

He was a high-level martial artist but he either hadn't broken into cultivation yet or he wasn't a warrior. Given how her necklace was reacting as he drew closer. She could only assume that it was the latter. A Wielder was possible or even a Tamer.

He was good. With every strike, he matched with a counter-strike. Blocked, diverted, or dodged. Jiang Ying Yue hated to say it but he was a match on all levels but one.

The skills that gave her the name Paralyser.

If only she could find her opening. She lunged forward. Aiming towards any of his meridian points. One to his neck, his hand swiped it away, twisted her wrist. Her body followed the forced move of her arm and used her free hand to block his incoming hold as she weaved to his lower rib.

Crouching down, his body pulled with hers, coiling until she released. Sending him far away from her body. When he twisted to find his landing. Ying Yue was already on him. Her double fingers pressed into his left shoulder. Quick to react. He aimed towards her solar plexus with his palm splayed. She grabbed his wrist, as he did before, and twisted.

Only she used her fingertip to press into one of the live power pulses. But before she could get enough pressure applied. The masked man slipped from her grasp.

Ying Yue wished there was a way that she could fight and sit on the sidelines to be a spectator. What a sight it would be and a way to improve on her martial arts.

Their bodies flew onto the bridge ledge. Gliding across the banister as their fists flew at each other. There was only so much endurance before her body would begin to slip. She needed to lock him down and rip that mask off. Find out who he is, who he worked for, and why.

Aiming high, creating an opening, which he took. As she felt the strength behind his punch in her stomach. Her throat seized as she held back the bile in her throat. Using the opening to seal the final pressure to his left shoulder. Rendering his arm useless.

The masked man seemed to stop and look at her in surprise. Almost as if he hadn't expected her to get the best of him.

Pain flared from her core but she ignored it as she advanced. Aiming for his now weak point. His left side. But before she could get close. He flung backwards. Stood on the other side of the bridge and nodded his head in a bow.

"You've got skills but a long way to go if you want to make it out of here alive."

His voice seemed to freeze her body. The bout of confusion about his identity flared even more. Who exactly was this person?

Breaking her rule of no-talking. She lowered her voice.

"Who are you?"

"Someone who wants to leave this place."

With that, he leapt over the bridge. Ying Yue watched with widened eyes as he freefalled down the side of the mountain. If he didn't catch himself. All that met him past the treetops were rocks.

It was then that she felt the familiar pressure make itself known. The burning heat was gone in favour of a coldness that raised goosebumps. Stepping off the ledge. She turned to face Ru Shi. Dressed all in black. Much like the masked man that could either be dead or still alive. Depending on how he worked around not having access to his left side.

Ru Shi bowed.

Ying Yue nodded before both disappeared from the bridge and headed towards their own courtyard. With Ru Shi bringing them safely and without notice back into the master bedroom. Satisfied the room was void of lurkers or maids. Ying Yue changed back into the young Jiang miss.

Ru Shi pulled out two letters. The same as before.

"Found as soon as you left to be welcomed by the prince." She pointed to the roof. Indicating the phantom assassins had collected them.

Ying Yue nodded. Pulling the replicated letters together. Touching the seal. Shaking her head. They hadn't just targeted a couple but had hit those they knew were out of their reach.

"Who else?" she mouthed. Taking the letters to the lit candle and watched as the flames slowly ate away at the paper.

"Zhao Ruo seems to be connected to your brother by her brother."

She had thought as much. Given the Zhao family's skills and how highly ranked they are in her eldest brother's eyes. She wouldn't be surprised if Zhao Ruo had found the letter and caught onto what was going on. Then again she wondered if she even knew what was going on in the royal palace. Ying Yue had heard stories that Zhao Shan was just as protective as Jiang Min. She believed he wouldn't send her to the royal palace without warning and giving her protective support.

"Also Wu Mian's father has accompanied General Jiang to the village."

Ying Yue pursed her lips. It didn't look good for Wu Mian or the Wu family. There was nothing she could do for them. She only hoped that her brother had found out about the letter and forwarned the Wu Clan. Prevent as much damage as possible.

"Let's not talk about my competition anymore. I am already stressed out." Ying Yue finally spoke aloud. Glancing at Ru Shi who had a coy smile on her face.

"As you wish miss."

"Did you find out about why we were sent back early?"

If only they were back at the Jiang estate. Then they wouldn't have to speak in code and signals. A precaution just in case someone was eavesdropping on their conversation or caught snippets as they walked by and gossiped among each other. Reaching the very ears she didn't want to direct her way just yet.

"A young maid was helping the young miss of the Wu family settle and found a letter in her spare clothes. It was brought to attention by another maid who gave it to the Stewardess when she recognized the seal."

"What was the seal?" Ying Yue asked for good measure.

"Sorry, miss. I couldn't find out."

How exactly was a maid that had been newly appointed to the two towers and hadn't worked a foot inside the Royal Palace suddenly knew that a scroll at a distance was out of place and could pinpoint the symbol used by the royal court of the southern tribe?

"...and what of the servants?" She inquired aloud.

"Everyone has returned back to where they've come from."

Ying Yue's head snapped up.

A moment of silence passed before Ru Shi walked over and slammed down a teacup. Ying Yue raised an eyebrow in amusement.

"You know, young miss. If you have time to go to the Black Water Village. There is a restaurant that cooks your all-time favourite dishes." Ru Shi playacted at calming her young miss.

"Oh?" Ying Yue played along.

"Yes, miss." She reconfirmed.

Now she just needed to find a way to go down the mountain. But she wasn't exactly sure just how she was going to manage that when she didn't even know the rules of the two towers. If they were bound here. Then Paralyser will just have to make an appearance. But when that will be she wasn't sure. Just as she was about to ask Ru Shi to get someone to overwatch the maid. Her friend had already held up two fingers to her wrist.

Two phantom assassins were already on the job.

"Perhaps brother will want to treat me to food and new clothes."

Thank you to everyone who has read and added this story to their library !! It makes my day seeing the number go up.

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