

"Minsu!" she shouted over and over.

"No worries boo, I got him." Kie pulled away after whispering in her ear and pulled her up.

Memories and thoughts rushing through her mind "wait if you're here that means I'm not crazy, ha!"

She grabbed Kie and pulled him closer….

"What's your favourite flavour?" Kie asked looking down in Minsu's eyes.

"I'm sorry." Addison looked up at him knowing that his apology didn't matter now all that mattered was that he was real.


It was another boring day so Addison decided to send Kie a text telling him to come over. It's been three months since Addison moved out of her mother's house and now living alone in a one bedroom apartment with the job of her dreams, sure she had messed up supernatural days but it was all okay since Kie's been by her side.


An unexpected sound came from the bathroom. Shivers ran down her back as she approached the door to the bathroom "ahh!" she screamed out "Come now darling it's not time for that part, you should scream when you feel my embrace" a deep voice break free from the dark. Addison was low key laughing. To her this was just another weak monster trying to gobble her whole. Echoes of her laughter pissed him off. He came closer to her and ran his hand on her leg. Addison quivered from how cold his hands were. "Princess let's make a prince shall we?"

Goose bumps flooded her body while a tingling sensation build up between her legs, his face was, his voice was boiling her blood and his scent made her body smiled while her eyes fought the dark to see his face. His power level was different, somewhat stronger.

"I'm not a bad guy you know but I can be if that's what you want."

His hand went further and further under her dress, "nghhhhhh" moans after moans she spot out "Hey babe the neighbours going to hear" He said mocking her.

In the centre of it all she was deeply enjoying herself when this dude decided to stop. Addison slid in a corner gasping and soaking wet. He walked over to the door, turned on the light and came closer to her "Ready now?"

Addison was shocked his shirt unbuttoned revealing his chest, his neck less swinging around his neck his hair brushed back, damn he's a view! "Wait you're that guy from my dreams"

"Was it a sexy dream?" he asked coming closer to her.

He placed his long veiny fingers on her leg and squeezed it lightly and gave her a devilish look, Addison grabbed his hand and pulled him closer to her, pinned him down on the bed and sat on top of him, unbuttoning his shirt button by button.

Next chapter