
Bathhouse Misunderstanding

Ling Xing sipped her tea as she had the tea boy wash her feet. The tea that she drank was Verdant Jade Tea, perfect for an afternoon drink.

Ling Xing looked no older than twenty, but she was an eighty-year-old Nascent Soul sect elder.

Putting her cup down, she stood up as she left the building and closed the door behind her.

Standing outside the tea shop, she decided to head to take a bath, because she felt very dirty. She walked to the public baths with a careful stride, eager to clean herself.

Slowly, she undressed herself, revealing her silky-smooth skin. As she entered the water, she exhaled a moan of pleasure. The moment she closed her eyes, a sudden explosion rang out and something appeared before the girl.

Startled, the girl stared in front of her as she saw a figure slowly taking the shape of an old man. She panicked and delivered a solid punch on the shadowy figure, disfiguring his small nose.

"Argh! My nose! Why did you do that?!" the old man shouted.

"Who the hell are you?" the girl shouted back at the old man.

Reeling backwards, the old man closed his eyes as he tried to stop his blood from spurting out of his nose. "I am the sect master of the Pelican Sect! I was summoned by you!"

"Me? Are you out of your mind after a single punch? And why would I summon a perverted old goat like you?"

She got a clear image of the old man, and he was fully clothed in the bathing area. She then looked at herself, still naked, and hurriedly got out of the water. Instead of retreating, she advanced, intending to silence the old man permanently, no longer caring about her current appearance

Thrusting outwards with her fist, energy spiraled around her hands, like swirling galaxies heading for the man's chest.

The old man panicked when he saw the incoming punch, and he blocked it with no effort.

"First, you summon me to this bath house, and then you show me your unsightly self, before attacking me without reserve."

"What do you mean I summoned you here?" Ling Xing calmed down and asked.

The old man repeated his words, "You summoned me here, you hussy."

Ling Xing glared at the old man, as she wrapped the steam around her, she started to prepare her "Monkey Steals Peach" attack. She leaned forward and attacked the old man's 'peaches.'

The old man teleported behind the woman and held both her hands behind her back. He grabbed some clothes out of his spatial ring and put them on the woman using his powers. The moment he let her go, she kicked him in the balls and pressed on with her attack.

Taken by surprise, the old man's face went pale with pain, no matter the cultivation level, that area, was still the weakest.

"You mad woman! What have you done? My peaches!"

The man stood up, resisting the excruciating pain, and gave her a fierce slap on the face.

"Your peaches aren't the only thing you will be missing after this!" Ling Xing screamed as she sent her fingers towards the old man's eyes, having recovered from the slap.

Being caught off guard, the man's eyes were pierced by her fingers, resulting in a horrid sight. Seeing that her attack had succeeded, she grinned as she shouted, "Whirling Dragon Punch."

Bright silver Qi swirled around her fist, like twin silver dragons, as her fist approached the old man's face.

After being bitch slapped two times in a row, he was not letting her succeed this time around.

"YOU ARE NOT QUALIFIED!" he shouted, as he stood still and took the attack directly, not budging the smallest amount.

"You're the one who isn't qualified! How dare you peek at my body!!!" she retorted.

Condensing all of her qi into a fine point, she snapped her fingers, summoning a gate behind her. Seeing that the woman was still acting aggressive, he shouted, "Fine if you don't want my gifts, then suit yourself."

The silver gate with the engravings of dragons and phoenixes materialized, swallowing her. She left the bath house through the gate, leaving the ruined bathhouse behind.

"I swear I summoned the sect leader, but I can't find him anywhere," a voice came from the male side of the bathhouse.

"Hmmm, I wonder what all the racket on the other side of the wall is coming from, noisy women," the man stated.

The man then saw the sect leader that was on the female side of the bath house. "What took you so long, Grandfather?"

The old man turned to the source of the voice as he discovered his sect's disciple and asked, "Did you summon me?"

Covering himself with a towel, the disciple stood out of the water as he stared at the old man, "Obviously I summoned you, Grandfather"

"Don't you have anything better to do than wasting my time with these stupid summons?"

"...I'm sorry, Grandfather…"

This was written by each author taking a turn to write one sentence at a time.

Authors involved:





Reaper’s Lab


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