
Chapter 1 : Loneliness

Loud music was booming from the massive eight foot speakers stationed at the corner of the luxe penthouse, the newly placed neon lights dazzled the room with different colors and the floor littered with hordes of people drinking booze, dancing and swaying to the music.

In a select VIP section of the house, Liam Ford, also known by his stage name 'El' was leaned back on a lounge chair, puffing on a blunt, surrounded by three extra thick strippers alternatively giving him lap dances.

To Liam, this was the life. To him, he was on the top of the mountain of good living. He had a successful career, money to burn, good looks and the most expensive escorts money could buy. He couldn't wish for anything more.


Later into the night, the party shimmered down and everyone had either left or was passed out in some random room of the penthouse.

"Oh God El!"

"Yes! Oh God!"

Liam wiped the sweat from his brow and tightened his grip on the woman's waist. He groaned at the sensation of her ass hitting his pelvis repeatedly with each thrust.

"Right there!" The woman moaned.

It was typical of Liam to end each party balls deep in some overly priced escort. He wasn't one to indulge in relationships like some of his other friends, he believed all he needed from a woman was her throat, ass and twat. He had no time to play lover boy, he was too focused on making music and money. Love and all of that nonsense would just distract him.

Liam groaned loudly as he felt a warm fluid escape his shaft and filling up the warm tunnel he was buried in. That's all he needed, the release, it helped relieve all the work stress.

The man pulled out and zipped up his jeans, tapping the woman's ass indicating that her duty for the night was over.

"Alright," Liam said to the woman who was still laying on his bed. "I'll transfer you the money in the morning yeah. Door's over there."

The woman got up and smirked at Liam. "I don't get it. You're a pretty decent looking guy, why the hell do you need people like me? You could easily get any dame you want."

Liam grabbed a towel and wiped his face. "Not my thing." He responded bluntly.

Calling Liam 'decent looking' was an understatement. He was a tall well toned guy in his late twenties with jet black silky hair, a chiseled jawline and deep blue eyes.

This man was nothing short of a dreamboat, so it surprised a lot of people that he didn't have a girlfriend or at the least a lover.

The woman, now fully clothed, walked over to Liam and studied him. "Gimme a couple of days and I'll show you that it can definitely be your thing." She leaned in to kiss Liam but he moved back and slapped her hand away from him.

"Hey you know the rules." Liam spoke, getting a little agitated.

The blue eyed man had a very strange set of rules he'd put up for his select escorts to follow;

1. No kissing

2. You can't spend the night

3. When I cum you go

4. Out there you don't know me

His rules were a bit odd but he took them very seriously. One time, one of the escorts was so drunk that she passed out right after sex and couldn't leave. Liam bought a whole new apartment the same evening and left her in the old one, and on top that, she never heard from him again.

That situation prompted him to add another rule to his list:

5. Don't get shit faced

"Alright alright calm down." The woman spoke with a chuckle. She picked up her purse and slipped on her heels. "You're gonna need someone one day you know. Don't let the sex fool you, there's more to us gals than tits and ass." The woman blew Liam a kiss and exited the room.

Tch. What the hell was she talking about? Why would he ever need a woman? He had everything he needed right here.

Liam ripped off the soiled bedspread and tossed it into the laundry basket. After replacing it with a fresh one he lay on his bed and stared up at the ceiling. From the silence coming from the outside, it was evident that the party was officially over and he could have some alone time.

Usually, he enjoyed this part of the day when he'd have some peace and quiet, maybe write some lyrics, tune his guitar or have a good soak in the tub. But at this particular moment, the silence was a little bit too quiet. Liam closed his eyes as he listened to the sound of his breathing.

Had he always been breathing this loud?

He got up and walked over to his work desk and took out a notepad and pen. Maybe writing a few lyrics would help. The blue eyed man looked down at the blank pages in front of him, increasingly getting more frustrated as the seconds went by. He slammed the pen down on the table and sulked.

"What the hell!"

He got up and stripped down to his boxers and headed for the shower. He turned it on and sighed in relief as the warm water flowed down his gorgeous face to rest of his perfect body.

Maybe all he'd needed was a shower.

Liam grabbed his shampoo and gently began massaging his hair.

A few minutes later, the tall male stepped out of the shower, dried himself up and stood in front of his bathroom mirror. He wiped away the mist from the glass and stared blankly at his reflection. Liam sighed in irritation as he felt the strange feelings he'd been experiencing creep up on him once again.

What was going on with him? Everything had been just fine, why was this moment any different? Was it because of what that woman had said earlier? No. He couldn't have let some escort get to him so easily. But it was no use denying it, it was evident that for the first time in over twenty years, Liam Ford felt lonely.

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