
The true devil

Months passed after the gauntlet incident and the three boys were now 14 years old. They were standing outside the mansion wearing casual clothes, but their faces were excited. This was going to be the first time they leave the island and make contact with other people.

" Haha! I'm so excited to see what new stuff and equipment is out there" Ethan talked excitedly.

" All you think about is what to add to that lab of yours" Bastian scuffed.

" Don't act as if I don't know that you've been saving money to buy metals and history books"

" So what?"

"I'll just tell father about the metals you keep hidden in your forge."

" Don't you dare!"

" hehe! guys, chill!" Tyrion said as he acted cool.


" Hey, Ethan!"


"How about we tell father about him trying to buy a tigress for his pet to breed with."

" Yeah! sure, I'll be right back!"

" Get back here you damned scientist." Tyrion cursed and chased after Ethan.

" Are you ready?" Came a voice which of course belonged to Idris.

" Yes" All three of them stopped and gathered to his side.

" Good! do you remember the rules?"

" Yes! Mind our own business! Avoid fights! trust no one! Don't answer people who ask many questions! When you see the police run! And no hookers!" They repeated systematically while Idris still tried to hold in his laughter.

" Good I won't be accompanying you! There's a ship at the edge of the island waiting for you, I know the captain. Don't create trouble for him!"

" Yes, father!" They all nodded.

" Okay! Get lost!" Idris laughed and shooed them off.

" Yeaaah!" They screamed and dashed off before he finished leaving him stunned.

" These brats." He shook his head and took out a phone.

" Alpha, 5-5-8, They are heading to your position, If anything happens to them, your head rolls!" Idris's voice changed as it sounded callous and cold.

" Roger!" The one at the other end of the phone's end had cold sweat on his back as he replied.

" The last will pay for food!" Bastian shouted. He had full confidence in his speed.

" Ah Hell No!" Ethan growled, he knew how much it would cost to feed those two animals. He rolled up his sleeves and the bracers with the chains coiled around them got loose. He launched one towards a tree and used it to pull himself forward and the other almost instantly as he exceeded it making him move like Tarzan.

" No way!" Tyrion screamed.

" Shit! Run!" Ethan and Bastian knew what was gonna happen and tried to move even faster. Soon, small boulders and trees came from the sky falling on their tracks slowing them down tremendously as they had to dodge.

" Fucking beast." Bastian lowered his head and adjusted his stance while running as he slowly got faster if one noticed he was using wind to glide and increase his speed.

Slowly a cliff came into view, Bastian was the first, Ethan second and Tyrion third.

" It seems like you're paying this time." Ethan and Bastian grinned.

" Do you see the ship?" Tyrion asked back with a smile.

" It's coming over." They replied when they saw the ship coming closer to the island.

" So it's still not decided who's first and who's last."

" You wouldn't" Bastian gasped.

Tyrion didn't answer as he dashed and jumped from the more than 100-meter high cliff. Bastian immediately followed, only Ethan had a grim bitter smile as he tried his best to set his chains back to their bracers then jump as well.

" I am so dead" A figure on the ship almost cried when it saw three figures jump from the cliff. It was the so-called alpha 5-5-8. He was a middle-aged man disguised as a sailor. He picked up the inflated rubber tube and jumped into the water.

15 minutes later, he came back, his face black as if was already dying. He got up to the ship thinking about where to run away to when he saw three teenagers arguing.

" I'm first you animal freak!" Bastian said.

" Dream on! You can't beat fish in the water"

" Why the hell do animals even listen to you! That's cheating! besides, I'm first I used my chains to get on the ship first."

"Cry more!" Tyrion liked teasing Ethan who was about to blow up.

" I believe all of you got on at the same time." The captain smiled as he approached.

" A tie then, then should we split the tab!" Tyrion suggested.

"Hell No!" The other two reacted in an instant.

" hehehe!" Tyrion laughed.

" How about you take turns paying for each meal?" Suggested the middle-aged man who looked so relieved as if he had just met his long lost son.

" I see, this works!" They answered as glints flashed across their eyes.

" How long till we reach the city?"

" Around 1 week." answered the captain.

" That's cool, we'll be in your care," said Tyrion.

" hahaha! I hope you have fun on the ship. The sea is full of wonders." The captains said as Tyrion shook his head.

" We can really have fun?" Ethan and Bastian asked.

" Of course" The captain instinctively replied but soon felt bad about it for some reason, he then looked at Tyrion who was giving him a look full of concern and pity.

" My God! What have I done! I swear I'll never let kids have fun again! Fuck! I'll go ground my children right now!" A week later, the captain's eyes were red, underneath them were black lines from lack of sleep and they were full of tears.

" Thank you for letting us enjoy, I hope we'll have the same fun when we go back!" Bastian said when he got down from the ship towards the dock.

" Nooo!" The crew almost screamed.

" The city is much more interesting than the boring sea. There a lot of stuff that can amaze you! here take this money, give it to Linda of the Rose club and she'll show you the time of your lives! Go! don't keep them waiting." The captain hurried to send them away.

" Bye! Take good care of yourselves!" The trio waved and left

" Finally!! WOUAAAH! God has saved us! Thank you!" The crew went down to their knees. The captain gripped his fist from joy and tears slid down his face as he remembered the words " have fun" and his body shivered.

" I can finally eat once again!" a crew member said.

" Eat? that's nothing compared to me who couldn't wipe his own ass! Look at my hands!" A crew member showed his balloon hands while the other took back his tongue.

" Fuck! at least you can still shit! That devil Ethan gave me that cake and I can no longer find my balls ."

" What do you mean?"

" They are no longer where they're supposed to be!" He cried.

" Where are they ?"

" in…" he couldn't answer.

" Where? just say we promise we won't laugh."

" In my buttcheeks."

The crew went silent then 4 people jumped into the water for God knows what reason. Maybe to laugh, maybe to cool themselves down or maybe they were just that scared.

" Hellooo?" a feminine voice came out but it was still somewhat rough.

" What the Fuck!" The captain cursed when he realized who it was. It was the vice captain! a man whose beard went down to his chest had cut his pants in shorts that stuck to his ass.He shaved all the hair of his legs but kept the beard. His chest had two bumps coming out of them.

" What the fuck are you doing?"

" Of course, I'm doing what you've been hinting at?"

" Who me?" The captain pointed to himself dumbstruck.

" Well of course silly! Who else? Come let's have fun" The vice-captain slid his fingers down the captain's chest.

" I quit" The captain screamed when he remembered that bizarre smile on Tyrion's face and realized who the bigger devil is. He then jumped into the water following those people from before.

" Where are you going? We've known each other for 20 years!" The vice-captain jumped as well.

" I don't know you! stay away!" The captain screamed as he ran for his life.

Enjoy ^^

ForsakenAsuracreators' thoughts
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