
Damn It

I suddenly jolt once more into the middle of a forest. It smells of fresh air and the weather is cloudy. But I don't feel cold despite it being cold and everything feels different? I look at my hands...


That god must love screwing people over. I'm not a blank pariah I'm a necron pariah.

Necron pariahs are normal pariahs or blanks that experienced biotransference retaining there null sphere but became more metal than man. I appear to be almost completely biostransfered accept for my heart which is still made of flesh. But other than that I'm completely mechanical. I'm not panicking because of my neural matrix (replacement of brain). But most importantly I actually have necron tech in my head. I could go full cryptek if I wanted to and make super powerful non-magical weapons in this world.

There are very few powerful weapons in the world of Fablehaven/Dragonwatch such as Vasilis. But a major point for a lot of powerful magic here is that there are rules and conditions for magic for example, a magical prison must have a way for it to be opened otherwise the magic would unravel. My impossibly advanced sciences don't follow those rules it's just science I could create a true permanent Zzyzx with the knowledge I have.

I look more necron necron than necron pariah which I'm glad for because necrons just look better than necron pariahs. And the DNA of my heart is very distantly related to the Sorensons. But I push all those thoughts aside and focus on my surroundings. I start walking forward in search for civilization, because I have no idea what time period I'm in. In hindsight I should have asked but my brain simply was not capable of such rational thought at such a quick time for deciding wishes compared to my now superior neural matrix.

And so I walked for hours and hours which turned to days, but it did not go farther as I soon saw a village in the distance. But something else caught my eye, a dragon. This means that I'm currently at least a few millennia before the books take place. I start running in the direction of the village it appears to be a human settlement with medieval level technology the few magical beings near me or my path move instinctually out of my way due to my unnerving presence and I start running towards the village.


"AAAAUUUUHHHH" a blood curdling cry of pure agony is being screamed right at my face as I meet the first person I've ever seen in this world and he kills himself by banging his head on the ground. I'm lucky to not have entered the village yet because if I didn't realize the extremity of my null sphere I most certainly would have caused a mass suicide of the village population. I stand still for a moment as I reduce my null sphere to a low level that would only make others uncomfortable. I then utilize the dormant Canoptek Scarabs in my body to dispose of the body.

As I reach the village I am met by the guards at the entrance who hold their spears at me

"What is the purpose of your visit" They say in unison. One is a woman who appears to be fairly old with some wrinkles and the other is a man who appears equally aged and a little thinner. I automatically analyze and understand the language.

"I'm here for shelter for a few days and then I'll leave" I honestly reply. The two look at me nervously, no doubt my metal visage is not armor and I'm not human but rather a "magical" being. And my naturally unnerving presence also affects them. I'm sure they are feeling some form of anxiety according to my calculations. But that's nothing some politeness can't deal with.

"You can stay, but not for long" the woman says. And before I walk past them I ask, "I'm looking for some work to do you have suggestions?"