
Chapter 1

Third's perspective

Percy looked at Annabeth sleeping next to him a happy smile on her old wrinkled face.

Even in her late eighties she looked beautiful to him, he touched her face and looked at his own wrinkled hand.

A smile appeared on his face and a twinkle appeared in his sea-green eyes that are as vibrant as ever.

Even the old age cannot hide that mischievous twinkle.

'It is been a long time' He thought as he laid on the bed looking at the blue ceiling.

'It still feels unbelievable that we survived till now I was pretty sure that we would die half way through. But we survived had a family, I got to play with my grandkids, have what most demigods desire. Live a full life and...'

He looked at Annabeth sleeping next to him he could feel her life fading away slowly fade away, but neither did she resist nor did he despair, it was their time to move on.

' die with my wise girl next to me. A plain death by old age. Not by monsters nor because of some stupid quest but because old age, passing away in sleep.'

And then he closed his own eyes as fell into sleepless dream never to wake up again.


Percy Jackson, yes the same person who saved the world more then twice survived even though the fates keep toying with him, became more powerful than any minor god while still being a demigod.

Percy and Annabeth lived a great life, they finally went to college and though they had a few quest and Percy killing a few random gods who betrayed the gods and humanity and set for destruction, they finally cleared graduation.

Percy did pass one of the greatest trials he ever faced. He got a PhD, yes Percy who hated school got a Phd in oceanology and marine biology.

To get Athena approval for their engagement he had to get a PhD.

Even though no one believed he could do it, Poseidon even suggested to have a secret marriage in his domain he will handle the rest but Percy still persisted and got two PhDs.

And Athena finnaly gave her approval to Dr. Percy.

He became world renowned person , a person with a lot of admirers and a lot of respect.

Annabeth too was no slouch after becoming an architect she designed various buildings all over the world.

She also got the contract to design the city on an Island.

Her designs became world famous as she became a role model for many people.

They had a beautiful wedding.

A healthy boy and a beautiful girl.

They still had to go to quests, Percy even received quests to kill rogue gods, going to Tartrous and even being Artemis' bodyguard.

Tatrous which used to be horrific and deadly to him had turned into a play ground, especially after Hestia's blessing. Which gave him control on fire this giving him full control over Phlegethon.

Now he could do a feat that Poseidon could never do he could contol all five rivers ofTartrous giving him the recognition of Underworld as their ruler.

To the monsters he was now an eternal bane, no matter young old, strong or weak, they all had a single agreement. Run when you feel the aura of the sea.

The two gave hope to all demigods that they could live and have a normal life and family even after all those trials.

Percy had become a myth and a legend for all demigods.

And today the legend took his last breath, this signified the death of a legend and begining of a new one.