
path of Martial arts in the tiny world(tales of demons and gods)

( on break. )A man reborn in tales of Demons and Gods, with knowledge on energy martial arts. tales of Demons and Gods and characters belong to the authors. I only used their worlds to build my own. P.S- even if I don't respond much, just know that I read every comment you leave. I welcome constructive criticism.

vishwa_dula · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs


After exploring the realm for a few days, he noticed many points that stood out. First, the society seemed to be combat centered, but still seems to have a basic academical education system present.

Secondly, spiritualists seemed to focus more on soul forming than the ones on the tiny world.

Thirdly, the world seems to only have a basic alchemical, artifact refining and array methods.

After loitering around an academic institute for days, Hong was able to find many details about the residents of this subsidiary realm.

The first settlers of this realm were a group of red soul realm spiritualists abandoned by the woodland empire after it was plagued by many beasts hoards. Apparently, as the food within the walls dwindled, the mass started to reject the poor and less talented people. And because there were no strong cultivation techniques that allowed red soul realm spiritualists to reach beyond gold rank at that time, they were amoung the first to be cut off.

And after running from demon beasts for years, they had arrived to a harsh land with a lower amount of demon beasts than the empire.

Of course for the weak, when it rains,it pours.

After arriving to the harsh land, demon beasts began attacking the first settlements. And the residing human tribe had to live under constant fear. At least they did until great scolar, Ge Huayu found a way to cultivate.

He was a visionary at that time, and he had spent most of his time observing the demon beasts of this realm to notice their difference to their counterparts in the tiny world. Demon beasts of this world had no humans as their enemies, probably hunted to extinction.

And without the presence of a common enemy, they began to hunt each other, the ones with spiritual wisdom trained one skill or ability repeatedly. Sometimes even for their lifetimes, directly bypassing the limits of the bloodlines. Steel skin, fiery claws, enhanced eyes, they focused their ability on one single aspect, honing that one ability and glimpsing at the laws that weaved the world. And this skills seemed to be more powerful than any bloodline skill they possesed.

Ge Huayu noted down how their energy flowed when they engaged in their cultivation and created a method to form the formless energy of the red soul realm into a tool shaped sub soul realm. A hand.

This was the start of tool cultivation. Every member of the human tribe began to cultivate their own soul tool. Soon many new and powerful cultivation techniques based on the original were formed, allowing people to cultivate a part of their own body as a tool.

Some cultivated their hands, some legs while some cultivated their nails or teeth, while a rare few talented people tried to cultivate their entire body.

They sucessfully hunted down demon beasts and acquired their spirits to enhance the tools. The basic tools like hands gained the power of the demon spirit after they refined it into the tool. This also allowed the people to cultivate like spiritualists do, only a bit differently. Though they couldn't posses demon beast spirits from this method like spiritualists do, it allowed them to gain the upper hand in the fight against demon beasts.

Whenever they reach a higher realm, their tools grow with the realm, directy forming connection to a law. A person who cultivates a gauntlet is likely to cultivate the law of strength in the future while a person who cultivates a leg is more likely to cultivate the law of speed.

A sophisticated system of cultivation was later layed down by the twenty third ruler after a group of people reached a power beyond legend rank in the previous kindom.

Creater_ a person who has yet to create a soul tool. And they have only a small amount of soul force in their soul realm. Though the number of creators is quite low, because many inherit soul tools from parents. But at this level, some decide to modify their soul tools if they want to.

This is the most time consuming level since, to create a soul, one ,just spend years performing one single activity while circulating their miniscule soul force.

Assembler-this is similar to the bronze rank of the tiny world because, at this stage, practitioners gather energy to fill their soul realm

Refiner_ At this level, they absorb their first demon beast soul. Which they constantly collide with their soul tool to refine them into one. To reach this level, their soul force must be at the silver rank.

Tempered level. _ After fusing the demon beast spirit, soul force is pumped into the soul realm till it becomes one with the tool effectively making it a part of the soul realm. This also gives a definite shape to the soul realm. They are equivalent to gold ranks

The boy Hong had fought against was at this level. And this level is also the final stage taught and funded by the academy. After reaching the tempered realm, students engage in one last battle royale before they part ways to their own families.

Attacher_at this level, cultivators fuse with a second demon spirit, mostly ones similar to the first demon beast spirit they used. This let's them use special abilities present in the beasts as well as the ability to transform into the beasts. This is black gold rank equivalent of this realm.

The last two were user and influencer. User being the legend rank while the ones cultivating the power of law were the influencers.

There seems to be an advantage cultivating tools, as many legend ranks had reached the law and managed to reach the influencer, heavenly destiny ranks equivalent of tiny world. But there were no spiritual gods.

The tools, connected to the souls of the cultivators can allow them to instinctively grasp the laws by acting as a medium.

They even had their own acadamy. Even though the number of people living in this realm were close to a hundred thousand, they have managed to reach supremacy in this battle realm, by completely supressing demon beasts thanks to strict but systematic education provided.

Which left Hong with a problem, how to convince them to move into glory city. And figure out the mysteries surrounding their realm.