

I lay in bed, restless. I had way too much on my mind and Rob was fast asleep. I guess I did my job tonight, I grinned. I can't believe he proposed. I almost didn't want to leave for college now but I knew I had to. I had to do this for me and my dad. How would this work though? We had never been away from each other for a lengthy period of time. I was completely satisfied with him but was he satisfied with me? All of a sudden, thoughts I never had started flooding my mind. I never wondered if he was faithful or if he would really wait for me to finish this journey. He had always been supportive in everything I wanted to do. This was different though. I mean, he did propose but what if he gets impatient. What if he gets lonely? Who knows what the future holds. This would be the true test of our relationship.

I decided to take a walk to the lake to clear my thoughts. I grabbed a blanket, wrapped it around me and head out to enjoy the serenity of the outdoors. The moonlight was bright as though you could mistaken it for daylight. At 3:00 am it was usually much darker. The air smelled so clean and the light touching the leaves and flowers made natures artwork glisten like twinkling stars. It was so quiet. There were no creatures making noises, no wind rustling through the trees. It was simply peaceful.

I made my way down to the lake and sat on the bench where Rob had proposed to me. A smile creeped up on my face at the thought of it. I was definitely not expecting a whole proposal. God, I love that man, I thought as I admired my engagement ring.

Mom is going to freak out when we tell her. She really liked Rob a lot. They had a great relationship and I couldn't be happier about it. She loved him and I being together. It reminded her of how she and my dad started out. He brought me so much happiness. Spending my life with him would be a breeze. It was like my very own little fairytale.

The lake was so inviting. I wanted to take a swim but nope, I watched the horror movies. I am not going to be "that girl". Next thing you know I end up on a milk carton because my stupid ass got tied to the bottom of the lake by some twisted, sadistic, weirdo that had been stalking me the last two years of my life. Yeah, my brain was a piece of work. I came up with the most disturbing scenarios. I watched the first 48 so that didn't help. Momma didn't raise a fool either. So, I was satisfied with admiring the beauty of the lake from the security of the bench while staying alive.

As I dismissed the disturbing thoughts from my mind to continue enjoying my previously tranquil moment, something moved in the corner of my eye. My head instantly snapped to the left to follow the movement. As I looked, the form swiftly retreated deeper into the trees. It looked like a person with dark hair and very pale skin from what I caught in that brief moment. I wasn't sure. Was it an animal or a person? It would be a very strange looking animal, I thought. I stood up and walked a little towards where I was looking at, then my better instincts told me it was time to go. I turned around and head back up the pathway to the cabin.

Walking up to the cabin felt eerie all of a sudden. I picked up the pace a little and wrapped the blanket around me tighter. The hair on the back of my neck stood up. Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me. As I hastened my steps, the sounds of steps following me got quicker as well. I looked back without stopping and a force hit me, knocking me down. It felt like someone pushed me. I looked around and no one was there.

What the hell was that! There was no wind blowing tonight so it wasn't a gust of wind. It was strong and it felt like it was a person. The image I saw earlier was too far away to get to me that fast. Or was it? I got up as fast as I could and ran back to the cabin like I was sprinting down the last lap for the championship track meet. I had enough of this. Who the hell told my ass to be walking around in nothing but a blanket at 3:00 am alone?

When I arrived almost out of breath, I locked the door and went to check on Robby. He was still sleeping, thankfully. I didn't want to ruin our perfect evening with this strange occurrence so I didn't wake him up. I tried to shake it off instead. Maybe I was still tipsy from wine and champagne. I shouldn't have had both.

Maybe I was just tired. I hadn't had much sleep lately thinking about everything that occupied my mind all at once. My dad was heavily on my mind lately since I was preparing to leave home for the first time too. My thoughts were spinning around like a merry-go-round in my head. Get it together Oshun.

I double checked the doors to confirm the were locked properly then I decided to take a hot shower. I didn't bother with getting dressed. I anticipated not needing clothes very soon at sunrise when Rob woke up anyway. I got into bed to catch the last couple hours of sleep before it was time to get up. I cuddled up with Rob who instantly pulled me closer to him. My back was pressing against his chest in my favorite cuddle position and he was rock hard. As he slipped it into me, I pushed back on him and eliminated any space between us creating a warmth that was so comforting. I got an instant high. He whispered "I love you Mrs. Hunt" as I drifted off to sleep in the comfort of his arms.

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