
paranormals(immortal creatures)

prologue In histories told about creation it was Said in the beginning God created heaven and Earth and everything thing in the world including plants humans animals and more but never were we told about those creatures that lurks in the dark the creature's that makes you crawl into your bed ,those creatures that makes you cry for your mama those creatures that we view as non-existent although stories about them were told to us we still believes they are fictions, but what if they're not find out in this thrilling story Hi guys am Josephine Ray Alexa (jra) aka noble T am a new author as well as a student I Will like you All to cooperate with me give suggestions and what u think no hard feeling I won't mind correction thanks if you want to ask personal questions just inbox here or on my Facebook account @Alexa Josephine(Josephine Ray Alexa) thanks

Josephinerayalexa · Fantasy
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6 Chs

keep calm

''Are u okay" he asked staring at her and she nodded smiling, ''you look new around here"Bellezzia said smiling, ''yeah i am so would you mind showing me around' he said winking at her and for the first time ever she blushed '' not at all, in fact I would love to" she said happily graping his hand, which shocked him all his whole life he had never seen a girl as brave as she is and that makes him very interested in her .

''so where are you living before and when did you move here?" she asked with a bright smile on her face, ''few weeks ago"he replied ''really, wow" Bellezzia said as they both sat down on a bench, in the campus garden, ''which department are you from ?" Bellezzia asked 'am into meds" he said smiling ''wow, am also studing meds as well, I ve never come across you at any of the classes am sure"she said ''yeah I do take the back seat"he said and she nodded, ''sorry if you don't mind I have a class to attend"he said standing up ''we can go to class together you know" ,Bellezzia said smiling charmingly at him,''okey if you say so"he said shrugging his shoulder, ''wait your name?"she asked ''Ethan Ashford" he said and she nodded ''by the way am Bellezzia Baldwin nice to meet you"she said smiling and he nodded with a smug smile, ''same here, nice to meet you Bellezzia, see you around"he said staring at her, ''yeah hmm bye" Bellezzia said and watch him walk away from her,''he look so damn freaking hot and handsome, he is the most handsome of the guys she knew'' she thought smiling, as she made her to class only to bump into another guy ''hey there babe, don't think of him , u knw doesn't seem like ur wat you like " Kelvin said smirking, 'think of what" Bellezzia blink innocently, she stare at Kelvin, Kelvin is one of the most handsome guy she is chanced to be be on bed with , he is in a colourful jacket, with a white inner,and a strip jean with different pattern and colours, his nose and his ear were Pierce, he look more like a gang star than a student,he looks cute and very hand some as per what she heared Kelvin father Is one of the school founder, so he also had a say in the sch.

''naughty little witch" he said blocking Bellezzia from passing and she tried to get away from him ,''i av got a class to attend Kelvin fuck boy driller so pls outta my way am getting late" Bellezzia said hands akimbo staring at him straight in the eyes, ''like you care about the class" , he said scoffing , ''what does me not having intrest in class have to do with you, are you my father or my uncle, so get outta My way'' she said angrily. ''i need you belle, the first isnt enough, I want more of you Bellezzia " he said so in such a low and seductive voice that Bellezzia could feel it, is he trying to seduce her ,bellezzia smirked happily ''so what's the big idea" bellezzia asked, ''i want you at mines tonight all alone" he whispered into her ear softly and she moans, '' fuck you Kelvin" she whispered back breathlessly,'' you should have said something like fuck you deeper Kelvin" he said mis cheviously and she hiss in pleasure as his lips make contact with her nape "after class tonight, do we have a deal?," he asked "a deal it is" she said smiling and he smiles back moving away from her, "stay sexy for me baby" he said winking at her and she smiles walking towards her class.


At a old villa in the middle of somewhere, in a luxurious old looking living room are two people a lady and a guy,. the lady had long curly brown hair and Crystal clear blue eyes that reminds you of the sea, while the guy had shoulder length blonde hair and enticing grey eyes, he sat down majestically with a leg crossed over the other sipping a red liquid in his grasp, the girl stared at him frowning ''lyod (p ronounced as lord)are you sure abt this" she asked and he smirked ''i am 99.9 percent sure" he said sipping the red liquid from the cup, ''what if something happens to you, I don't think you can cope with them " she said worried,''stay safe and away from them they must not find out" she said worried "am not lying, after all am not a baby drezzle" he said coldly, "so those people if they come just infom me, but for now they would not be coming since, it will take at least a month for them to recover, and if by chance they come call me okey" ,he said and she nodded smiling.


Bellezzia walk out of the last class stressed, as she made her way towards the car got in and drove off since emily decided to follow landan home. Bellezzia was angry that she end up bumping into a motorbike , she got down angrily and stare at the rider angrily, and grip his collar but soon stop in her tracks, when she saw his face enticing grey eyes and shoulder length blonde hair, in a long leather jacket flowing behind him , " you were the one that bump ur scrap against my bike and still u wanna harass me" he said calmly, ''what?!!" Bellezzia said , ''but I padon you nxt time, you wouldn't like it" he said arrogantly only to receive a blow to his sinfully beautiful face, ''how dare you call my car a scrap huh you moron" she said angrily with another punch the guy held his blood stained cheeks, staring at Bellezzia angrily ''nxt time you wouldn't live to tell the tale young man" Bellezzia said furiously and kick his bike with her left leg which wasn't really painful but she hid the pain " are you sure?!!" he asked smirking, "yes ur bike is a scrap" Bellezzia said firmly, and the guy burst out laughing, "what's so funny, huh do you knw I can get you arrested for defaming my car and harassing a lady" she said angrily, and he smirked , " why do I think otherwise" the guy said smirking, "just get the fuck outta here" Bellezzia said frustrated, and the rider rode off smirking. Bellezzia tried starting the car but it would not work, she ruffled her hair in frustration , she picked up her phone to call Emily , but the phone was switched off and she' groaned angrily "keep calm Bellezzia, u can do this" she said igniting the but failed.