

Multiple short Horror Stories.

Omema_Nadeem_2006 · Book&Literature
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That terrified man I saw.

When I was eight, I had a very horror experience and it still haunts me till this day. When I was hardly enjoying my summer holidays, I felt from the start that these holidays are not going to pass okay. At one night I was enjoying a slumber party with my best friends and something bad happened. We were playing Ouija board, a game in which we talk to a spirit. We all sat down and all of us put our fingers on the planchette. We asked a question, " Hey spirit, are you here?'' The planchette moved by itself and spelled out the answer by going letter to letter. Then it stopped and the answer was, " I AM GOING TO KILL YOU''. At that moment we just thought it was just nothing and started to laugh. And all of a sudden, the power went off. We stood up to get a torch. But one of my friend who was really scared of the dark refused to go out. We got out of the room and soon founded a torch. We came inside the room and sat down to play again. But then I got a brilliant idea. I told my friends that it would be fun to play in a light of a candle. They all agreed and we found an old candle in my friends wardrobe drawer. We lit up the candle an begun. But as soon as we were about to play, one of my friend started looking at the room window with a horrible facial expression. Me, who was sitting in front of the window, got really scared. My whole body got froze and wasn't able to look behind. I breathed deeply and looked. When I looked at the window , my eyes got wide open. It was a man standing in really dirty clothes. He had a devilish face. His eyes were dark red. He was pale and started knocking continuously on the window. We freaked out and started screaming. He then smiled in a scary way and said, " I AM GOING TO KILL YOU''. And started knocking so hardly that I felt the window is about to break. We ran towards the living room screaming and crying. I looked at my mobile, and it was 1:00 am. I thought for my parents for a moment. Then I got an idea. I told my friends to hide in a safe place and to call police and one of my friend said, "Let's hide in the kitchen." We rushed through the kitchen and hide. We were all quite and suddenly heard a banging sound. That man was now knocking on the front door. I called the police immediately, but the police said that we are sorry. We are going to be half and hour late. And at that moment I thought I was about to die. But suddenly the knocking stopped. There was a pause for a moment. Fifteen minutes passed and there was no sign that if the the man is here or not. About five more minutes later, we heard someone's footsteps coming towards the front door. That person inserted the key in the keyhole and came inside. We thought for a second that man has entered and is now going to kill us. But we all were wrong and it was Stacie's dad. Stacie hugged him. We told him the whole story. We sat down in the living room and he went out with a baseball bat. About a few minutes later, the police arrived and searched the whole house. They didn't found the man but found some leftovers for example, a kitchen knife, a scarf and some few dangerous things. After a month, a news reported that same exact man. The police founded him and was said that this man killed 23 people in the past. We didn't knew who he was but this experience is stored in my mind.