eyes were on his. As he walked through the hole she ran and threw herself into his arms. Percy caught her and kissed her searching lips before giving her a hard look.

"Is it true, um... what she said?"

Sirius was the second one to recover, he squeezed through the hole Percy had created and placed a hand on his shoulder. Making him tense up and distracting him for a moment.

"How bout we get ya a cup of tea, and you can talk the rest of the order through what just happened. And I'll fix the hole in the wall" Sirius said looking apologetic.

Percy looked towards the door, but turned his gaze back to Hermione remembering the question. Her face flushed but she didn't answer.

"Woah! What happened here?" Percy looked up to see Nico Di Angelo striding through the room looking around..

"Who are you! How did you get into this house!" Sirius demanded standing up.

Nico gave a lazy smile. "Now why would I tell you"

"Because if you don't I will be forced to make you tell me" Ron interjected. He hadn't seemed to have learned his lesson, because after being choked twice once be me and another time by Lamia he still adapted any humility. Harry tried to put a hand on his shoulder but almost without thought Ron shook it off again. Harry looked hurt but rejoined a frustrated Ginny, she was looking at Ron like she was going to spank him like a three year old.

"Guys, this is my friend Nico, he won't harm anyone." I said trying to calm a worsening situation.

But Percy's words seemed to have the opposite affect, because Ron's glare increased in intensity, and he started to ball up his fist.

"Go ahead! Hit me with your best shot red head." Nico smiled cruelly. Percy saw something, something he hadn't seen in a while. It was a mad glint in Nico's eye, almost as if under his usual calm composure was a madman being locked away till needed.

Ron glared at Nico while he returned it with a smile taunting him.

Just then a shiver went through Percy… a cold feeling hit him and it seemed to be getting stronger. Percy walked around the room scanning it for more enemies.

Nico must have felt it as well because his eyes followed Percy around the room and copied his example and started searching. Just when he thought he had gotten another fight on his hands the strange feeling went away.

Ms. Weasley called from the other room saying something about having hot chocolate for everyone. Which broke the tention that had been building. She walked into the roomspotting the two boys glaring across the room at each other. Putting her hands on her hips and said. "What am I to do with you two?" First she looked at Ron before glancing at Percy. He figured that she was going to say something rude or tell him to leave but apparently that wasn't her way. She smiled welcomingly at him and walked away into the kitchen.

The reason Nico had arrived was to give them an update on preparations with Selina's wedding tomorrow, and the defense strategies they already had in place. Nico advised us that Hazel had woken up yesterday but probably won't be much help during the battle that was sure to come.

After a few hours of meeting and coming up with some protection charms and reversal spells we concluded the meeting. Everyone was tense and the fighting tonight between myself, Ron and Lumia didn't help much. Weary we returned to our room and Hermione pulled out a large book that looked a few hundred years old. It read: Beginner's Spells

She opened the book and glanced up at me. She smiled a reassuring smile that I'd come to enjoy and taught me my first spell.

Luminous! Hermione said while the tip of the want created a bright light. "It's in Latin!" I said happily.

She looked confused like sh almost expected anything but not excitement.

"Yes..." Hermione said tentatively.

"I've been studying Latin since I was twelve!"

Editor's note:

Woot! So guy officially we have 30 chapter and more to come. I have to write the next chapter from scratch... but I have 80 percent of the following chapter written and just be warned SH*TS ABOUT TO GO DOWN.

Next chapter