
Human ruins?

Tyrion looked head-on at the yellow huge hobgoblin with a smile, he clenched his fist and rushed. The yellow freak did the same except it had a club in its hand that it swung at Tyrion who not dodge even though he could but instead channelled his strength into his gauntlet

The new gauntlet was made from the iron armour of the bear's skin! They needed to heat it for 3 days before it melted. As for the crystal core in it, it was also one of a kind because it had an outer layer and inner one. Grey and yellow, grey for metal and yellow for earth.

The gauntlet glowed in grey before the impact of the collision sent the club away but the goblin who lost his balance didn't seem shocked nor afraid because when the second fist hit it belly it was parried by the now earthen armoured skin.

" I wouldn't have it any other way, or elsewhere would the fun be!" Tyrion laughed.

He positioned his shoulder, the gauntlet grew all the way to cover it and he charged. The goblin felt the threat and swung its club vertically attempting to crush Tyrion's head however the latter jumped and the collision this time caused the yellow goblin to fall on its butt.

Tyrion didn't let go of the chance and grabbed its leg, lifted it and turned the whole body in a circle like motion after which he let go causing the goblin to whoosh through the air and crash into a tree making spit some blood.

It smashed at the ground with its feet, suddenly Tyrion felt danger, but didn't know how to react because he was not seeing any attack. That was until a spike grew for underneath him aiming for his jaw.

He reacted and took a step back but it was still a bit late. The spike managed to graze his arm creating a bleeding flesh wound. Another spike attacked his back but he directly smashed it.

The yellow goblin seizing the advantage let go of its club and used both hands to smash the ground that did not split open but instead had a travelling wave of mud following Tyrion around until it expanded and imprisoned him inside a cube of Earth.

The goblin lifted its club and sprinted to the back of the cube its fat jiggling all around on the way, it then used some sort of ability for the spikes on the club to grow longer and thicker and struck at the cube that exploded.

Tyrion summoned his power while inside the cube and used what he got from his awakening and called it to outburst in which he could gather strength in his arm and let it explode upon impact. The longer the time for the charge the stronger the impact.

The goblin had no way to take its strike back, defend nor dodge so it only watched as the fragments of the cube blinded it and eventually ended up hitting the ground.

Tyrion who was already prepared attacked its ribcage, however, what is most surprising is that his fist went through his flesh and inside his body and when he felt something he grabbed it out which turned out to be a beating heart.

This heart was not like what he had ever seen before, it was like a bead pulsating in his hand abnormally smaller than what he thought it would be.

The goblin's eyes were opened wide, his body spasmed and kept shaking. He still did not die yet and was looking at Tyrion with unconcealed rage. Suddenly a chain, of course, not on fire, wrapped itself around Tyrion's waist pulling him back.

He resisted at first but when he saw it was chain he let go of all of his resistance allowing to fling him back, luckily so! The goblin knew its life was at its end chose to self destruct somehow and try to bring Tyrion down with him.

The explosion sent a wave of force out of the blast which caused some of the goblins in its scope to fly. After pulling Tyrion, Ethan once again turned his attention to the few remaining goblins who looked around and chose to run away scattering in the forest.

The weird thing was that they did not encounter the barrier the four had. Bastian dragged the two red goblin corpse each in one hand. Elora was resting because using telekinesis this much took a toll on her mind, she managed to kill more than a dozen of them making her realize that she needed to improve and control more swords.

" This world has a lot of stuff still unknown to us," Elora said.

"True! I just checked the barrier is still there, yet the goblins can leave as they like." Bastian declared.

"It's like we're trapped here for some reason, otherwise why can they leave and we can't" Ethan

" Guess the only way that's left is to explore the ruins like we planned to" Tyrion grumbled.

" What's that in your hand?" Ethan asked Tyrion

" The yellow one's heart" Replied Tyrion

" Let me see." Ethan took it and started inspecting it.

