
Paris Grimm | Vampire Prophecy

Author: JaySkylar
Completed · 170.1K Views
  • 77 Chs
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  • NO.200+

This is no ordinary love story. In a world where responsibility matters more than love, two vampires, who are destined soul mates, must battle their parents to gain the right to love openly. One comes from a long bloodline of Dracula descendants and will be the next Dracula on the throne, which means that he will be the KING of all vampire kind. Another comes from a line of royal French blood mixed with a demonic bloodline that threatens his reign if discovered he's half-blooded. Paris Grimm, a brother missing his other half, meets his mate one night in a music room in Transylvania and finds that his love is forbidden, but he can't get Richardo Dracula out of his head, the dark prince who doesn't respect the laws made years ago for order. To be able to be with the one he loves, he has to challenge everything and win or else he'll be torn apart from the love of his life and be cast out of vampire society for all eternity. This kind of love only comes once every few thousand years. Who wouldn't fight for it even if everyone thought it was wrong to not marry who your parents arranged for and definitely sinful to marry a male or feed from another pureblood? This is a BL Fantasy Romance.

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Chapter 1Prologue

Doors open to a well-lit castle. It's nighttime and just a few years before the new dawn of religion- Christianity. Destination: London. It's the reign of vampires moving about the castle. There's a woman screaming off in the distance.... She's giving birth to twins. Inside her room is a pre-teenage boy working hard to deliver her children.... His name is Laurence. His white hair is curled around his boyish featured face and half pulled back in a red bow- a bow that matched his vampire red eyes. There was another doctor observing Laurence, his eyes watching well to make sure nothing went wrong in the process. There were two other men in the room. One was pacing the floor fast, the father, while another stood in a corner. Shadows were wrapping around his body- a distant relative.

"Get them out," the father insisted. He was worried his children weren't going to make it- or the other way around... he would lose his wife.

"I'm going as fast as I can, Alexandre." Laurence's voice was like silk. His eyes gleamed a caring look. His fingers ran over the first child's body as he was birthed. He wrapped him up in his arms and brought him over to the waiting doctor, handing him over. "It's a boy," he announced. "Just like I told you he would be." He went back to help the younger twin. The father rushed to the other doctor's side to look over his first-born child.

"Paris," Alexandre said in joy. He lifted the son into his own hands and looked him over. "You're so healthy," he said in joy. He handed him back to the doctor to let him clean his son up before he rushed to the mother's side and took her hand. "We have a son," he told her, "Paris." She gave a tired smile and tightened her grip. Determined, she worked to get her last child born while Alexandre ran his fingers across her damp forehead. Both parents were white haired like Laurence- their eyes beautiful and different in every way. Alexandre let go of his wife's hand and walked out into the hall where royals and noble purebloods were waiting patiently.

"A Garçon!" (Translate: A boy) He announced to everyone. "I have a son!" He said as a smile crossed his face. Cheers went out across the crowd as well as wine glasses being brought to their lips. He went back in to be with his wife in the last minutes of labor. After suffering labor, the mother gave birth to her last twin- another son. Laurence's hands wrapped around his body and helped him out into a new world, but this twin was different though... two horns on his head and broken wings- the dark feathered wings of a demon. He let out a cry, but Laurence shushed him- quieting him quickly. He turned towards the father, not letting the mother see him and took him straight to Alexandre.

"Your son is different," he told him. "They'll notice."

"Different?" The mother asked softly. Her voice broke from how tired she was.

"Your second born," Laurence said towards her. "They'll know if you give him to them."

"You can't," the ancient family member said from the corner he hid in. "You can't give that one away. It'll ruin your reputation of being purebloods. You might even lose your throne. I won't let you anyways. He's the chosen one I'll follow." Alexandre's eyes widened slightly as he picked up his second born from the arms of Laurence.

"That makes a difference," he said softly. "He's a runt... but we'll raise him to be a fine King of France. We'll switch the two. They'll never know." He brought his second child towards the doctor. "Cut these excess body parts off him and get him cleaned up," he instructed the doc. The doctor nodded as he traded the infants out, giving the clean child to the father. A silk purple blanket was wrapped around the boy. He brought him over to the mother and let her see him.

"Say goodbye," he told her. She looked her child over and gave him a loving look before starting to cry.

"Au revoir, Louis," her silk voice sung out to her child before looking away as sorrow grew in her eyes. No mother should ever have to suffer giving away their child... but in this case... she had to. Alexandre left the room- taking the child to another room where the royal vampires of Wales waited. He laid the child out on a table next to some documents- a signed treaty.

"This is my second born son, as promised," he told the king.

"What's his name?" The king asked.

"Louis. It was Angeline's pick." Angeline was the mother's name and wife to Alexandre.

