
Beginner event

Daniel appeared in a space with a woman in front of him, while Daniel was looking around him, the woman talked. My name is Emily, I am the AI who fix most of the bugs in the game, if u encounter any bug in the game, just call my name and I will appear. Daniel listened attentively. Emily continued to talk, in these space you will choose a race. There are four major race in the game, a human, a elf, undead and a dwarf, they each have their own specialty. Daniel thought about the words that came out of Emily mouth and decided to go with the human race.

After choosing his race, Emily said, now I will send you to a beginner village, but before she could Daniel screamed WAIT! Emily asked what is it? Daniel replied I haven't chosen a class yet, Emily told him he couldn't get a class in this space, he would have to find out how in the game.

Light blinded Daniel eyes as he appeared in a space with a bunch of other people, some where Caucasians, some where Asians, some where African Americans, basically there were a bunch of different people from around the world. Daniel looked around him and noticed that they were all wearing the same thing; novice clothing with a wooden sword on the hanged on the side. Daniel called out status to look at his status window, while others were studying for the mid-terms, Daniel was studying everything related to the game.


Daniel ( can change once)

Level 0

Race: Human

Class: None

Attributes: 25 (Allocate these points to the four main stats)

Strength: 0 (same as attack power) For classes under swordmanship

Agility: 0 (same as speed and determines attack speed)

Wisdom: 0 ( same as attack power) for classes under magic

Vitality: 100 (same as health)

Rage: 20

Titles: none

Kingdom: Begginer village 2204

Skill: None

Race skill: Allies ( when there is at least one human in your party, attack power is increased 1%)

Daniel decided to allocate 20 of his free points I to strength and 5 into agility. Daniel didn't really find the race skill useful, but he knew if he could gain a class, he's gonna gain useful skills, which could really power him up a bit, as Daniel was about to start looking for information on getting a class, an announcement was shown to everyone.


[ Congratulations to everyone being here on the day these game officially launches, to celebrate these day, there is going to be a minor event to help one person in every beginner village gain a edge over everyone else, but to keep the game balance, the edge wouldn't be too drastic]


[ There is a king of wolves, who have started causing troubles for the people in each beginner village, the people are tired and hope that the new brave adventurers would help get rid of this threat]

Reward: 25 free extra attributes.

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What am I?

I go up and never come down

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