
Chapter 2

It was a peaceful day.

Both me and Luffy were eating our lunch at an open place close to the village.

It was fun to fight Luffy for every piece of food.

But our peaceful day ended quickly by a tremendously strong man.

"LUFFY! LANCE!" yelled the old man.

Luffy was trying to run away as I was preparing for his welcoming punch.

"FIST OF LOVE!" he yelled while punching Luffy with his right fist and me with his left fist.

"OUCH!" we screamed out of pain.

"I'm made of rubber! Why does it hurt?" Luffy exclaimed.

Gramps's FIST OF LOVE seems very special.

Luffy's head wasn't stretching like normal every punch on his face was.

"You guys, I come here back to visit and the first thing I hear is that my stupid grandsons had both eaten a devil fruit. Do you guys even realize what it means to eat a devil fruit?" he scolded us.

"But Gramps I need this power to become a Pirate King!" he said proudly.

EH! This idiot actually said it to Gramps. He said it to me after the night Shanks left but I considered it as a joke to keep me awake and play with him. He was actually serious. I am proud of him.


He looked at us fiercely.

"I have decided I will take you guys where you're going to properly train to become Marines."

"Where?" I asked him.

"Mount Corvo," he said with a scary face.

It made shiver to imagine what kind of things would be there.

He actually dragged us holding our cheeks towards the place.

I saw any sign of me using devil fruit he would punch me to the other side of the island.

At least I was silent but my idiot brother wasn't.

"As I said, Granddad, I'm going to be the Pirate King-" nagged Luffy.

"What do you mean, 'Pirate King'?! Try learning from your brother who is seriously aiming to become a strong, good and respectful marine. Luffy, you, Ace and Lance are destined to become good marines."

"L-let go of me, dammit!"

"Not only did you eat a devil fruit, but you are also stopped listening to me as well," he said while having a headache.

"Gramps, are we there yet?" I whined at him.

"Lance! How do you plan to become a strong, good respectful marine if you keep whining like that." he scolded me while pulling my cheek harder.

I feel like I'm going to hear this a lot.

"I will do my best," I said unmotivated.

"Leaving you guys in that peaceful Foosha Village was a mistake! Of all things, the Pirate King?"

"Yeah," Luffy said proudly.

"You idiot." I and Gramps exclaimed together.

"Becoming friends with that damn Red Hair Shanks is completely unacceptable!"

"I'm going to be-"

All of a sudden, a tree that Luffy was holding to get away from Gramps slammed into us.

"as strong as Shanks is!"

"Ouch!" I screamed.

Gramps let us go was swinging his arms around.

"Hey!" he yelled at Luffy.

Luffy kept quiet and was sulking the whole trip.

We arrived at a house.

As I was trying to explore my surroundings, Luffy started running away and Gramps was knocking the door all the time.

"So annoying! Who's the reckless daredevil?!" yelled the old lady.

"It's me!" Gramps exclaimed loudly.

She backed off and stared at him.

"G-Garp-san," she said politely while 2 other old men came to stare at him.

"You seem to be doing well," Garp said.

"You've got to be kidding me! Seriously, I wish you'd just leave me alone for a change! That Ace is already 10 years old, you know!" she said.

Ace. Gramps mentioned that name during our trip.

"Is he? Has it really been that long? How's he doing?" asked Gramps.

"It's nothing to laugh at! If he gets any wilder, we won't be able to control him at all! Just take him with you!" said the smallest old man.

"Anyways..." said Gramps but was interrupted midways.

"Don't change the subject like that!" said the smallest one.

"Sheesh, that kid's so distracting!"

Gramps managed to catch Luffy who was running like a wild dog and lifted both me and him.

"Take care for of these kids too. Hey Luffy, Lance come on. Say hello"

I sighed.

"Hey, I'm Lance." I greeted.

"Heya." Luffy greeted.

"Who are those kids?" asked the biggest old man.

"They are my grandsons."

They started screaming loudly.

It seems that those 3 are mountain bandits and forced to take care of Ace, Luffy and me otherwise Gramps would put them behind the bars.

After that Gramps took me alone to talk.

I gave him a questioned look.

"Lance, I will take you along next time so I can properly train you. Ace and Luffy might join you if they made their decision," he said while patting my head.

"You aren't going to force them to be marines?"

"Do I seem so heartless to you? It is right they will be safer if they were to become Marines. But I want to have them decide their future their self."

"I see," I said while giving him a big smile.

I went back to Luffy who was following the kid named Ace.

Ace was a mysterious guy.

As expected of my brother he thought the same.

Mysterious means a lot of fun.

The fun weeks passed with Luffy, Ace, and Sabo.

Sabo was a friend of Ace who was trying to become a pirate too.

Another pirate, I will feel lonely.

Sabo wasn't a normal guy.

He was a noble.

His father threatened us if he didn't return home.

Bluejam forced us to place our things in certain places.

Those things were explosives.

Gray Terminal went in flames. I got lost and didn't manage to find Luffy, Ace or Sabo.

I could stop most of the flames by freezing them.

But they were a lot of them.

The evening passed and I managed to find 2 of my brothers.

They were both staring at a big ship and a small boat.

There was some fair distance between.

On the small boat was one of my other brother Sabo.

You could see his Jolly Roger.

As both of them were fascinated by him leaving all of sudden I noticed something different.

The man on the big ship pointed a cannon towards Sabo's ship.

This time adrenaline pumped up within me and made me does a quick reaction.

My hand touched the sea water.

When he shot the cannon, I made an iceberg as it would appear like would come straight out of the bottom of the sea.

Because the iceberg emerges, Sabo flows further away from the ship.

The cannonball hit the iceberg and Sabo made his escape.

We all three waved at him goodbye.

One-week later Gramps appears and takes me along to train me finally in a full-fledged marine.

For those who don't understand Sabo became a pirate instead of a revolutionary. I'm sorry that I rushed it. I rushed because I think you all know how it goes between Ace Sabo and Luffy of the cannon or other fanfics. Reading it again and again is a bit boring as it is for me to write it. I can't wait to see my own OC as a marine. So, I will apologize again, I'm sorry for rushing it.

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