"We'll keep his name... so one day if you were to cross paths... you'll know." He snatched the child off the table and gave it to the mother. "We're off now." The Wales King snatched the papers off the table of the important contract and left... with his Queen.

In the room (where the mother of the twins was resting), the doctor finished what he was asked of. He rubbed some home remedies onto the infants' wounds to prevent its body from growing the excess body parts back while Laurence watched over the doctor to make sure the child's body would be safe. When the doctor finished, he took the infant to the mother and let her hold him. The tiny body was wrapped in a silk purple blanket... much like the other twin. The mother looked over her child with love and gave his cheek a small kiss. "Hello, Paris. My perfect little boy..." She trailed off. Laurence's eyes brightened a small bit before leaving the room. He walked out to his guests, a party of vampires who were all celebrating Alexandre and Angeline's first born. He threw his hands up and had the lights dim as shadows formed near them. The room grew quiet as he grabbed their attention. "I'm pleased to announce Angeline and Alexandre had a son!" He yelled, listening to their joy. "They're naming him Paris." He gave a huge smile as he stole a glass of wine from a butler's tray and held it up. "To Paris! May he have a long life." He downed the glass of wine, watching as others followed his movement.

A king separated himself from the crowd and walked forward, setting his empty glass on a butler's tray then smirked. "The little prince is finally born then?" He purred out. "I'm here to formally welcome him into the world if the mother and child are not too worn out." He was the king of all vampires- a Dracula. He glanced behind Laurence towards the room then looked at him. "What do you say? Think it would be alright?" His wife Marry walked up behind him, carrying a squirming toddler in her arms over her pregnant belly. She groaned and shifted her son's weight, whispering in his ear. He growled and exposed his fangs then and grew red faced.

"I want it now!" He whined.

"No, Richardo. You have to wait till we get home, and the nanny can play it for you," she shushed him again, watching as he squirmed. His father looked back then.

"Here, let me see him. I don't want you holding him when he's like that. He could hurt you or the baby," he said then took Richardo from him and lightly bopped him on the nose to get him to quiet down, watching as Richardo looked at his nose in shock. The king laughed then and smirked before he held Richardo close and rubbed his back to sooth him. "Stop misbehaving or I'll ground you," he whispered in his ear then looked back at Laurence before he stepped past him, not waiting on an answer and went straight into the room. "I hope you are well enough to receive a few visitors," he purred, looking towards Angeline and Alexandre. "I'm here to welcome your newborn son into the world of vampires formally as the King of all vampires." He shifted Richardo then set him down, watching as Richardo started to stumble towards Marry who walked in. She smiled softly at him then grabbed his little hand, leading him over to Angeline's bedside.

"Richardo~ This is Lady Angeline. She just had a son," she explained then picked him up gently so he could see better. "That's Paris," she whispered, showing Richardo the young boy in Angeline's arms. "He's a prince, just like you."

"He's small," Richardo said and looked Paris over. "Why's he so small, mommy?"

"He was just born~ He's only been alive for a few minutes," she told him and laughed. He widened his eyes then.

"Was he dead?" He asked quickly in shock.

"No, no, no, he was not dead Richardo. He was just... well.... See my stomach, Richardo? Your baby brother is in there, and he is just like how Paris was only minutes ago," she told him.

"You swallowed my baby brother?!" He asked then looked up at her with wide eyes.

"No~ You'll understand one day," she purred to him, earning a frown from her little boy. He exposed his fangs then before he looked at the baby then reached for him.

"I wanna hold him~" He said then managed to squirm out of her arms and get on the bed. He stole Paris from Angeline's arms before she could react then jumped off the bed, giggling as he ran off with the baby, struggling to hold him up.

"Be very careful," Laurence warned as he stepped into the room. He gave a huge smile as he watched Richardo and Paris.

"You look like you know something," Alexandre told Laurence and frowned.

"Only that in the future they'll both be my dearest friends," Laurence said. His voice spoke the truth. Laurence was a type of vampire with a gift. He knew it all. Everything in the universe, multiple universes, different dimensions, and especially of Paris and Richardo's fate.

"That's so wonderful," Angeline said in joy. She gave a huge smile towards her dear friends- the Dracula family. "Maybe you'll have a daughter Paris can marry," she suggested. Marry laughed then.

"Maybe. If my baby turns out to be truly a girl," she told her then sat down in the chair by the bed, holding Angeline's hand. "I'm hoping for another boy~ However, if I have a girl, we can see about wedding arrangements. Your family is a fine one, Angeline~ I would happily join our two kingdoms if Dracula is okay with it." King Dracula looked over at the two of them and frowned.

"Isn't it a little early to be talking about that already? You haven't even given birth to your child, Marry," he said then started after Richardo, going to take Paris away from him. Richardo wined and held him closer before he fell back on his butt and started to cry, holding Paris tightly to him.

