
Chapter 2

With the ceremonies finished, Naruto sat beside Hinata who had fallen asleep on his shoulder. She hadn't slept a day since the battle started and had been under extreme stress. That was a total of three days of stress and one day of pain and grief. Feeling the light from his presence, she had relaxed and fallen asleep after the ceremonies.

Hinata wasn't the only one as many people had lost consciousness after letting go of their grief. Most people that had fought had barely taken any rest before they were forced to confront the pain of loss. Naruto hadn't slept a second either as he saw the ghosts of the dead around him and Sasuke in his dreams.

He had yet to conquer the tragedy as the wound was raw and needed time to heal.

Watching the people around him trying to help each other out through the pain, Naruto felt encouraged to walk his path. Evil was not the natural disposition of humanity and it was these small steps that showed the good nature within all of them.

People just needed to learn to watch out for everything around them, not just their immediate connections. There was definitely a method and he knew it couldn't be done alone. He needed help.

'I need to first understand the problems and the solutions, before we can find a way to implement the solution.' Naruto thought as he felt Hinata's long silky hair on his face because of the wind.

Breaking through his reverie, Naruto looked deep inside of him to check on his new partner and found Kurama sleeping. The battle had taken a toll on the giant fox as Kurama had been forced to balance such a large amount of nature energy, energy worth half a planet.

It was a surprising bond since the fox had been the reason for his suffering and the death of his family. However, there was always a reason behind it and Naruto understood. He forgave and accepted that both sides had mistakes. Only through acceptance could they walk towards a positive note and with Kurama's help, Naruto found a path to success.

'Would it have been different if my bond with my parents had been stronger?' Naruto wondered whether things would have ended differently if he had actually known his parent's personally and lived with them.

It was at these times the darkness within him would show its fangs and try to drag him down. It had receded when he won against the darkness, but with Sasuke's death it had come back with a vengeance.

The shadows whispered into his soul that he could never handle it.


The Sasuke in his mind spoke with confidence that he would have taken the same path.

Love will force him to walk the path of death and destruction. The more you love, the worse it will get. If you want to live with a sane mind and succeed with your goal, kill your heart and let go of all emotions. Love will be your downfall.

Obviously it wasn't Sasuke talking to him, but it was what Naruto imagined him saying and it was the unconscious mind warning him.

"Uzumaki Naruto"

Opening his eyes, Naruto saw Hiashi Hyuga. The Clan head of the Hyuga and Hinata's father. The man had a neutral look as usual and stood with grace showing no weakness. It was the duty of the leader to always show strength, and the man completed his duty with perfection.

"Mister Hiashi, yes?" Naruto didn't move as Hinata was still sleeping and looked up at him.

Hiashi would have taken it as an offence usually, but he allowed it. He looked at Hinata before moving his gaze to Naruto.

"Thank you for supporting my child, I hope you will be a good friend to her."

His words came as a surprise since Naruto didn't think the man had a heart to care for his children. But it seems that things weren't as shown and some people never showed their emotions openly.

"I don't need thanks for helping out a friend. But, you need to show that care when she is awake. Hasn't she suffered enough already?" Naruto's voice wasn't loud but carried his anger at what he perceived as injustice.

"Things aren't simple as they seem, Mister Uzumaki. Maybe, now we can finally change. I hope you will help us when the time comes." Hiashi showed a pained expression for a second before going back to neutral.

"I will help Hinata whenever she needs me, and I will always side with justice. I will not allow any injustice to stand anymore."

"That is a difficult path, Mister Uzumaki. Have you considered the costs?"

"I will not allow sacrifices. I will end it all without any bloodshed."

Hiashi wanted to say that was naïve and impossible. But, then he remembered Naruto's power. The man sitting in front of him was an impossible existence that could end the world. With a single move, he could erase Kingdom's of the map.

The thought was horrifying indeed. It was too much power in one hand and there was no balance to be found.

"Maybe, you can achieve such a thing. But, are you ready to present a cruel image to make people fear your power? A soft show of power will not convince people. I hope you think on this topic carefully, Mister Uzumaki. The world seems to now revolve around your choices, so please take your time and choose wisely." Nonetheless, Hiashi gave his advice and left him in his thoughts.


After some time, Hinata woke up and quickly took some distance as she realized the situation.

"I am sorry. I just felt so safe and comfortable, that I fell asleep." Hinata spoke in an embarrassed tone as she wiped her mouth and fixed her hair.

Her usual shyness and nervousness was lost to the tides of war. During the war, she had grown even further and stood beside him when possible. When he lost the desire to fight because of Neji's death, it was Hinata that snapped him out of the stupor.

It seems at times, she was stronger than him. Within the fragile body existed a strong soul with large amounts of courage to even stand against death for the loved ones, not many people could do it.

"I don't mind. I am happy that I can help. If you want to talk, I am always available for you." Naruto smiled as he stood up.

"Thank you, but I don't want to disturb you. You must be very busy now." Hinata wanted him to stay, but she could never act selfish. She didn't want to impose on him and waste his time.

"I am not really busy at the moment, and I can always make clones for other things."

Hearing his answer, Hinata looked down and hesitated before answering.

"Then, will you walk with me?" With her request, Naruto and Hinata spent time together talking about Neji. They remembered his deeds and refreshed his existence in their minds by getting information from other people as well.

Hinata decided to document his existence so that no one would forget him. It led to Naruto deciding to write for Jiraiya, Minato, Kushina, Itachi, Obito and Sasuke.

He was not a good writer like his teacher, but he wished to inherit and continue the tradition. Jiraiya had been good writer even though he always wrote erotica after a row of tragedies.

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