
All Or Nothing

Sloan groaned feeling the Gods where punishing him for his earlier thoughts. "I really despise irony" muttered Sloan activating "Limit Breaker".


Death it is then!! He shouted waving his hand and conjuring multiple spears made out of shadows surrounding Sloan from all angles. "You brought this on your self." With a snap of his fingers, he sent them hurtling toward Sloan from all sides. "Bye buddy" he whispered under his breath."

Bang!!! The spears holding a lot more destructive power than one would expect from a spear made of shadows, hit their targeted area creating a massive explosion of darkness and leaving a 10-metre wide crater on the floor.

"Such a shame" he whispered walking up to check the body but finding nothing but an empty hole. Before he could comprehend his confusion Sloan appeared in front of him landing a powerful uppercut to his chin sending him flying into the air and landing on the floor a couple of meters away.

One of the most powerful effects of having "Limit Breaker" active was it pushed Sloan's ability to manipulate space to the next level, granting him the ability to move through space without having to open doors.

Sloan was ecstatic finally landing a hit after being chased to the ends of the earth was as good of a feeling as any. Unfortunately, this feeling quickly vanished as soon as the freak stood up. "Impressive, although that ability doesn't seem to belong to you just yet he said looking intensely at Sloans ring.

"Even still it's more than enough to get rid of you he said clapping his hands in a praying motion and opening a large White door right above shadows head. Dodging to the left shadow managed to narrowly dodge a taxi that Sloan had dropped above his head.

"Well this is getting interesting," he said smirking from ear to ear making his featureless face apart from his smile absolutely horrifying. "Let's test the limits of this newfound power," he said raising his hand and conjuring a massive Crow at least 5 Meters tall.

Looking at the Crow in horror Sloan readied himself for the Crows charges confident in his ability to dodge.

Contrary to his expectations the Crow didn't charge but instead split apart into multiple smaller Crow of normal size coving most of the surrounding area.

"Bastard, he must have guessed that my new ability to "Blink" has a range limit". he couldn't "Blink behind shadow without facing the crows and that was a situation he didn't want to find himself in after seeing the power the spears held.

"Not willing to make the first move, fine shouted shadow conjuring more spears and throwing them at Sloan.

Blinking out the way Sloan cursed. "Damm if I survive this I'll have to a buy a path to power more focused on offence". Against a normal person, Sloan was a killing machine but against someone like a shadow, he realized how much he was actually lacking in the offensive department.

Just as Sloan had finished moving with "Blink" a shadow spear pierced his leg dropping him to the floor. Holding his left leg in agony Sloan screamed in pain. "So close, they should nearly be here," Sloan thought to grit his teeth in agony.

"You really seem to be giving it your all to protect that gem, tell me, Sloan. Do you even know what it does?"

It was true, Sloan had no idea what the hell the gem did only that it was worth a small fortune and that the CEO had to call in a lot of favours to get his hands on it.

" If I'm telling the truth I have no idea. Care to enlighten me?" Sloan was trying to buy as much time as possible hoping for backup to arrive. Unfortunately, it was a double-edged sword, the longer he waited the longer he needed to keep "Limit Breaker" activated.

Shadow stood there wearing that terrifying grin again going from ear to ear, completely enjoying his opponent's misery. "I could tell you" laughed shadow menacingly. "But it would be way more fun for you to find out from you're bosses if you somehow manage to make it out of this mess"

Shadow conjured one more spear. And slowly walked towards Slown while spinning it. "But alas that won't happen," he said thrusting the spear straight at Sloan's face.

Sloans face slowly changed to a smirk as a white door slowly opening up in front of him while an adjacent door opened up right being shadows back. This was his second trump card after using the limit breaker. The ability to open doors without having to bring his hands together to gather his energy.

Because he used most of his strength, the shadow wasn't able to stop his attack. Shadow could only watch in horror as the spear passed into the portal and into his upper back plunging a hole straight through his body right by his shoulder.

Sloan was ecstatic he finally wounded the monster, although he wanted to relish at the moment he knew he had to get out there fast so he "Jumped" a good 10 meters back just in the nick of time.

"I"LL KILL YOU" shouted shadow. Being wounded made him finally lose his cool. Opening his arms wide and creating a dome of darkness around himself destroying everything in its a path even the reinforced concrete floor wasn't spared. The attack just narrowly missed Sloan as he "Jumped" to safety.

Using this time wisely Sloan clapped his hands together mustering up the last shred of his energy. All around Shadow multiple doors made of light opened up overhead. Out of it came any kind of vehicle in the vicinity. Around 20 cars started plummeting to the ground creating craters where ever they fell.

Shadow dodged one car only to neatly be flattened by another. Finally losing his cool at all the falling car he clapped his hands together for the first time in the fight. All the Crows made of darkness in the vicinity converged at one spot on top of shadows head before expanding and turning into a large disk consuming all the vehicles failing above.

Shadow's attention went back on Sloan looking furious. Just as he readied his hand to clap, a beam of white light About five meters in diameter landed in front of Sloan. Out of it walked out Seven men all exuding an aura of danger and killing intend, that would only be wielded by seasoned killers.

"I've made it," thought Sloan. reinforcements had finally arrived!!!

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