
Path Of Sword Master

Born in a world where bloodlines and talents are everything, from low level to high level. Where status determines everything, where strong reigns over the weak based on their bloodline or talent. Yet Li Jie is the only one in this world with no bloodline, why is heaven so unfair to him only, why does everyone have a bloodline except him, why must his fate be so cruel, watch how this story of a young man who had nothing but sword on his mind his love for sword, his yearning for the path of sword so great that even the immortals, the saints, and the gods will come to fear his existence. PS:- I don't own the image on my cover. If the original owner sees this message, you can contact me.

Mr_Empty · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
110 Chs


firttt ent back to his room, as soon as he returned from the forest, he first showered and wore a set of new clothes, which looked scholarly, he then asked the maid Xiao Chu if his parents had lunch yet, to which she replied that they will soon start.

Li Jie asked her to make arrangements for him too, as he will be joining his parents for lunch today.

The maid Xiao Chu nodded and took out a talisman, in which she instructed something to the person listening from the other side.

These talismans were used to talk to people at long distances, they work for almost a year, after which a new talisman for calling is bought.

Such talismans are quite expensive, but for those of the great family, it is simply a drop in the ocean.

Li Jie then went out and was going towards the dining room, where his mother, father and his younger siblings will be present.