"Nooo! You can't take Parie!" He whined and exposed his fangs. Dracula tsked then.

"Don't show me your fangs. That's rude," he hissed, reaching down to take Paris back. "Let him go. He needs to be with his mother-"

"NO!" Richardo started to get red faced before he started bawling then, trying to hide Paris from his father's hands. "Don't take him! You can't take him! MOMMY!" Marry frowned and got up then, walking over.

"Richardo," she purred soothingly. "Come on sweetie, let him go. It's okay~ When your sibling is born, you can hold it all you want and care for it. Don't you want to listen to your piano when you get home? I'll tell the nanny that she can't play for you tonight if you don't let Paris go. You shouldn't be holding him like that. You can't do that, Richardo." She leaned down and started to rub Richardo's back as he sniffled and clutched Paris closer to him.

"Nuh-uh, I don't wanna!" He cried out. "I don't wanna! I don't wanna!"

"No piano tonight then," she purred to him. He cried out then and looked towards her.

"But mommy-"

"No buts sweetheart. Give him to your father, now," she told him sternly. He looked down at the baby Paris and sniffled, looking him over. "We will soon have our own baby for you to hold," she purred to him.

"Awe, Richardo... You can keep Paris just a bit longer." Angeline told him as she eyed the two over. "After all, you'll be wonderful friends." Alexandre frowned a little as he watched his son closely before walking over to Richardo.

"Let me see my son," his voice broke out through the air in a stern way. It would be hard for anyone to disobey him. He had a gift of compulsion. Richardo looked up at Alexandre as a dazed look entered his eyes, and his grip loosened on Paris. King Dracula frowned a little at Alexandre but didn't say anything before he took Paris out of Richardo's arms and handed him back to Alexandre.

"I apologize for my son taking him without asking. Your boy must be tired and exhausted from the process," Dracula said and then looked down at Richardo, picking him up and rubbed his back. "Richardo, apologize to him." He slowly started to blink before he looked towards Paris then up at Alexandre before he growled slightly.

"No!" He said stubbornly, earning a growl from his father.

"Richardo, I will punish you if you don't. You made King Alexandre upset, and you know better than to take babies." Richardo exposed his fangs and growled defiantly before he quickly got silent at his father's glare. Marry shifted, watching the two before she took Richardo from his father then kissed the top of Richardo's head.

"Sweetie, you can play with your sibling when it's born, but please apologize to Alexandre," she whispered in his ear. Richardo frowned then looked at Alexandre before his fangs unsharpened, and he watched him before he started to grumble and turned in his mother's arms to hug her neck.

"I'm sowwie," he mumbled, looking towards the baby Paris then pouted. "Mommy, how come I can't play with him?"

"He's too young sweetie, and he's not our baby. That's their baby," she told him and laughed softly. Dracula walked up then looked down at Paris before he looked up at Alexandre.

"He's a bit small, but he'll grow into a fine king," he told Alexandre then purred at him. "Congratulations, Alexandre, on your first-born son. He'll join the ranks of kings before too long."

"Of course, he will." Alexandre looked over Paris before placing him in a nearby crib. "We should let them get some sleep." Alexandre made sure to tuck Paris in to keep him warm before doing the same to his wife. "Let's go celebrate- Laurence you have a party to host as well." He reminded Laurence. Laurence nodded in pure joy as he watched the crib before walking up to Richardo and scooped him into his arms.

"Richardo, would you like to learn chess from me?" He asked as he carried him out of the room. Alexandre waited for Dracula and Marry to leave the room before stepping out with them and closed the door. He made sure it was well locked and had two guards stand in front of it. No way would he take chances while his wife is at her weakest as well as his son. Richardo giggled and wrapped his arms around Laurence's neck before he curled up to him.

"Uh huh~ What's chessssss?" He asked innocently then purred before he leaned in towards Laurence's neck as his fangs started to sharpen. Dracula purred and grabbed Marry's hand, not noticing his son's fangs before he kissed his wife's hand.

"Come dance with me," he whispered to her. "We'll let Laurence babysit Richardo. You deserve a break from him, and we can trust Laurence. He can see the future enough to stop Richardo from misbehaving too much." Marry looked towards Laurence with a small frown but nodded before the couple left Laurence's sights, leaving little Richardo with him as he went to bite him with his small fangs. Alexandre went with Dracula and his wife to the life of the party. Laurence tsked and held Richardo arm's length out.

"Richard, you better not bite me until we're out of the view of others..." Laurence made sure to keep his voice low so only Richardo could hear him. "Chess is a game." He explained and took Richardo into a study to keep him from misbehaving in front of everyone. He planned to stay with Richardo until he fell asleep... then he would join his guests. He didn't have to play host just yet. Richardo looked around the study as they went in then whined, looking behind Laurence at the door then up at Laurence before he huffed and then got down, running over to a couch then pounced on it. He climbed onto it then looked up at Laurence with a purr before he started to play with his fangs, giggling as he touched them.

