
Past Life; New start

This is my life, My dream, and at times it just takes one step at a time. Moving to L.A. the city of angels. Finally getting to be able to live my dream of happiness, and change. seems awesome right? it will hopefully be that way. Romance, touring the world and one flaw that comes with it is chaos. Los Angeles, the city of angels. Maybe this change is a good thing? Right?

LegendsLostStories · Music & Bands
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37 Chs

ch.25: demons

So i finished and i had a good idea so the next one i sang was by twisted sister, and it was i wanna rock. And i love twisted sister. And i just felt super happy. And just me doing this once in a while reminds me of roots and where i came from. But i was super happy and i was dancing around. But i finished and a lot of people were standing and they were clapping and cheering once again. But i said thanks and this one guy came up to me and said, " you are really good. What's your name?" i replied," haley ward." he put his hand out and i shook it he said, "dee snider." i looked at him shocked and said, " are you real. It is good to meet you sir." he laughed and said, " no need to be formal call me dee." i nodded and i felt like i was living a dream.

But he said, " are you from around here?" i shook my head no, " no but i used to live in indiana then moved to la and right now i am traveling." he looked at me confused, " on tour." he smiled and said, " i take it is a off day then." i laughed and nodded, " yeah. But i think i should start heading back. It was good to meet you dee." he smiled and i put my guitar back in the case and he said, " it was good to meet you haley. And if you ever get stuck text me on twitter. And also tell andy i said hi." i smiled and nodded then i had to call lex. And this was the conversation.

Conversation: lex and haley

H: hey lex are you still at the theatre?

L: yeah why?

H: okay, get andy and give him the phone.

L: okay one moment

I then heard running footsteps.

A: hello

H: hi andy. So i have a message for you.

A: oh, hey haley what's the message?

H: dee said hi. And that was it but try not to get into trouble much too

A: okay, thanks. Do you want me to give the phone to alexis?

H: please.

L:hey what was andy laughing about

H: nothing i just had to give him a message from dee

L: okay what is the name?

H: we went to see a play he wrote.

L: what?

H: do you not remember the play a rock n roll christmas

L: no shit. How?

H: i will explain it when i get back.

L: okay and also you might want to hurry. I think violet and remington have to ask you something. Because violet looks upset and pissed.

H: okay. I am on my way back now. So don't worry. Awkward friend to the rescue. And if it is because of the cupcakes she can have mine.

L: okay see you soon.

I hung up the phone and i was fucking freezing so i called an uber to come pick me up and i knew that it would be cheaper. But it wa pretty silent and i got there in fifteen minutes so that was a plus. But i got out and i walked inside. And all i saw where andy, ash,cc, violet,sebastian,emerson,remington,violet and alexis. I whispered under my breath, "i'm fucked."

So i walked closer and said, " so am i in trouble. Because i didn't do anything....yet." i laughed at the end and i heard violet say, " haley can i talk to you for a moment." i rolled my eye and said, " plan my funeral. I will probably be a dead chick soon." i heard the others laugh and me and violet went to the grand hall area. And she said," halye show me the arms." i sighed and looked down and i took off my jacket and showed her both. I said," these were previous scars. But i won't break a promise. I promised i wouldn't. I promised her. And my family."

i looked down and i felt a tear escape. And i just wanted her back. What the fucking hell did i do to deserve this. I never did anything to them. Just i want my mom back. And i just broke down, and me thinking about my past. It kills me and makes my demons grow stronger.

I sighed and I felt this pain I haven't felt in years. And I had my demons in so many ways I just ignored them and well I forgot about them for two long and now they have broke my internal cage and are straying to build a wall from the outside in.

I got up and I knew we had to start heading over to the next venue so I told violet, " I am going to head to the car. And I will drive so you can relax." I walked away and to the car. I have been fighting them for so long me I just need to fight I need to keep a promise. And I tried to forget. But I have been put through hell and I don't know the way out. I need an escape. And nothing that will harm me. I won't do it again.