
Hermione's where abouts


While they waited, Sally got them water and some blue cookies. The cookies looked odd, but were very good. After a few minutes of eating cookies and the occasional small talk, we heard a jingle outside the door. The door swung open and I heard a voice call from that hallway.

"Sally! I'm home! Do I smell cookies?"

Sally laughed. "Yes, I made cookies."

"Blue? I assume" At that he walked through to door. The man braced himself at the sight of them in the setting room. As Harry peered at him, he noticed he was a middle aged man, tall and handsome with a scholarly look to him. He had brown hair and light skin. He was slightly muscular and light blue eyes.

"Hello everyone." He said almost as a question as he walked over to the cookies, taking a bite out of one. He swallowed. "Whats going on here honey?"

"I'm Harry and this is Ron. We are here searching for news about our friend." Harry interjected what Sally was going to say in an attempt to drive the conversation back towards their objective.

"Hermione? Oh, you mean the girl Percy has been seeing." Paul said looking thoughtful. "You looking for her? Is she in trouble?" Ron looked a little uncomfortable in reference to their relationship but remained silent throughout the conversation.

"Maybe, we lost touch with her a couple of weeks ago. We would like to speak with this 'Percy' do you have his telephone number?" Harry asked. Sally and Paul laughed at the mention of a cell phone. "Sorry Harry" Sally said not explaining why it was so humorous. "No, Percy would never have a cell phone. But you might speak to Silena at the coffee shop down the street. I remember Percy saying they have become surprising friends."

Eyes brightening Ron and Harry stood quickly excitement written over their faces. "Thank you ma'am. You have been a great help." They said walking quickly towards the door.

"Anytime dear, but I wouldn't worry too much. If she is with my Percy then she is in good hands." Sally said withe a reassuring smile on her face. Ron couldn't help but scowl slightly but nodded to her anyway.

In the stairway Ron was still scowling a complete contrast to his lively attitude on their way here. While Harry noticed he decided to wait for Ron to say something on his own. Ron had mistreated Hermione several times and now that she started to move on with her life he seemed to dislike the change.

Silena seemed to be a barista at a quaint shop down the street. Her long chocolate hair was pulled into a tight ponytail behind her back. Her skin was a nice tan olive, she had almond shaped eyes and red full lips. She has the body of an athlete and looked more like a model than a barista. When they walked inside the shop Silena spotted them with a quick smile and greeted them happily. "Welcome, is there something I can get you today?" She asked. Her smile seemed to daze the pair for a second but they quickly remembered their purpose.

"Hermione! Were looking for her..." Ron yelled in a panic. Like he was facing a genuine scary monster in font of him. Harry raised an eyebrow at the weirdness of his oldest friend but dismissed his actions and focused on the beauty standing behind the bar. It wasn't that she had no affect on Harry, that would be impossible. Harry has had to learn how to strengthen his mind being an Auror, and a beautiful woman was not something that could sway his resolve.

"Like he said, we are friends of hers. Do you happen to know where she is at?" Harry explained.

Seeming mildly amused Silena said. "Who is asking?" Taking a wash rag Silena started wiping the tables but glanced up to them letting them know they still had her attention.

"This is Ron and I am Harry we've known her since we were eleven." Harry explained eyeing the woman for her reactions. She paused and looked back at us with a face full of weariness. "I've heard Hermione mention you, but she also explained a lot about why she left London as well." Silena said glaring pointedly at Ron.

To Ron's credit his face reddened at her glare but his only other response was to adjust his collar like it was chocking him. "Right. The thing is... We've lost all contact with her and we are getting worried, do you know where we can find her?" Harry said feeling a little desperate. If the woman didn't know anything, then their only lead is a bust.

Silena's harden glare softened at Harry's words. "I can only think of one way. She was supposed to be on a date with Percy tonight... And I think I know a way to reach him, but it will have to be in private." She said looking a little pensive at the thought. Their relationship had't been very good for a long time, maybe she should call Frank instead. Excusing herself while making sure someone knew she was taking a break she went to the restroom.

Exchanging looks with Harry, Ron had a worried look on his face, but they both remained silent while Selina disappeared. After ten minutes she returned a slip of paper in her hands. "You'll find her at this address. Let me give you a little bit of sound advise. Don't go in there with your little sticks raised. You will get a lot more than you expect..." Harry frowned at her words.

'Hermione what have you gotten yourself into?'

Hello everyone although I did get a little help from another author on this chapter 95% was my words. It needed to be done, there are no transition chapters to tell what I want to happen next. Unfortunately, I will need a little bit of time to build up chapters for the next release so I wouldn't expect any more updates until next week.

Inspiring_forkcreators' thoughts
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