
Chapter 13 - Return(1)

'Tadaima' I chant in my mind as I walk into the academy. Everything looks the same. I have two more years here. I should at least make the most of it. Status. 


Name: [Seth]

Title: THE GLORY OF INARI (Blessing unavailable)

Level: [10] 

Experience: [39 541/50 000]

System Restore: [5/10]

Experience: [302/8000]

Ability: [Passive Collector - CON - MANA - STR - DEX - INT]

Currency: [7217]

Guild ID - 72 568 credits|

Savings - 8 962 credits

Status: [Physical: Tired/Mental: Dread]

Health Points: [297.57/316.20]

Mana Points: [62.71/156.52]

Strength: [19.41] +0.01

Dexterity: [16.28] +0.01

Constitution: [21.08] +0.01 

Intelligence: [14.36] +0.01

Wisdom: [11]

Charisma: [11]

Mana: [20.36] +0.01

SP: [30]



[Ranged Combat]







[Mana Manipulation] 

SP : [20]

Inventory: [Unlock: Level 25]





Shop: [Unlock: Level 50]


That's not bad actually, considering I only awakened... a month ago? I forget how long I left. I know it's weak compared to most level 10 Awakeners but I'm slowly getting there. A lot of the students here are below level 7 because they don't fight monsters. They earn experience through their quests mostly, not anything else like fighting monsters. Keep in mind those are the ones that awakened a year or something before me. 

I'm close to restoring the entire system, whatever that means. I know each restoration is a different stat and I know what's going to happen until level 7 but, what about after that? I only have 7 Stats. I'll have to wait and see. I also took an extra two weeks off to unlock intelligence, I'm guessing that increases thinking speed and how you comprehend things, that's what we were thought so I'll have to believe it.

There's also been a change in the level. Every hour there's a certain amount of stat points collected, I can increase that level using currency, however, there was a cap at level 10. When the system was restored to level 5, the cap increased to level 50. If my corrections are right and every time to increase the level of collection, the cap right now is 0.5. This means if I have enough currency then I can increase my stats by 0.5 every hour!! I don't have enough currency though.

Alas, I can't do anything with that knowledge at the moment. I'm broke in terms of currency. Not broke exactly but not rich enough to splurge on everything that catches my eye. I need to raid around thirty, ten-floor dungeons to be able to afford maxing out my collection ability... Yeah, that's gonna take a while.

As for my stats, they have grown, but not as much as I'd like them to. I'll need to use a few of the SP to get them all around the same area. Wisdom takes 9 points, Intelligence takes 6 points, Dexterity takes 4 points and Strength... Hmm, It's almost at 20. Ah, whatever, Strength takes 1 point. 


Strength: [20.41] +0.01

Dexterity: [20.28] +0.01

Constitution: [21.08] +0.01 

Intelligence: [20.36] +0.01

Wisdom: [20]

Charisma: [11]

Mana: [20.36] +0.01

SP: [10]


There we go, now everything will be around the same level apart from charisma. Hmm, should I add SP to charisma? What does Charisma do anyway?

[Charisma refers to the charm, persuasiveness, and leadership skills the user can control and influence in himself and others. It influences their ability to influence others, negotiate effectively, and inspire loyalty or admiration.]

Hmm, I didn't think it affected that much. I thought it was only looks. 

[You can have a charm stat of 60 and still look wrinkly. Charm helps influence the way others see you, not the way you see yourself. It does not only affect physical appearance but rather mannerisms, habits, speech, etc.]

Could you always tell me what each stat does?

[I only received the ability to speak freely once half of my power was restored]

Ah, only around a week ago then. Can you explain the uses of each stat?

[Of course.

Strength is your Physical power represented in numerical form. The higher the strength stat, the higher your damage output. This stat will affect the growth of your body, muscles, and shape. Strength will also have a small effect on your stamina and how hard you can make a girl scream in bed.

Agility or Dexterity is the speed, reflexes, and overall nimbleness of the host. It affects your ability to dodge attacks, perform precise movements, and react quickly in combat situations. The higher the agility the higher your reaction to surprise attacks. It also improves reflexes so maybe two fingers will be enough at times.

Constitution is the health, stamina, and resilience of the host. It determines your ability to withstand damage, endure physical exertion, and resist fatigue or illness. Constitution plays a huge part in the host's health, the higher this stat the greater your health bar. However, if there is a strong enough vital or critical attack then the host can still be instantly killed. It also affects how long you can last in bed.

Intelligence is mental acuity, knowledge, and problem-solving abilities. It influences their ability to learn new skills, comprehend complex concepts, and devise strategies. The higher the intelligence stat the faster the mental processes of the host will be. You will be able to think faster the higher the stat. This can be useful in combat situations and when you are manipulating someone into a one-night stand.

Wisdom is intuition, perception, and insight. It affects their ability to make wise decisions, perceive hidden truths, and understand the motivations of others. Wisdom goes hand in hand with intelligence. The higher these two stats the faster and greater the decision-making process like whether you need a condom or hit it raw and become a deadbeat dad.

Mana is a form of magical energy or power that can be harnessed to cast spells, perform magical feats, or activate magical abilities. The higher the mana stat the more mana the host will have. A higher stat means more mana to cast spells. Maybe there's sex skills??]

That's a lot to unpack. I didn't know there was so much more to these stats. You're a perv aren't you?

[Yes, people often take the effect of these stats for granted. I have two pointers for you and one question.]

Okay. Go... You completely ignored the second part didn't you?

[This is not a game. You may have a gaming-like ability but this is not a game, you only have one life and if you become careless you will lose it.]

Harsh but fair. Is there any reason you're telling me this?

[You take your life for granted. You do not treasure it. You think you are a mere tool for others to use. Isn't that the reason you still treat those who betrayed you like they deserve your understanding?]

I...I don't know what to say to that. 

[Moving on. If you plan on increasing your charm do not increase it by a large margin all at once. The effects will be too apparent for those around you to not notice. You should increase it by a max of 1 point per day.]

Does charisma make huge changes?

[It does not when used in small doses but when more than five points are added it will affect the host as well as those around them.]

Those around them?

[Do you recall the Great War when these abilities were first introduced?]

Yeah, learned about it in history class. Don't remember the reason though.

[The war was a result of infatuation.]


[Yes. A female who was a hero potential of one of the gods of beauty received their blessing. The blessing she received made it so she had the highest charisma in the world. Due to this she was worshiped as a goddess who came down from the heavens to visit the mortal realm. Her patron did not like that and cursed her along with her two sisters. They did become demi-gods as well as immortal but they were cursed by the Goddess nonetheless and have to suffer with their fate.]

Did a war really start over someone's beauty?

[Wars can be started over anything. As for my question? Why do you keep monologuing to yourself?]


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