

Silence filled the air for a moment as the creature raised its head to the ceiling and inhaled deeply, catching a whiff of Keno's intoxicating human scent. His head snapped towards the direction of Keno. As quickly as he snapped his head in Keno's direction, the fire extinguisher slammed flush into the creature's face, causing it to stagger. Hit after hit, Keno slammed the extinguisher into the creature's head with all his force.

The creature grunted with every hit, losing its balance. As the creature shook off the wooziness, Keno leapt forward with the wooden stake firmly in his hands, swung it over his head and stabbed the creature directly into his eye, with all his might. "Die, you sick fuck!" He yelled, while he pushed the wooden stake further into the eye of the squealing, squirming creature.

The creature swung its arms frantically, slicing Keno's abdomen though his garments. Keno fell back, rolling out of the way of the creature, crouching over to bear the pain as blood leaked out of his wounds. "Fuck!" He spat, as he tried to apply pressure to the wounds to stop the bleeding.

The creature stood tall, scratching at the piece of wood lodged in his head, scrambling to remove it as the beast wobbled to regain balance. It's long claws could barely grip the stake firm enough to pull it out.

Keno pulled himself off the ground and pushed through the pain of his dripping wounds to get out of the room. Walking away and increasing his pace to a slight jog, Keno looked back to find the creature pulling itself out of the room and looking into his direction. Raising its arm towards the piece of wood lodged into its head, the beast fell face first into the ground, forcing the wooden stake completely through the back of the creature's head.

It was done. The monster who scared, harmed and killed so many people was now gone. It lay lifeless in a pool of dark blood. Keno stood there for a moment absorbing what he had just done. If nothing else, he had eliminated a cruel evil from the university. No one would be hurt by this creature again.

Keno leaned on the wall for a moment. The adrenalin of fighting for his life began to wear off and the wounds he sustained began to burn. He knew he couldn't spend much time worrying about the pain. He had to keep moving. His task was still not complete. He had to find Oshun.

Keno gathered himself and continued walking down the halls. The blood from his wounds had slowed down but the pain was intense. He began feeling lightheaded. He stopped once more for a moment to find his balance. Breathing deeply, he closed his eyes and began to pray. "Please get me through this. Help me find her. I need her. Please." He whispered.

As Keno opened his eyes, he noticed light shining from underneath one of the doors. He slowly walked towards the door carefully and quietly. He looked through the small glass window of the door but, couldn't see anyone or anything except a flickering light trail from what had to be several candles.

Keno reached for the door knob. Of course, it was locked. Someone was in this room. He had to find a way to get in. He stuffed his hand into his jeans and felt for his pocket knife. Keno grabbed the knife, pulled it out and flicked it open. He stuck it into the key hole and fiddled with it. The lock wouldn't budge. He took the knife and slid it down the side of the door and found the slot where the door latch fit into and began wiggling the knife back and forth until he found the right leverage and popped it open.

Keno slowly opened the door and stepped in. The room had several partitions in it. He first turned left, then right, then left again, walking slowly. The candle lights grew brighter, the more he walked. It seemed like a maze. He kept going. The maze had to lead somewhere.

As Keno made his way through the maze, he began hearing voices. The voices sounded like females. He followed the sounds of the voices as they became louder, until he found the source. Keno walked as quietly as he could, considering his painful condition. He moved through the partition into the direction of the voices.

The vision that plagued Keno's eyes when he turned the last corner of the partitions was enough to drive him mad. Keno saw Oshun tied up to a table with Señora Garcia humming and singing words he couldn't understand. Oshun wasn't moving or responding. Her eyes were open towards the ceiling with a blank stare.

"It is almost complete my darling. Soon you will have your life back. You will be new and free. You will not be confined to this university any longer" Señora Garcia said peacefully. Penny stepped towards Señora Garcia's side smiling. "It has been way to long." Penny replied.

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