" It is much more powerful and refined, also more pure than normal crystals. It should be able to last quite long." Ethan said, after experiencing on those crystals he had some understanding about them.

They were pure energy condensed inside a shell, they were able to last forever but still able to do so for quite a while. In these three years, they only changed their crystals for their weapons once.

" Hey, I want to ask this, how much power do you think this thing holds?" Bastian questioned while pointing to the yellow bead still pulsating.

" If I'm not wrong, back at Earth this thing alone would be able to supply enough energy for a factory to run a whole year," Ethan answered.

" Holy shit! How can you even know?" Tyrion gasped

" Honestly, after awakening, I've been able to sense energy and its fluctuations all the better like I have some sort of born understanding of it"

"While I can't guess how much energy there is in a crystal, bead, core or whatever, I feel that there is energy all around us, like in the air, I'm not sure though. I only feel so when I run at max speed and I felt so once again." Bastian explained while pointing to the corpses.

" For me, I don't feel anything. What about you Elora?" Tyrion said.

" I think the energy you're talking about is what's blocking my senses." She answered.

" How so?"

" The barrier was not up before we came in but only did after we entered its range, anytime I try to send out my sensation, It bounds back just like in there" She pointed to the ruins.

Now that they took a closer look, besides the statues, The ruins seemed to be some kind of fortress, obviously well built but very damaged. It was in no way primitive but looked quite advanced. There was a gate open where the goblins came.

" There's a barrier in there as well, I guess. My senses can't delve further."

" Well then let's check it out" Ethan said while the others followed.

Surprisingly, they came across no such barrier, but the felt as if something scanned them. They turned to Elora who shrugged her shoulders. Then they continued. They were in a hallway with nothing on its walls.

They kept walking until they found an open room that was also empty yet very very smelly. The disgusting smell overwhelmed them and they knew that this was where the goblins have been shitting.

They put their fingers on their noses to stop smelling and even wanted to go back but the barrier outside was not gonna let that happen. They started scanning the room for clues but in vain.

They stayed inside for 3 hours yet still found nothing, they searched every inch of the room, even the hallway but what made get even angrier was the fact that another barrier had stopped them from leaving to the outside. It was the one Elora mentioned but she was not happy she was right.

In their rage, they attacked everywhere but to their surprise, they failed to even make a dent on any of the walls even at full power. This made them wonder what sort of power was needed to bring such stronghold with these defences to this current state.

They did not lose hope and thankfully, Elora who had been scanning with her sensation nonstop managed to notice something. Well more like the unnoticed was the answer. Around a corner in the room, there a metal lump they checked before but threw aside since it was just a lump of scrap metal.

This scrap metal was good to make weapons but they would have no way to melt it even with Ethan's fire since it didn't work on the walls. However, what made her pay attention to it was that she couldn't feel it even with it right in front of her.

Since the room was dark, her scan overlooked it and so did her eyes. But now she felt this may be the solution to their search.

"Are you sure?" Tyrian asked.

" Well is there anything else around here?" She rolled her eyes.

Bastian grabbed it and started checking it putting his hand all over it. when suddenly he felt a sting in his hand and some blood flowed inside the lump. A small side of it glowed, but it fell to the ground since Bastian let go of it.

" Your blood somehow activated it." gasped Ethan and he repeated the process and the same happened to him but he did not let go since he was ready for it.

Another small part glowed making half of it glow. He handed it to Tyrion whose skin also got stung as if it had no difference from the others and with that 3 quarters glowed. Elora took it and yet dropped the ball even though anticipating the sting.

Bastian caught it as if he knew, this was written by the smile on his face that only made her angry. Then a smooth sound came from the glowing ball that still looked ugly.

System Initializing…..

Activating fortress functions…

Failure in activation…..

Checking reserve energy source….

Energy source depleting….

Checking current status…

Emergency Protocol activated…

Please Identify yourselves…

The lump of metal floated from Bastian's palms and it turned into a beautiful glowing machine. The metal around it was if they were not wrong rust compiled over the years.

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