"I wanna play a game~" He said sweetly, looking up at Laurence. He purred and watched Laurence before he grinned. "Can we play tag?" He asked and gave a playful growl as he showed Laurence his fangs.

"No, we're playing chess. I'm going to teach you the game. You're going to love it," Laurence told him before walking up to a small table with a chess board out with the pieces in place. He sat down on the white side and pointed for Richardo to sit on the black side. "You'll play with the darker pieces." Richardo slowly got up and looked the pieces over with interest before he sat down and looked the board over. He touched the queen piece before he giggled.

"This is chess?" He asked then looked up at Laurence. "What do these do? Do they move in these squares?" He asked and pointed to one of the squares on the board. He smiled hugely then before he playfully knocked Laurence's queen off the board with his own queen and giggled.

"That's not how you play chess," Laurence chuckled out. He placed the two queens back in their correct positions. He picked up a pawn on his side to show to Richardo and began to explain the game. When Richardo picked it up, the two began their chess match. Laurence won- only because he was cheating by using his gift of knowledge. He used it to his advantage to take down Richardo. "That's how you play chess." Laurence gave a smirk. One day Richardo would understand that Laurence cheated to get what he wanted by using his special gift. Richardo frowned and looked at the board then up at Laurence before he got up and started to crawl across the board to him.

"No fair! I want to win," he whined and then crawled into Laurence's lap. "We have to play again. I want to win!" He leaned in and bit down into Laurence's neck and clung to him as he drank Laurence's blood greedily, breaking one of the ancient vampire laws of biting other vampires. Laurence smiled as he let the small vampire feast off of his blood.

"Things aren't always fair unless you make them fair," Laurence whispered. "If you don't like something... change it." Richardo loosened up on his bite then pulled back, looking at him in wonder.

"Change it?" He whispered then grinned at him. "So I can change the rules and win, right?" He asked then looked towards the board before he leaned over and grabbed his queen then knocked Laurence's king off with a giggle. "I win~! I win! I win!" He laughed happily then. Laurence laughed before rubbing Richardo's back.

"You should take a nap," Laurence suggested to Richardo. He was wanting to get him to sleep now. He started to rock Richardo in his arms, shushing him to sleep. He needed to show his face soon at his party... after all he is the host. He can't keep them waiting forever. The little vampire started to settle down and yawned as the rocking motion started to tire him. He looked up at Laurence, his fangs slightly sharpened before his eyes started to slowly close. They finally drifted shut before Richardo was sleeping soundly in Laurence's arms, a small smile on his face as he dreamed of his piano back at his castle and the nanny that would play it for him- sometimes showing him little songs on it.

After Laurence rejoined the party, Dracula walked up to him with Marry and purred. "Is he asleep?" He asked him then smirked. "He didn't give you too much trouble, did he?"

"Our little angel wouldn't give Laurence trouble," Marry said quickly and frowned at him.

"Oh, he's no angel. That's a little devil," Dracula muttered. "You spoil him too much."

"I do not. He just... misbehaves sometimes," she muttered then elbowed Dracula before she looked at Laurence and smiled. "Your guests have been waiting for you, Laurence. They'll be happy to see that you've joined the evening ball once again."

"Laurence, you will be there at our child's birth, yes?" Dracula asked quickly, remembering that his own child would be due soon. "It would help with your medical training."

"Oh-" Laurence looked them over. "I won't be able to. I'll be needed somewhere else. I'm sure you can find my teacher fit for it." He gave a huge smile, but deep down he was making an excuse to not deliver the child. He was playing favorites and their second born was going to be useless when he's of age. "My apologies in early advance," he bowed respectfully towards them. "Your eldest son didn't give me any trouble. I think he finds me... like someone to look up to." Dracula frowned a bit as he studied Laurence.

"Someone to look up to?" He asked. Marry smiled then.

"That's good. I'm pleased he didn't give you trouble, Laurence." She took his hand then and started to pull him to the crowd of vampires, patting his hand. "Come along. Your guests await, Laurence."

As the ball went on in honor of the little prince, the two whose paths were destined to cross later in life slumbered. The stars twinkled in the skies as fate carried the rightful heir to the French throne far away from what should've been his, separating the two halves from each other as little Paris with his destiny so bright like the stars above lay in his crib, unknowing of what waited for him further down his path while Richardo, the future King of all vampires slept in the study, dreaming of pianos and music whilst the world waited for future days and nights to come....

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Table of Contents
Volume 1 :Dear Paris, may you live merry
Volume 2 :Dear Louis, may you find contentment
Volume 3 :Dear Hachi, may you be absolved
Volume 4 :Dear Richard, may you live consecrated
Volume 5 :Dear Laurence, may you find harmony