
Peace Development



Peace can be defined as when there is peaceful co-exist relationship among individuals, groups and society. It is the process by which there is an agreement, harmony, justice among groups of two or more people in the society.

Peace can also be said to be when there is absence of conflict, violence in the society. It is a quiet and calm state of mind.


It is simply an event that consitute a new stage in a changing situationn. It also means growth of an individual or society.

It can also be said to be the process, act or result of growth, evolution in information or an event. Development is also an increase in the size or pace of the economy such that more products & services are produced.


Peace is an essential factor in the society at large. Elaborating more about peace development, when there is peace within & among the citizen of the society, the result of growth in all factors will seen in the society. What it means is that, citizens will only think of the way forward, growth and development of the society by coming together as one, they bring ideas that will result to progress. And to achieve peace and development, there is a need for PEACE EDUCATION in our schools just like every other subject that are been taught.

The reason for peace education in our school and society is that, when it is been introduced, there are morals and values that will be taught which will make students understand the importance of peace. Likewise, it will give them a better understanding that there should be no tolerance for violence or conflict in our society, thereby reducing discomfort in the society, for example: Domestic violence In homes, conflict between individuals and groups. Understanding peace helps the society to live in harmony and cooperation among themselves. Peace brings growth, development in so many areas of the society.


Peace education is a primary pillar

Peace education helps in preventing armed conflict and violence.

It prevent all form of harrasment and domestic violence

It teaches moral and value in the society

It promotes peace, harmony and love in the society'

Peace is essential in our society, when there is peace, development will surely come up in other areas of life. It is certain that when there is peace in a society, there will be appropriate intellectual and emotional development of the individual. Individuals will always seek for a change at every time. The society will seek for growth, progress and development of their fellow citizen and the society.

Also, peace helps development in the area of social responsibility and solidarity in the society. The presence of peace brings harmony within individual, groups and the geo-graphical environment .


We can't experience peace without knowing the steps of sustaining peace and this will take us to another sub-heading which is:


Developing a sustainable peace requires understanding the root causes of conflict and insecurity. One will have to look at what trigger or fuel the conflict and measures that can be adapted to prevent it so that there will be a sustainable peace in the society. Knowing the root causes of conflict and insecurity in the society, there will be steps to take to prevent them from happening which will lead to analysis on economic, social, political and environmental factors. When research are been made already on all the factors causing conflict and insecurity, there will be positive changes of those factors., Developing a sustainable peace come from the society. Development occur in areas like: technology, communication, etc. there will be employment, social lifes activities, inventions, culture, homes, beliefs, and values.


Peace and friendship with mankind is our policy

And I wish that we are permitted to pursue it.

Peace cannot be attained by force, it can only be achieved by understanding.

Embrace peace, emulate it, preach about it and show it from today.

Thank you.