
5.A long discussion and a new plan

in a world of gray, a mighty figure clad in armor of meteoric steel standing Hight in the sky with a powerful amber halo behind them.

on the ground a tiny creature standing on their hind legs half bury in the cold snow a rat kin with green eye and dirty white fur looking up at them

rat kin are known as the scavenger race unwanted and despise carry bearing sickness and diseases of all kinds in their blood an blessing the plague baron they are to be hunted on sight by many of other Races.

sadly, a powerful ally on the path of ascension have fallen from a powerful warlock of the human races that can look down on the world and would soon looking face to face with the heavens themselves.

now. an small vermin of a creature known for their tribal disputes and their cannibalism behavior and spreading diseases, sacrifice living thing of the sentient variety to their God the plague baron part of the Patheon trilogy of the fall.

mighty figure standing in the shy could only shake his head as they look at the little green eye rat kin with dirty white fur and think of what the trick fate like to play on them.

the mighty figure smile at the rat kin and said in a welcoming tone for them

"Speak my old friend."

The little green eye rat kin look upon their old patron spoke through the soul and ask

"Do you know how i die star maker"?

The look on the face star maker changes a little after hearing this and let out long sight and said in a sad tone.

"No, my old friend I was not there for your ascension in hopes not to disturb the laws you mastered but in my absence some fool took the change and attack you the damage to your soul was great that i fear that would be you last life."

"Even though I have faith in you would survive and knew we meet again so I begin to looking for you and begin to search for the fool who attacked you but found nothing friend."

hear this, the little green eye rat kin look at its patron with a face full of confusion and then nod understanding his patron had made many enemies killing them is it's the right choice to keep their power from growing and forming a Patheon of their own coming to this the little rat kin nod again.

the little green eye rat kin look up at their old patron again their eye glow as they spoke through their soul with a tone full of conviction.

"Oh, mighty patron the maker of the star my old friend I like to restart our pact be and take my place as your contractor one again and take on the path of ascension fight with you one more.

hear this from the one warlock now rat kin put a pleased expression from on their face without a word the star maker extended their hand reach out above the rat kin power gather in the center of their hand Strems of energy start to descendant from their hand and flow down to the rat kin and into the little one body.

as this power full the body the green eye rat kin full them with strength its could not help but remember the time when they first meet the star maker just like then on top of hill left by their family in that life to die

surrounded by corpses of bandit them cover in the blood of the bandit leader blood the smell of the burning skulls and all of them all looking up on what was one a bright day now turn into a starry sky full of star so bright constellation shown comets flew by through the sky that was their body and those amber eyes looked upon them with sadness so potent all they could do was cry.

not for the death around or that their family left them behind but for mighty being that stand in the sky.

the rat kin thought to themselves while feeling the power of the star maker coursing through the veins.

aww this memory my sadness and happiest moments in that life everything change for me after that I became warlock and traveled the word with my patron guidance it was a good time before the chaos started.

the power of the star maker flow through the body of the green eyes rat kin and reaching into their soul the energy of the star maker follows the Strems of soul essence that led to the core of the soul and when it touches the core a fade and damage mark on the soul start to shine once again full of life and then it happen.

//it is detected that the power of a patron made contact with the soul//

//rejoice patron star maker essence detected commission the Ark begin baptism//


//soul of chosen is damage//


//body of the chosen is unfit for baptism of the star maker essence//


//unknown essence detected star maker essence detected plague baron detected bonding agent need for baptism//

//no bonding agent detected//

//Ark is damage can not be repair the new Ark is needed please contact greater patron through ritual for insight//

//baptism failed//

and just like that the energy retracted seamlessly out of the little rat kin body.

as feeling of weakness fall on the green eye rat kin they look upon the star maker with confusing in their eye hope for they would understand what just happen.

the star maker look down at the little rat kin many emotions can be seen flow through eyes confusion fear anger and then resolve the star maker look into the eye of the rat kin with a focus gaze and spoke irritated tone.

"Ok we have some problems don't worry i have a new plan that could work."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

PrimoraialAvatarcreators' thoughts