
Peace offering to the cursed prince

"My dear if there has been any misunderstanding between us, I apologize but I have always wanted the best for you, that is why I seem a little difficult at times," Regina said smoothly. She knew that if Ellen continued to talk the king might find out about her pretentious behavior. Ellen was rendered speechless by the queen's action. How could she continue complaining after the Queen apologized so smoothly? "Your highness, your craftiness is worthy of recognition" Ellen mentally praise the Queen. On her dying bed, Queen Agatha made her husband king George promised to marry her best friend, Regina. She knew that the royal council will put him under pressure to marry a new wife since she was unable to give him a son. She asked this of him because she felt her Regina will love and protect her daughter since they grew up like sisters. The king fulfills his promises to his late wife and married Regina. Queen Regina treat the little princess very well until she gave birth to a prince for the king. Once she felt her position as the queen was secured, she became vicious and maltreated Ellen. Years went by and Ellen lived under the unfair treatment of her stepmother and her children. Her father no longer cared for her, it seem Regina had him wrapped around her finger. When Ellen turned fifteen, war broke out between her kingdom and the kingdom of Avalo, The war lasted for three years, before the two kingdoms made a truce. Avalo demanded a marriage alliance to seal the truce. King George knew that his kingdom will lose if the war continues, he had no choice but to agree to their demands. If it were to marry any other prince Queen Regina would have favored her daughter but considering that it was the crown prince of Avalo, who was known to be the cursed prince. Princess Ellen was a perfect peace offering. How will Princess Ellen survive in a strange land, a kingdom where her husband is feared and hated by all his parents inclusive. How does the cursed prince treat her and why was he referred to as cursed?

Juliet_Omuadona · Fantasy
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579 Chs

Looks familiar

The words in Ellen's mind got stuck in her throat, no matter how hard she tried to tell her father, she just couldn't voice it out. A lot was at stake.

The king might still insist on having Ann's head, when he learns the truth.

Forget about Ann, her main fear is Queen Regina. The woman was evil, and she was sure she would go any length to make sure the throne remained in the hands of her son William.

Not only will Richard's life be at stake, but the vicious Queen may also even get rid of her father. The scary part is the fact that the king trusted her blindly. He is holding a poisonous snake, like a priced jewel.

In the end, Ellen decided to keep the truth to herself. What is the point of becoming the crown prince, if he would lose his life before he Wills it.

Ellen shook her head gently. "Father, Richard was the one who told me about the threat his mother received. That is why I was able to clear my name. I am scared that those who are using Ann, may come after him to fulfill their threat. I was hoping you would keep him by your side, so he could be a little protected." Ellen said while looking at her father with a pleading eye.

The king would have believed all she just said if he did not notice a lot of hesitation in her face. He has been thinking about whose hair she took with her to check at the Oracle the previous day. Now things were beginning to make sense to him, but he did not like the conclusion all her actions were pointing at. She did not have to make sure Richard was under his protection unless... George left his thoughts hanging.

He was also confused, if what he is thinking is right, he wonders why Ellen chose not to tell him. Was she that scared of him? He could not understand her behavior, but he realized something, his family has not been as perfect as he assumed.

He tried to be a father to them and not a dominating and scary king, but these few days made him understand he had not really been a father to Ellen.

The twins felt very comfortable around him, they could express their thought freely and they had a close relationship but Ellen... He only just notice she treated him as the king, not as her father. He felt like he has failed to bring the balance he has always wanted in his family.

"Whatever you want, " King George answered when he noticed that she was still waiting for his answer. "Do you want to go to Avalo with Ann" he decided to ask. He made up his mind to grant all her wishes. Although that will not make up for all the bad treatment, it was the least he could do.

"No father, I do not want to separate the two," Ellen lied. The only reason she did not want Ann to come with her was that she just needed someone to take care of her father. Although as a maid one may think she would be unable to do anything against the Queen, but she could at least win the Queen's trust and learn of most of Regina's plans. This is also the reason she acted ignorant about the Queen's behavior.

