
People are in Dragon Ball, the strongest Son Gohan

Su Mu accidentally traveled to the Dragon Ball World Son Gohan when he was a child. And he successfully activated the pickup attribute system. [Ding, the battle attribute +100 dropped from the front. ] [Ding, the skill attribute of the King's Fist is dropped from the front. ] ...... Since then, his life has been on the hook, shocking everyone. Sun Wukong: "I didn't expect the power hidden in Gohan's body to be so powerful, and the combat power has far surpassed me." King of the Northern Realm: "This kid's talent is called a monster, and my real world boxing can be seen just once!" Vegeta: "No, it's impossible, I'm so likely to lose to the son of a lower-level warrior?" Krillin: "Bick is indeed a generation of demon kings, and he can teach such terrifying evildoers." Frieza: "What? , What? Are you... a Super Saiyan?" Sharu: "How could this be, how could Son Gohan's power be so powerful?" Kaiō Shin: "What's the situation? This power has surpassed God!"... ps: The introduction is weak, please move to the main text. ... It will be a copy and paste nothing to say about fixing since I don't know much about English I would do it in Spanish so that it reads better

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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360 Chs

Chapter 66 Picking up the blood of the legendary Super Saiyan


Broly's feet slammed hard, and the ground sank instantly.

He rushed to kill Sun Wufan.

"Come on well."

Sun Wufan did not show weakness.

A powerful flame erupted from his body.

The ground also sank in an instant, showing that the combat power of both sides is so terrifying.


The two of them all collided, and a powerful impact swept in all directions.

In an instant, a large deep hole sunk into the ground.

The two scuffled together in an instant.

Bang bang bang!

[Ding, drop 1 million combat power attributes. ]

[Combat power attribute +1 million. ]


As the two fought, Sun Wuhan's mind system kept prompting sounds.

The legendary Super Saiyan is really powerful.

Sun Gohan's current normality can be on par with the super two's future Trunks.

But now Broly can actually fight against it.

The two made hundreds of moves in an instant, hitting the ground from the ground to the sky.

There was a constant muffled sound of collision in the air.

Broly punched Son Gohan's body with one punch.

But there was no blood and injury, but the other party's body slowly disappeared.

It was just an afterimage.


Son Gohan's body suddenly appeared behind Broly.

He kicked the opponent away with one sweep.


Broly's body was blown off inside a mountain.


Broly let out a roar.

A powerful impact burst out, and the entire mountain instantly turned into nothingness.

He is in a runaway state, and now he is simply a fighting machine.


Broly is now like a mad cow, completely mad.

His hands kept condensing, grass-green energy bullets.

Facing Son Gohan, it just exploded.


Son Gohan instantly becomes Super Saiyan 1.

Facing Broly, he rushed over.

The energy bullets that he threw were kicked out by his left and right bows.

Boom boom boom!

There were explosions everywhere on the ground.

Son Gohan punched Broly in front of him.


With a sound, the fist hit the opponent's body.

[Ding, drop 1 million combat power attributes. ]

[Combat power attribute +1 million. ]


Broly's body was like a kite with a broken string.

Fly to another place.

Son Gohan appeared in front of him in a teleport and waited.


Another kick kicked Broly into the air.

"Crazy Death Ray Net."

Son Gohan uses Frieza's ultimate move.

The hands emit countless death beams, which condense them into a "net", restricting the opponent's movement (the body will be injured if they touch it).

This move is very exhausting.

But when Son Gohan is in the future time and space, with the help of the system.

He picked up the attributes of the android's infinite energy.

So now Son Gohan doesn't care about consuming energy at all.


Broly's heart-wrenching screams kept coming from the air.

He is now like a trapped beast, struggling frantically.

But as long as his body touches the net, it hurts.


Several of Broly's struggles would have hurt.

Now the body is covered with bruises all over the body.

The breath on his body skyrocketed again.

It seemed Broly's body had been suppressed for far too long by the equipment around his neck.

Now that there is no suppression of equipment, his body will once again break through the limit.

The whole planet was shaking violently.

Dark clouds loomed over the sky, and they must have been waving non-stop.

The sea water poured back, as if the end of the world had come.

Bottomless cracks on the ground.

[Ding, drop the super bloodline. ]

At this time, the sound of the system sounded in Sun Wuhan's mind.

His heart rejoiced.

Pick up all.

Sun Wufan said subconsciously.

Combat power attributes and super bloodline attributes poured into his body one after another.

The legendary Super Saiyan is quite scary.

Legendary Super Saiyans and regular Super Saiyans are completely incomparable.

In the anime, Broly turns into the legendary Super Saiyan.

With his arms folded over his chest, he stood there being beaten by Super Saiyan Monkey King and Piccolo.

But the two of them were like scraping him, and they didn't cause any harm to him at all.

In the end, Broly held one in one hand and rubbed the two against the ground.

Prince Vegeta, who has always been proud of himself, shivered with fear when he saw Broly's actions after he became the legendary Saiyan.

He gave up resistance completely and fell into despair.

It was Piccolo who scolded Vegeta and even rubbed him on the ground.

In the end, he succeeded in pulling Vegeta back from his decadence.

Broly's super form, he can hang Sun Wukong, Vegeta, Future Trunks, Sun Gohan four Super Saiyans plus a Namekian Pic.

Chuan Chao Broly completely pressed them to the ground and rubbed them.

It can be seen how terrifying the legendary Super Saiyan is.

Sun Wufan also fused the Chuan Chao bloodline that the system had just picked up.

He felt that his physique was slowly changing.

The legendary Super Saiyan that is said to be rare in a thousand years!


Sun Wufan couldn't wait to guide this power out of his body.

He gave up using the Death Beam Web against Broly.

He got up and stomped, his fists clenched.

A terrifying force poured out from Son Gohan's body.

The golden-yellow arrogance slowly transformed into a grass-green arrogance.

His hair, eyebrows, and even his eyes turned grass green.

Is this the power of the legendary Super Saiyan?

No wonder one can top three or four normal Super Saiyans.

This power is too terrifying.

He felt that he had not lost his mind because of this terrifying force.

The current Son Gohan is a transmigrator, and has not become violent and belligerent.

He turned into a superhero form as if it came naturally.

Maybe his ordinary physique can already change Super Saiyan 3.

So his physique has become very strong.

The body has been able to withstand the terrifying power brought by the super bloodline.

Sun Wuhan continued to break through to Chuanchao's second-order.

He wanted to see where his limits were.

The grass-green arrogance turned into a spray, and the breath skyrocketed several times.

Sun Gohan seems to be familiar with the road, and becomes a superhero form 2.

The grass-green arrogance turned into a spray, with a few lightning bolts hanging from it.

From time to time came the sound of lightning 'crackling'.

The power of this super 2 form is really terrifying.

This form should be normal form 3 to be able to resist.

It seems that the Super Saiyan forms of the superheroes are leapfrogging against the normal Super Saiyans.

He felt the surging power of his body.


Realm star.

The King of the Northern Realm slapped his tongue when he saw that Sun Wufan had also changed into Chuanchao's form.

Is this the true strength of Son Gohan?

This kid brings surprises every time we meet.

Where is his limit?

With Son Gohan, the entire universe is safe.

The King of the Northern Realm never imagined that such a powerful human would appear in his jurisdiction.

He nodded complacently.


on the battlefield. oh


At this time, Broly roared.

He finally transformed into Super Saiyan 2 form.

The combat power has been doubled.

The grass-green arrogance turned into a spray, and there was lightning.

The breath on his body became extremely powerful.

Broly's injuries also seem to be getting better.

He looked at Son Gohan with a grim expression.
