
Chapter 88

Quietly, a few days had passed since their confrontation.

Currently, in one of the medical halls in the outer court, Bai Jia was doing her best to eat.

"It tastes really bad," Bai Jia mumbled as she ate her first meal in a few days, alone.

In front of her, she stared at the empty seat, "Does he hate me?"

Standing up, Bai Jia sighed as she stopped eating and went to get a breath of fresh air.

*Bump* However, she bumped into a cabinet, knocking it over.

"Damn it," Bai Jia cursed. Bending down, she started cleaning up the mess. As she did, she noticed a small bag that she had stuffed into the cabinet a few months ago.

"Hmm? This was the gift from Miss Zhao?" Bai Jia muttered as she tried to remember what it was.

"What is it?" She opened the bag, finding a large scroll inside.

Bringing out the scroll, she unraveled it, laying it flat out on the ground.

It was a beautiful colored portrait of herself smiling. It was like she was looking in the mirror except the version of her in the portrait was happy. By the bottom of the portrait, there were a few words.

"Do what your heart tells you," Bai Jia quietly read while staring at the portrait before falling into a trance.

After a while, Bai Jia finished thinking as she stood up. Leaving her office, she departed from the sect and headed towards a certain inn in the city.


The following day, Qian Yu finally managed to refine all the yin qi as he entered the 8th stage of qi gathering yet he couldn't find it in himself to be happy.

"Qian Yu, sister Bai wants to see you!" a voice from outside broke the silence.

It was none other than Zhao Xieren's voice. "Hello Zhao Xieren. What did sister Bai say specifically?" Qian Yu got up and asked her.

"She says to meet her outside the entrances of the sect," Zhao Xieren replied.

"Alright, I'll go right now, I'll see you later," Qian Yu said as he walked off slowly, still wondering what Bai Jia was thinking and what to say to her.

Soon, Qian Yu arrived at the entrance of the sect as Bai Jia stood waiting for him. She wasn't wearing the robes of the Ice Arts sect and instead, had on a blue and golden silk robe with a large coiling flood dragon.

"Sister Bai…" Qian Yu said as he approached her, who was facing away from him.

In response, Bai Jia didn't say anything as she started running.

'She wants me to follow her?' Qian Yu followed her and a few minutes later, they arrived at a secluded area away from the sect.

"Qian Yu, I'll be leaving the sect," Bai Jia said quietly with her back still turned away from him.

"S-sister," Qian Yu felt his eyes turn moist as he heard her words.

"Don't be confused," Bai Jia said as she turned around and walked forward. A beautiful and radiant smile was on her face as her wavy brown hair fluttered along with the wind.

"What do you mean?" Qian Yu asked as he looked at Bai Jia who was now standing within arm's reach from him.

Bai Jia didn't say anything as she just leaned forward, placing her lips on Qian Yu's lips.

Before Qian Yu knew it, a pair of lips were tightly connected with his as Bai Jia's beautiful face was right in front of his own as her arms tightly grabbed him. As he saw her lovely eyelashes and delicate nose, Qian Yu's eyes closed and his arms soon found their rightful place holding her waist tightly in his embrace as he felt her warmth and heartbeat.

Separating their lips, Bai Jia leaned her head on Qian Yu's shoulder. "When I first met you, you reminded me of my little brother, in terms of age and looks at the time, except that he had longer hair of course," she softly giggled.

"Yet as an elder sister though… I was a failure. I had always been too focused on cultivating and neglected him. When he was killed, I realized I barely knew him. I had already become a Martial Fighter at the time but I couldn't even protect him. In the end, I left the country and ended up here," her tone turned dark.

Qian Yu winced as he silently supported her. He had never known much about her and it turns out she even had a brother.

Her hug grew tighter, "Eventually I met you, and under Miss Zhao's words, decided that I would do my best to take care of you. I thought that maybe I could… for once, be like an elder sister. So I did my best. I took care of you, cooked for you, and taught you, as if you were my own little brother. Yet in the end, it was different. The feelings I had weren't that of siblings and were something else, closer than friends."

