
Chapter 1 - Awakening

Lao Bu hurriedly walk he needed more information from the man who called him kid, told commonsense told him that this man is his father, and through deductions and very cautious questioning avoiding to give his no father any hint of an extraordinary event that is happening this are what he learned. 1. His mother died some 3 years ago 2. he is the only child and his name is Chen Li , last night a brick in their roof fell directly in his head which made his father very worried 3. He's father works as a janitor in the school where he is also enrolled as a student and the most surprising information that made him almost shout in glee is that in this era schools are considered martial arts school, there is always a school to school combat competition and the student who will be crowned as the champion will be greatly supported and acknowledge by the government, meaning to say the champions life and his family will be secured in every aspect that life needs, and it doesn't stop there, countries produce their own fighters and these fighters are being used for negotiations and disputes. There are no more wars using soldiers and weapons country disputes are now settled with their top fighters. The current system in place avoided the lost of millions of life from the old fashioned wars but the drawback is disputes between countries are almost infinite hence the never ending requirement to produce top fighters is needed to secure the safety and development of any country.

Once the father and son entered the school premises, "Kid I'm going straight to my duty (and that is sweeping the school grounds) and you go straight to your classroom." .. "Ok father" Lao Bu didn't know where to go as this is his first time inn the school, He found a vacant room and went inside, Lao Bu inspected the changes in his body as while walking energy from his previous life entered his body, his body muscles became firmer, he tested his power by punching in the air and surely a loud WHIZZZZ! then a Soninc BOOM! followed. Luckily the room didnt have a glass window if it did it will be surely be turned to dust by his power. Lao Bu smiled and walked out of the room to to find his class room..

"Chen!.. where are you going? our teacher is looking for you!" Lao Bi was startled he tried to search the Chen Li's memories and found that this boy is his classmate named Koku. "Koku it's you, where are you going?" .. "Going back to our class where else?" Lao Bi walked with Koku and tried to chat Koku to gain more information. As they where chatting Koku suddenly stopped walking and grab Lao's Hand. "What's wrong Koku?".. " Don't you see Hongs group" as Koku pointed to a group of 6 students walking towards them. "Chen let's turn back and go around the hall to avoid Hong".. "Why will we do that?" before Koku could answer a slap reached Koku's face making it red a the left side.

SLAP! Haven't you guys learned the Rule? RULE No 1 whenever I Hong walks no ugly being shall be allowed to cross my path! did you guys forget that?" .. Koku fell on his knees "I'm sorry! Master Hong please forgive this forgetful mind! ..I'm stupid I admit!" .. Hong was surprised to see Chen still standing not even bothering to apologize quickly.. "Are you so scared that you have been turned into a statue?" all of Hong's group laughed.." Hong maybe already died of a heart attacked" more laughter....

"Poor guy will be pissing in his pants soon anyone wanna bet?" ..Hong raised his hands and the group stop talking.."Brat I 'll count to 3 and if youre still not on your knees you I will c..." Kaboom! .. Hong's eyes were wide open in shock, he's body curved and he's 2 feet lifted from the ground, Hing didn't even see what happened, he could swear the only thing he saw was a flicker a shadow,,, Hong's body slumped beside the still kneeling Koku... Chen smiled said " RULE my A$%$! the only RULE I know and the one you should know is the Rule of my FIST!" Chen turned to the other students who are all shocked and still wondering what happened when Chen's fist came crushing to their faces, one single blow from Chen and its like seeing stars in the middle of the night, all 6 found themselves lying on the floor , 2 lost their front tooth. all 6 were still dizzy but they heard what Chen said " From today onward the only Rule in this school will be my RULE!"

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