

"What is the need of going there?" My Dad asked me. I told him that all my cousins are going there but still, he won't listen. "All right, if you don't want me to go, then do not talk to me ever again." I said with angry accent. And then all he said was "Alright" and then he left the room.

My name is Gabriel Martin, and I live near Bordeaux, located in France. Every year, in the summer holidays, me and my cousins used to go to my home town, or you can say village. My grandparents lived there and they had a huge farmhouse which we all loved. Yesterday, while surfing on my phone, I opened my whatsapp group of my cousins. We had a conversation about going to the farmhouse, this vacation. I had no intention to go there before, but last night, when I thought about the fun we had there, I could not control my excitement.

I still remember those days. When we all had a race that who will reach there first. After reaching there, we would take a bath and then gather in the main hall near the chimney. My grandparents don't have a television or anything modern. So it was quiet interesting. We played a lot of games like musical chairs, and my favourite was passing the parcel. I never lost in that game. In the night time, we all gathered near the bonfire, which was prepared by Amy and my grandfather. Amy was two months younger than me. It was so much fun. But now, my dad says that I should study rather than wasting my time on vacations. And his most spoken dialogue is "You are in junior high school." I came out of my imagination world and decided to sleep. I lay on the bed and closed my eyes. All the fun I had, is now a past. With this thought, I fell asleep.

Next morning, I woke up around 9:45 a.m. Rubbing my eyes, I went downstairs. Before I could go to the bathroom, the door opened and my dad came in. He had a large cardboard box with lots and lots of things in it. The box looked heavy. I asked him that what in the world he bought? He said with a smile "These are the things we are going to use for one month. Or you can say, our daily needs." "But DAD, I could have bought it daily." I said. " NO WAY!" He said with a little smile still on his face. "WHY?" I asked. He said, "Because you are grounded." And I was like "WHAT?" He read my expression and continued " Yes, you are grounded…. In your grandparent's house" We had a moment of silence. And then I screamed wild and jumped with my full strength and hugged him. Hearing my voice my mom also came in and smiled.

Without wasting any time, I shared the news on my whatsapp group. I packed my stuffs and was ready for a cool race with my cousins.