
path of Martial arts in the tiny world(tales of demons and gods)

( on break. )A man reborn in tales of Demons and Gods, with knowledge on energy martial arts. tales of Demons and Gods and characters belong to the authors. I only used their worlds to build my own. P.S- even if I don't respond much, just know that I read every comment you leave. I welcome constructive criticism.

vishwa_dula · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs


Convincing Xiao Ning'er to go to the heavenly sacred border turned into a massive headache for Hong, since she was adamant about training her martial arts. It was only thanks to the help he recived from Ye Ziyun, was he able to convince her to go there. Thankfully her father along with other elders of her clan supported this idea, which made getting rid of the martial art obsessed woman easier.

Finally alone, Hong moved back into his tree house to perfect his pure body refining art. And after going over it for days he decided to create an art that had characteristics of all the previously mentioned techniques.

Hong began scribbling with excitement as he imagined what his technique would look like. He needed his body to evolve every time it hit a physical limit, and he needed the technique to train his body to the peak physical limit quickly without damaging the future potential. The technique should not only increase muscle strength, but also durability, flexibility ,endurance and adaptability with each evolution. It should also have the ability to assimilate special characteristics of any creature of his choosing, without giving their nature to him. Like if he were to use the bones of a iron boned rhino for the array, he wouldn't get the actual bones of the beast, but instead take the characteristic that makes the bones hard to his body. This would make sure the bones or any other body part that gets changed would always belong to him and thus remove the negative repercussion. This makes the time taken to refine and reach the peak body capabilities longer, but they were small problems.

Time passed, the sun and moon completed their cycles and day by day passed though Hong remained unaware for the most of it. His time was mostly spent on diagrams of human body, using animals as test subjects and scribbling on any surface he could find.

"YES!!!" One day in the latter half of , a joyous shout resounded from the middle of the forest. And at it's source, Hong was seen jumping up and down inside his treehouse with visible excitement. He had spent months even with his perks ,not sleeping or eating. Spent countless hours in the infirmary doing experiments on willing subjects and catching demon beasts to achive the technique in his hands.

The body of primordial spirit technique. A technique that was inspired by the creation of primordial spirits in the main world of 'I am an evil god' manhua. This technique first enhances the human body to peak ,then compress the qi till the quality of qi is similar to the innate qi in the body. Then using spiritual energy, it creates a spiritual imprint of what the practitioner wants his future body to be, in Hong's case a more perfect version of the body of unyielding bronze, and change his qi nature into the nature of the spirit. The next stage consists on assimilating materials and characteristics of demon beasts, and then changing them to the shape and nature of the body and thereby modifying the body in a genetic level.

Pulling out the technique one last time, he looked at the requirements needed to strengthen his body to the first level.

Full control and developed muscles and organs-check(a characteristic of reaching the peak of zenith level. Usually takes long, long time, but thanks to his god given talent and abundant energy in the tiny world, qi, elixirs as well as his experience, achived at the age of fourteen.)

Beyond peak level muscles -not check

Sighing he put down the scroll. Most herbs in the tiny world provided energy, which were refined into pills. What he needed was a medicine or a herb that lets a body overcome the genetic limit as well as let the soul connect with the body more perfectly.

That was a requirement that was necessary to start cultivating the technique.

"I will be going outside for a few weeks" Hong informed the patriach of the winged dragon family who was a bit suprised.

"Are you sure, I mean there are many strong beasts outside"

"I'll be fine, there's no need to worry "

Though the patriarch was unwilling , he had no say in this matter.

"Alright, is there anything you need to give to Ning'er? "

"No, just tell her to put more effort to cultivation, but not to forget practicing martial arts" Hong replied to which the patriach gave a slight nod. And after a few document exchanges, he was out.

For the next few months, he spent most his time making different combinations of medicines, which most proved poisonous to the poor test subjects called demon apes.

There was the pure yang flower that increased muscle mass and density but only to human peak. The blood mushroom that increased the efficiency of the bone marrow ,milk of the four petal carnivore plant that gave insane regeneration for a few minutes and Yin blood fruit that increased the resonance of mind and body, but they alone couldn't give what Hong needed. That was until he turned towards the demonic techniques of murim. Honestly those techniques were so scary that he almost never tried remembering them unless it was necessary. The techniques like blood cross demon art, eight hells art or white fist arts were based on slaughter of innocents children or maidens. But since there was no herb that allowed him to over come the genetic limit of human body he had no choice.

And thus after spending some time he came up with the method he had now. In the depth of the forest, on a high plateau, there were countless demon beast corpses, all belonging to beasts that had attacked Hong throughout the journey, arranged in a small mountain. On the top of the mountain, a circular slab of stone with the diameter of five meters was placed. It had many inscription patterns inscribed on it and at the center of it Hong was sitting cross legged with bundles of herbs spread around him.

The reason, any murim demonic rituals were feared were because they were capable of permanently reshaping the body to a genetic level through sacrifices. If a body has tangled meridians, a ritual could give him an immortal heaven toppling physique, if one fancies a pair of oni arms to kill people easily, just kill a few and do a ritual. It was truly a horrible faction. But there was a method that that was useful to him amount the multitude of horrifying demon arts.

The blood evolution scripture. It uses blood qi to continuously overwork , break and rebuild the body to a greater level than before. Hong added a few modifications to the technique and created the blood ,bone and flesh evolution array.

It uses the blood qi, innate energy, nutrients and minerals to continuously break and mend the body and therefore breaking through the peak limit of the human body, and thus fulfilling the secondary requirement for cultivating the body of primordial spirit without a special medical herb.

Clapping his hands together, Hong released his spiritual energy,soul force and qi, which were all absorbed by the stone slab. And as soon as all the qi and most of the soul force and spiritual energy were absorbed, the inscriptions on the circumference began to glow red. Five more inscription circles glowed red before the inscription circles around the herbs and Hong glowed in gold.

The slab of stone began floating, as did the herbs and Hong along with the hundreds of corpses of demon beasts as if gravity had gone haywire. Bloodred tentacles came out from below the slab before piercing all the corpsesnd draining them of their blood leaving lifeless husks attached to the end of the tentacles, but they were too, soon devoured by flat toothed mouths that formed on the tentacles leaving nothing below the stone slab.

On the top of the stone slab, disgusting pink colored paste emerged from the inscription patterns followed by thick and viscous liquid before mixing together into a giant red ball right above Hong. The herbs that were within the glowing circles caught fire as the last drop ascended to the horrifyingly disgusting concoction that hung above Hong's head.

Each herb burned in a different color,for a few seconds before the demon spirits that were lingering around were pulled into the fires, before they all got refined and condensed into a glowing golden syrup like liquid, which too ascended and got mixed with the concoction above.

Then the slab slowly landed on the ground, not making a sound as it touched down. And the moment it did the concoction dropped onto Hong. Hong had no time even to take a breath as the liquid began churning and whirling in great speeds shredding his flesh and bones like a sausage dropped in a blender.

This continued for hours till all evidence of the body of Hong was completely eradicated. Then like the birth of Dr Manhattan the red ,gold and pink particles came together to create a skeleton, then brain followed by nerves, organs, muscles and finally baby pink skin. Hong quickly regained his senses as his body finished assembling, but seeing a see-through crystal cocoon around him, he braced himself for the final tempering.

Sure enough, dark fleshy tendrils shot out from every corner of the cocoon before it was filled with poisonous gas, high pressure and sharp blade like dust that began swirling around. And Hong, quickly cut off most of his senses in order to not go crazy, and spent days in a hell of his own creation completely unaware of the trials his student was going through.