
new student pt.2 - - - - -

"hey did you see Taehyung playing with some girls?" you asked F/N while sliding in to the chair which was attach to the table.

"hm?yeah yeah i saw" she said while looking around,prentending to not look at Taehyung dirrectly.

"Mmph,who cares,once a playboy,always a playboy. Can't help them change though" she said casually.

"yeah,you're right .."you answered.

Not soon enough,the bell rings and it's time to go for history class.

you went in with F/N and sit on the left last corner.

The class have started and there was a knock on the door.

"come in" the teacher replied.

A not so tall human figured came in.

He was majestic.

He has silky pink hair,plump lips and those ocean eyes.

He was at the verge of perfect.

i was amazed by his appearence.

"students,this is our new classmate,Park Jimin.He will be temporary in this class for the whole year so i hope you get along with him" the teacher annouced and told him to sit infront of you.

I was still in the dreamland until F/N hits me.

"Yah!stop dreaming."she whisper shout at me and i snapped it out and focus on the lesson.

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