"When you asked to leave, I was worried but another part of me, deep down, wanted to know, were those feelings real or just a result of the loneliness in me? So, I didn't stop you. It was hard at first as I grew accustomed to it in the first two months. Yet as time passed by, I became used to it, and I thought that my feelings for you were but an illusion created by loneliness," she said melancholy.

"When you came back though, a wave of emotions instantly flooded me. They weren't gone, rather hidden inside me. On the other hand, you were like the same as always. You always treated me respectfully like our relationship had been before you left. You didn't gaze at me sexually or initiate any physical contact or advances. However, that was fine. In fact, I didn't mind and instead, I was happy that you could restrain yourself and focus on cultivating so much," she continued.

"Yet when I saw you the other day, with that girl, I instantly became angry," Bai Jia had tears in her eyes.

Qian Yu patted her back as he hugged her. "Sister Bai, it's not your fault. I didn't recognize your feelings. To be honest, I also felt the same way. I've always thought that you saw me as a younger brother and was never interested in me. I've always admired you but I never thought our relationship would progress further so I was very passive. I admit I was a coward, too scared," Qian Yu criticized himself.

He stopped hugging her as he pushed her outwards so they were staring eye to eye, "I'm grateful for everything you've done for me and hope that you can continue to be there for me in the future."

"I love you," Qian Yu finished his sentence as he stepped forward and kissed her.

"Mme tooo," Bai Jia tried to speak as they kissed. By now, she had stopped tearing up.

After a while, the two stopped and separated.

Sitting down, Qian Yu pulled Bai Jia into his embrace.

"Are you still leaving?" Qian Yu asked. He had only been back for about three weeks and suddenly, he already had to say goodbye to Bai Jia.

"Of course, silly. I have already settled everything with the sect and I'll be leaving the sect early in order to head back home to clear up some things I have to do. I also miss my family and parents. It's been 2 years since I've seen them," a nostalgic look appeared on her face.

"It will take one to two months. Once I'm finished with everything though, I'll be coming back and competing with my all," she replied enthusiastically.

"A-alright then," Qian Yu said, a little saddened that she was still leaving.

"It's either I leave right now or I leave in a month and a half. I've decided that I want to go right now and I have already made up the plans to do so," Bai Jia continued.

"Ok, it's no problem then," Qian Yu didn't bother about it anymore. Bai Jia had already made up her mind. Furthermore, she missed her parents so how could he say no to that?

"Unless, you want to come with me?" Bai Jia suddenly said.

"Ah?" Qian Yu was startled. It wasn't a plan he didn't like. It was just that he had already had plans with Sun Hong here. Other than that, Zhao Xieren was here as well.

"Hahaha, I'm just kidding. Take this time and spend it with Zhao Xieren. I'm older so I can wait," Bai Jia giggled.

"What do you mean old, you're only a few years older than me!" Qian Yu said.

"Ok ok. Anyways, there's 4 of us already so no more alright? Until you've become a Martial Fighter at least," Her tone turned serious.

An embarrassed smile crept up on Qian Yu's face as he heard her say "4 of us".

"Ahem, I know. I know I'm somewhat vulnerable in that aspect. But, I'll do my best to not actively search for women. I just follow the way that the water is flowing. Hmm, the faster you come back the better you can keep the other women out," Qian Yu coughed.

"Not a bad idea," Bai Jia nodded.

"Sister, can you let me hold you for a bit more before you go," Qian Yu quietly said as he tightened his grip.

"Mmm, fine," Bai Jia relaxed herself. Closing her eyes, she leaned back and savored Qian Yu's embrace.

Hours passed as the two quietly cuddled. It was a long time but like always, Qian Yu felt that his time with Bai Jia always felt too fast.

Nonetheless, he couldn't keep her to himself forever. The sun was setting and it was getting dark, so he had to let her go.

"I'll be waiting for you!" Qian Yu shouted as he saw Bai Jia disappear from his vision.

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