
Chapter 1: The hound of Hades pays me a visit.

Hi. My name is Penelope .A. Parker. Now that you hear it,that name does sound familiar right?

Yeah don't sweat it. Its the name of a comic character who her and I share a lot in common. It's the name I decided to pick for myself once I managed to acquire the magic that sustains my normalcy.

But you can call me Penny,almost everyone does.

Almost everyone includes Mr Gustavo and my sister in curses,May. Turns out,when I picked a personality for myself,I decided to stick with 'the loner who has very low self esteem'.

Don't blame me,I spent nearly two thousand years underground being fed by my children,or at least I think its two thousand. It could have been more if I think about it long enough,but as a now nearly normal teenager,I don't have time to think about how long I have lived.

Reason being,I'm in math class. What was I thinking coming to school when I could have just stayed in my underground cavern where I was fed on a constant basis and had nothing to worry about? I don't know you tell me.

Anyway,my brain is an inch away from melting out of the sheer boredom when the door opens and the principal,Mr Zeignhart steps in.

Now for a two thousand year old creature who spent most of her time laying eggs and staring off into darkness,to get bored,that must say something about the math teacher. I even think she's older than me.

Anyway,back to the person who saved me from detention. Principal Zeignhart had a guy under his arm.

On first glance,all the girls,and some guys,went from bored to instantly interested in a matter of seconds. They sat up straight and gave him those gross twinkly eyes.

Me,I was a whole different story. For one thing,I think I might have managed to make myself melt into the walls. I shrunk into my sat and kept my head down,fingers interlinked praying to whatever deity out there for my survival.

"Principal Zeignhart" the math teacher said.

"Madam Gloria,may I please have a moment?" he asked.

"Of course sir".

"Thank you. Now students,say hello to Mister..."

"Charon sir,Charon Morpheus"

"Right,Mister Charon Morpheus. He has just joined our institution. I hope you will all make him feel welcome. Mrs Gloria,perhaps you could assign one of the students to show Charon around once the class is over?"

"Of course sir" the old Math teacher said.

"Mr Charon,I hope you enjoy our institution" the principal said.

"Oh I will Mr principal" he said.

With a gentle pat on the shoulder,the principal left the class,leaving 'Mr Charon' with us.

"Please,young man have a seat" Mrs Gloria said" Next to..."

"There's an empty seat next to me Mrs Gloria"

Thank the gods for narcissistic brats like Leah Anderson. She already had a boyfriend yet here she was flirting with the new kid. Usually this would disgust me to no end but today,I could not be happier.

Mrs Gloria smiled at her and motioned Charon to have a seat next to her. I didn't know who to be sorry for,Leah for not knowing who she was blowing kisses at or 'Charon' for sitting next to her.

But I didn't focus on it. Basically,I couldn't focus on anything at all with him in here. I knew he knew about me,he was aware of the different aura I radiated,how easily distinguishable it was.

That by itself was enough to make me have a loose bladder. After nearly half an hour of continuously squirming in my seat and looking everywhere except from him,the bell finally,FINALLY, rang.

I literally knocked over other students in my rush to get out of that class,reasons being,I had to get away from him and another being,did I mention I suddenly had a loose bladder? I did,didn't I?

But even as I sat on the toilet seat,I couldn't shake the dread that had settled on my consciousness.

What in fuck's name was he doing here,and why was he in my class?

Surely the supernatural world hasn't become aware of my existence,has it? No! The only person who knew about me being me was May. Everyone else either thought I faded away or don't know about me at all.

Anyway,sitting on a cold toilet wasn't going to answer my numerous dread filled questions.

I quickly finished washing my hands and dried them before adjusting my glasses. Looking at myself in the mirror,I had to admit,I looked pretty shaken. I almost laughed at myself.

I made my hair to a tight bun,took off my glasses,wiped them before putting them back on again. I did that when I was nervous,which was surprising because at moments like these,I couldn't even have them on. After taking three enormously huge breaths,I walked outside the washroom.

There was no one outside.

If you saw things the way you did,you'd assume that since it was lunch time,everyone would be at the cafeteria,right?

If you saw things the way I did,you'd notice the thick layer of dark energy shifting through the air,making reality itself bend around me. If that wasn't enough to make you hyperventilate,then seeing him in front of you would certainly do the trick.

There he was,leaning on my locker,one hand in his pocket,the other one flicking his nails which made an eagle's talons look cute.

His pitch black hair fell over his eyes,the scowl on his face sending shivers down my spine,and not in the good way.

He was dressed in boots,skinny dark jeans,a black v- neck T-shirt and a leather jacket to finish it off.

If that didn't say most ferocious creature in the underworld,I don't know what did.

For the first time in my life,I didn't know what to do. Running would be pointless,fighting would be hopeless and standing there doing nothing would be stupid.

I picked the stupid option.

For the love of me,I simply could not move. Whether it was his petrifying magic grasping my entire being or it was my appendages choosing to riot at the wrong moment I didn't know, but it was clear I was not going anywhere without knowing what exactly he was here for.

Since my limbs had gone catatonic,I decided to use the power of speech,which thank God had not decided to abandon me...yet.

"Um,aren't you supposed to be getting a tour of the school?" I asked. A huge drop of perspiration fell from my brow.

"I am" He said standing straight and walking towards me. My inner anatomy began to freeze the closer he got. His tall and imposing figure completely overshadowed me as his midnight black eyes looked down at my sweating miserable self" I asked Mrs Gloria if you could give me a tour and she said yes"

"But you don't know me" I said" why would you want me to give you a tour?"

"Well,Mrs Gloria knows we are childhood friends" he said smirking at me,making me aware of how wickedly sharp his canines were" so she had no problem with it. Do you have a problem with it,'Penny' ?"

The way he said my name,it sounded like three voices spoke as one. Three heavily deep and horrifying voices.

"No,um,what did you say your name was again?" I asked. I was shocked I could actually make complete sentences.

The smirk on his face disappeared and was replaced by a very very different expression,one that made me step back. His eyes hardened,the talons on the ends of his fingers gleaming wickedly.

"Don't,if you value your life" he said" do not play the dumb game with me...Arachne"

Hearing my name,the name that had been looked at with nothing but scorn by humanity for the last two thousand years,made me angry.

My fangs involuntarily slid down from my gums,the color of my eyes changing to a more preditorial form.

"What do you want,Cerberus?" I asked.

Next chapter