
I should have believed in God

Will ran up the stairs, "What's so important that you woke me up, dude?"

Billy, Jaydn, and Phoebe were all standing in the living room staring at the air in front of them. "Uhm, are you guys good?"

"Dude, check this shit out!" Billy saw Will and immediately cried out.

Will looked at Billy and the others weirdly, "What? You're literally staring at the air. Stop being weird yall." He walked to the kitchen 'calmly' to get some cereal. He was trying to think of what to say to them when Jessie came up.

"Nah dude, this shit is crazy. Say, Immortal!"

Will turned around and looked weirdly at Billy, "What do you mean say Immortal?"

The cereal in his hands dropped as he finished his question. A bunch of words appeared floating in front of his eyes. "Wtf!" He yelled.

[Immortal Path: Will Hart]

[Status: Fragile Mortal]

[Strength: 0.8]

[Agility: 0.7]

[Vitality: 0.8]

[Heart: 0.6]

[Cultivation: None]

[Martial Arts: None]

[Inventory: Starter Gift]

Will waved his hands through the air and felt nothing. "Am I going crazy?"

"Nah dude, We all see it."

Will looked at the others and immediately understood why they were all staring at blank air. They were staring at the invisible but real words in front of them.

"What is this?"

Billy shrugged. "We don't know, we were talking and trying to remember last night and we remember a voice saying something about becoming an Immortal and then this thing popped up."

Will quickly said, "You head a voice last night too! Did it say 'Let it be known, The first Immortal born from this World shall be my 10th and final Disciple!'"

Billy and the others looked at Will shocked, "Yeah!" They said in unison.

"What's going on?" Jessie walked up the stairs at this point. Everyone looked at her at the same time.

"Jessie, say Immortal!" Reacting fast as lightning, Will spoke.

"Huh, Immortal?" Jessie looked confused before her eyes widened and she immediately took a few steps back.

"Did you hear a voice in your head last night saying something about becoming an Immortal?" Will stroke again, sending signals to her with his eyes.

Jessie was stunned and could only nod. Will quickly looked at Billy and the others and saw that they were distracted by this news.

"Did you guys find out anything about these words?" He asked.

"Wait, what's going on?" Jessie asked, still confused.

"When you think or say the word Immortal, this screen pops up in front of you," Phoebe looked weirdly at Jessie and Will.

"Kinda like AR, Augmented Reality," Billy felt the need to input. Will and Jessie moved to the couch where the others were. Jaydn who'd been quiet the whole time spoke, "If you focus on one different thing on the screen, it gives you kind of a description. Like Status is your overall rank, it goes all the way up to Immortal. Strength is your raw power, Agility is your speed, Vitality is your life force, Heart is your mental state, these can be affected by your physical and mental conditions. A normal strong adult has at the most 1.0 point in each section. Cultivation is your technique, I don't know what that means yet. Martial Arts is your abilities, and Inventory is your storage basically."

Will opened his screen and focused on each of the sections as Jaydn listed them out. He nodded, a description of each of them appeared in his mind. It felt like it had always been there, which kinda freaked him out.

"Do you guys have a starter gift in your Inventory too?" Will asked.

They nodded. "Should we open it?"Jessie whispered.

"Too late!" Billy's eyes widened. They could all tell he opened his already.

Sighing, Jaydn said, "Might as well."

Will thought in his head 'open' and the words Starter Gift shimmered before disappearing and new words took its place.

[Immortal Path: Will Hart]

[Status: Fragile Mortal]

[Strength: 0.8]

[Agility: 0.7]

[Vitality: 0.8]

[Heart: 0.6]

[Cultivation: None]

[Martial Arts: None]

[Inventory: Rune Emperor Cultivation Technique, Rune Codex, Spirit Stone x2]

"What did you guys get?" Billy looked around. Phoebe stepped up and said, " I got a Sword Sage Cultivation Technique, a martial art called Sword dance of the Royal Saint, and 2 spirit stones."

"I got a Nine Treasure Body Cultivation Technique, a martial art called Nine Revolution Palm and 2 spirit stones," Jessie said after Phoebe.

"I got an Ancient Dragon Cultivation Technique, a martial art called Dragon Fist and 2 spirits stones," Jaydn said next.

Will felt it was his turn, " I got a Rune Emperor Cultivation Technique, I think martial art called Rune Codex and 2 spirit stones.

Billy was the only one left, "I got a War God Cultivation Technique, a martial art called Sun Ray Sword Technique and 2 spirit stones."

"This is all making sense now. If you click to learn the cultivation techniques, a whole bunch of knowledge goes in your head and if this shit is real then we can really become Immortals." Jaydn said seriously.

"Fuck. I Should have believed in God. Only he can do this. Oh Dear God, Please forgive me, I was young and stupid, I know you're real now!" Billy exaggeratedly got on his knees and started praying loudly.

Ignoring him, Will clicked to learn his technique. Waves of crazy information started appearing in his head. Heavenly energy... Condensing Runes... Mastering Elements... Magic Abilities... Rune Codex... Rune Student...

Info after info entered his head. Details of how to cultivate the technique were inscribed into him. It turns out that the Rune Emperor Cultivation Technique and the Rune Codex goes hand and hand. With the cultivation technique, he could absorb and refine heavenly energy to make himself stronger and the Rune Codex held the vast knowledge of Runes, which he would need to learn and then use heavenly energy to physically create them to cultivate and give himself magical abilities.

"Whoa, This is actually crazy!" Will said. "You can literally have unlimited power once you cultivate to the top!'

Jessie looked at Will and nodded, "And we haven't even started, It still says Fragile Mortal in the status section. The Head Section says [Immortal Path: Name] which I think means leaving the mortal realm behind and becoming an Immortal. According to that voice whoever cultivates to the Immortal Realm first gets to be his disciple and it was probably God who said it for all we know."

"But didn't God have 12 Disciples?" Jaydn put in.

"Those were stories written by people so you never know," Phoebe said. Will got excited just thinking about it, The Disciple of God.

Billy looked at them and said, " We have to cultivate first thought, the spirit stones can help us start but we still have a long way before reaching the Immortal Realm."

Will and the others nodded. From the Knowledge they got, they knew about the different cultivation realms before the Immortal Realm.

Student, Senior, Master, Grandmaster, Hero, Saint, Immortal. They had to cultivate through Six great realms before they could become an Immortal. There was no guarantee of how long that would take.

Will honestly couldn't wait to start, the thought over becoming super strong was too tempting to him.


A giant noise came from outside the house. It immediately drew all four of them back to reality. If they had all heard that voice, didn't that mean the whole world heard it too? Will went to check his phone.

"My phone's not working!" Will said.

"Mine too!"

"Mine too!"


Where're my parents?" Will immediately started to look around the house. He couldn't find them anywhere. Starting to panic, Will ran through the house. "MOM!" "DAD!"

"My parents aren't here!" Will came back to the living room.

"Dude, Nothing's working. The lights and everything are off," Billy said. Will tried calming down.

"BOOM!" They heard another sound outside. Grabbing his keys Will said, "We gotta see what happening outside!"

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