
Lies and Deceit

As they made love and cherished each other's presence, Lucas and Maya were unaware of the trouble brewing behind them. The minute Maya and Lucas left the office that Saturday, Melissa walked over to Maya's room wanting to know the progress of her work.

She only survived this long in the team thanks to her looks. Alex did bulk of the work and blatantly gave her credit for it. She just joined the company to escape her abusive ex but the minute she laid eyes on Lucas she was smitten.

She knew he didn't feel the same way for her as he was nothing but professional, but she couldn't get over her infatuation. She wanted the whole package, looks, brains and money. She knew he came from a rich background as Alex let it slip one day over drinks.

She has been biting the bullet waiting for her opportune moment to seduce him and make him hers. She didn't think Maya was a threat as Lucas never looked at her twice as well. She was puzzled as to where Maya disappeared. As she was walking out of Maya's room she bumped into Alex who said he saw Maya leave with Lucas.

Melissa frowned at that information as she thought they were not close. " Looks like I need to hasten my plans," she whispered to herself as she walked back. She had a sudden idea and sneaked back into Maya's office.

Maya walked into the building on Monday morning ready to start on the next phase. She was smiling to herself thinking that she would see Lucas soon. As she walked past his door, someone suddenly pulled her by the wrist into the office and shut the door behind her.

She screamed in surprise but kept quiet when she saw who it was. Lucas pulled her to him and crushed his lips on hers engulfing her in a passionate kiss. " Looks like someone is in a good mood," she smirked as she caught her breath.

" I always am when I see you," he replied cheesely. She rolled her eyes at him and asked, " Are you planning on letting me get to work or not?" " I think you should work from here today," he stated seriously. " Are you insane? Mark will fire me for being so unprofessional! I am just a temporary staff, or have u forgotten that?" she whined. He smiled at her stressed expression and kissed the frown that formed on her forehead.

" Like I said before, no one will ever question you in this office," he stated nonchalantly. " How are you so sure? You are not the boss, you're just the Tech Head," she said. " Well I may be the Tech Head but that doesn't mean I can't own the company," he said slyly.

She was stunned. He owned the company? No wonder all the pieces fit. He was rich, he had the biggest office on the floor, no one dared to talk back to him. She just naturally assumed that he was important but never realised to what extent. She was perturbed that he kept that information from her, but her anger vanished in a second when she realised the secrets she had kept from him.

" I can't be sleeping with the boss! The entire team will look down at me, they would assume I used my body to get the job!" she cried. He just laughed at her outburst. " Relax, no one would dare talk about my woman," he proclaimed. His woman? The title gave her butterflies but she was still unhappy with the situation.

" Stay with me," he pouted. She couldn't resist his charms and conceded begrudgingly. " Let me at least bring my stuff over. You are lucky you are cute," she grumbled. He had a wide smile as he sat behind his desk.

As Maya left his office, she walked right into Melissa. " Where did you run off to last Saturday Maya? I assumed you were helping me. Mark scolded me due to the unfinished work. I had to work on Sunday just to complete it," she blabbered on. Maya rolled her eyes internally. She knew she was only helping her out but she still felt bad for leaving without informing her.

" I am sorry, something came up suddenly so I had to rush out," she apologised sincerely. Even though Melissa was not as hardworking as Maya, she still liked her as a friend. " Let me take you out to make it up," Maya tried consoling Melissa.

" It better be an expensive place," Melissa demanded cheekily. " Of course," conceded Maya automatically. Melissa smiled at her and walked into her office. The minute she turned her back to Maya, the smiled dropped, replaced by an evil smirk. " You will definitely realise your place in this office," proclaimed Melissa silently.

Maya took all the required documents and walked over to Lucas' office. " Why is the wall opaque if we are just going to be working?" she asked as she placed everything on the coffee table. She gasped as a pair of hands circled her waist from behind. " All work and no play makes Lucas a dull boy," he said between his assault on her neck.

Thanks to him she had to wear turtlenecks the whole weekend, earning her weird stares from her mum and brothers. She pulled it off by claiming to have a slight fever. She wore a white blouse with a scarf wrapped around her neck to cover his handiwork.

She had not realised when he removed it and had full access to her neck and collar. He was about to unbutton her shirt when she grabbed his hands. " Not in the office," she said as she stared into his eyes. He was unhappy but he was powerless against her wishes. He pouted and plonked himself on the sofa. She chuckled at his childish behaviour.

How can the Ceo of a multi million dollar company behave like a spoilt brat. She shook her head and sat down on the same sofa. She started her work without paying attention to the sulking baby next to her.

He was unhappy with the fact that she was not bothered by him and that she refused his advances. He needed to make her more susceptible to him, he thought. He smiled as he came up with a plan.

He walked over to his desk and picked up the documents he was to review. He walked back to the sofa and sat down. Without warning he grabbed her by the waist and caged her on his lap. She squealed at the sudden change in her seating. She tried getting off but his grip just tightened.

" The more you squirm the thinner my patience becomes," he warned her seductively. She heeded the warning and sat on his lap quietly while he smirked at his success. After every page he read, he would kiss her. The feather kisses were driving her to the brink of insanity. She wanted more but her ego stopped her. She rejected his advances first so if she conceded it would make her look weak.

She kept her raging hormones in check as she struggled to maintain her composure. Lucas could see her walls crumbling but was annoyed at her persistence. She was such a stubborn woman. He wanted her so badly but he wanted her to give in and feel the same way. He knew she felt the same way for him but she was always putting up walls and hiding her feelings.

His kisses became more rampant and as she was about to give in, someone knocked on the door. The noise startled Maya out of the stupor and she scrambled off his lap and started tiding up her clothes.

Lucas was furious with the interruption when he was so close to getting her to come around. He stormed towards the door and pulled it open with a thunderous expression. " What?!" he growled. Mark was taken aback by his temper. He knew he was not to be disturbed but the problem was too serious to be silent.

He was about to say something when he saw Maya in the office as well. Shock was apparent on his face, but the elderly man schooled his features immediately. " We need to talk right now," he said gravely. The look on Mark's face told Lucas something was up.

He nodded and followed him out wordlessly. Maya wondered what the issue was but she ignored it and when back to her work. Lucas was out for an hour or so, that gave Maya plenty of time to finish her conference with their French associates and also send out the draft to Alex.

She was about to treat herself to a coffee break when Lucas walked in. He had such a grave expression that she felt something was really wrong. She was about to ask him when he spoke up. " Why would you do this?" he questioned her. She was speechless for a moment, unsure what he meant.

" What do you mean?" she asked tentatively. She could see that he was fuming for some reason. " What would you give out our company's design?" he accused her a bit too harshly. Company's design? When did she give anyone that? " I did not…"Before she could explain he just shoved a bunch of papers into her hands. " This is the email that was sent from your account to Isotech, our rival company!" " There is also proof of your friend Ray buying shares in that company yesterday," he spat out at her.

It took her awhile to go through the documents and see the accusation in his eyes. He was angry but she could also see sadness and regret in his eyes. " I would never do such a thing," she vehemently denied. " My b…. Ray invests in tonnes of companies and that has nothing to do with me," she further explained. He heard the stumble of words she used to address Ray by.

His anger spiked as he thought that Ray was really her boyfriend and that she joined this company to be a mole and leak insider information. He loved her but his company was his brain child and he could not watch someone destroy it, not even her.

" I think you would have been smarter to not use your company email to leak this information!" he fired at her. She looked back at the documents trying to figure out how her email was used in this issue. She then went over to her office grabbed her laptop and walked back. Lucas stalked around the office with an unhinged appearance.

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