The king nodded his head in understanding. He saw the sadness in his daughter's eyes. He thought she only missed not knowing her mother, so he dismissed her. He felt a particular pain since he felt guilty towards Ellen. In the three years of war, Ellen stayed in the outer camp taking care of the injured by his order.

He has always been hard on her, since she is the senior, and he felt he had to make her strong. He only realized now that he was too hard on her.

As soon as Ellen was out of sight, he decided to find out if his assumptions about Ellen's actions were correct. So he immediately told his personal attendant to fetch Richard and bring him to the study.

The king did not know what to think. He felt a little excited about the idea of having another son, but at the same time, he hoped he was wrong.

If Richard is his son that will only mean he cheated on Agatha and the thought of that hurt him.

He did not remember ever having anything to do with another woman but a memory from a many years ago began to make him doubt himself. As of that time, he was drowned in sorrow when he learned that his firstborn son had died at birth.

He drank so much the first few days, that he did not remember how he got to bed sometimes. He was young and helpless he did not even know how to comfort his wife. So he avoided her and pretend to be busy. He hoped he never had anything to do with another woman during those times, but he could not get rid of the nagging feeling that he failed his promise to his late Queen.

He wanted to know the truth but a voice at the back of his head kept telling him that some things were better unknown. But how could he ignore the truth that was already before him?

He braced himself up, 'I was trained to be fearless. As a king, I must face everything including my own darkest side" he encouraged himself.

Just then a knock was heard on the door. The king took a deep breath and composed himself. Although he felt kind of nervous facing the truth, he knew he needed to hide his emotions properly as a king.

So putting on his superior emotionless face, he asked whoever was behind the door in.

The attendant opened the door but did not step in, he allowed the young man who has been walking behind him to step in. He was the same attendant that collected the message from the oracle of Shiva. Although he did not dare open it, he could not help but get curious.

Richard stepped into the king's study completely ignorant of what was going on. He was unaware of his birth, so he could only conclude that the king called him concerning his mother.

Although he did not want to die, he did not want his mother getting punished either. He hoped the king would temper justice with mercy.

"Your majesty," Richard bowed as he got to the king's presence. King George raised his head to meet Richard's eyes. The royal family has been known for generations with their signature Grey eyes.

So when the king noticed his Grey eyes, he shifted his attention to his hair and when he noticed that the color was just like his, he felt week knees. There was something familiar about the young man standing before him. Although apart from his eyes and hair he looked nothing like King George.

He took most of Queen Agatha's features but maybe because the king never thought of the fact that the young man standing in front of him was his and Agatha's son, he only thought he looked very familiar. He concluded that perhaps Richard looked so familiar because they shared the same blood.

Though the king felt weak knee with the realization but his face remained emotionless. Richard who was looking at the king was trembling in fear.

"Ellen told me you were the one who exposed your mother's betrayal to her when you found out?" The king asked.

Richard nodded his head, although he did not do that and had no idea why the princess lied to her father to save him, he chose to play along.

King George nodded his head, he was impressed how the two were protecting each other. Of course, he believed Ellen when she said he told her about Ann's betrayal, what made him skeptical was the way Ellen was trying to get Richard protected. He was not sure if Richard already knew the truth about his birth but the king chose to act ignorant until he finds out the entire truth and makes a decision, he chooses to act ignorant.

"I will forgive your mother's sin, because of your actions. Also, from now on you would accompany your king as his armor-bearer." George stated.

"Thank you, your majesty," Richard exclaimed feeling very happy. He thanked Ellen in his heart for saving him and his mother.

"You may leave and resume your duties tomorrow," King George dismissed him.

Richard bowed his head excitedly and hurried away to bring his mother the news.

King George shook his head helplessly as he watched Richard leave but one question struck his mind.

' Why would Ellen keep this secret from me?' he asked himself.

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