
Dedication and Prologue

"To The Person who is my inspiration in every book I wrote and my beloved in every lifetime."


My uncle's staff picked me up from the office to see him at the hospital because he wanted to say something to me. As we arrived at the hospital a staff member opened the door for me. I got myself into the front office.

"Where is the VIP ward? "I spoke in Italian.

"Second floor, building B ma'am." a staff replied in Italian.


As I thank the staff and a few minutes passed as I got myself into uncle's room. As the guards opened the door for me

"Uncle, I'm here." I spoke in Italian.

"Siediti perché voglio dire una cosa molto importante." (Have a seat because I want to say something very important)

As all his staff members even, his attorney got inside of his room. As he fixed himself to get up from his hospital bed and grab the sword that symbolized the Versellino mafia family.

"Alizee.. uncle will no longer be able to hold this sword inorder to help it to stand in a rock, As the only heir of my throne I am giving to you our family sword for you to take care of."

"But uncle you know that you're only the one who treats me as a family."

I doubt it.

"Please accept it."

uncle begged.

"Alzati mia cara e tiralo fuori .." (Stand up my dear and pull it off.)

As I followed uncle's orders, all his fellow men paid me their respects.

"I officially announced that Chataya Alizee Versellino is now the official leader of the family, You should all respect her and protect her as the new leader of Versellino Mafia with all your lives."

All of his staff bow their heads down to me as I bow down back to them. When I back the sword to the case, they all lifted their heads up and spoke.

"Possa Dio guidarti signora capo!". (May gods guide you, lady boss!) They spoke it three times as a sign that they accepted me as their new leader.

After a few seconds I heard the Cardiac Monitor was beeping. I gave the sword to uncle's right hand and looked back, as I saw uncle into his bed. my heart was beating fast every time the Cardiac Monitor beeps. As we all heard the cardiac monitor beeps longer. All of my uncle's staff bow down. I was blank for a second after I realized that my uncle had already died. My tears filled the room as I stood up and bowed my head to show my respect to my uncle. After a few seconds I grab the blanket and cover his body.

"Riposa in pace uncle. Non preoccuparti per la famiglia, me ne occuperò io come vuoi tu e la proteggerò come hai fatto tu." (Rest in peace uncle. Don't worry about the family. I will take care of this as you want, and I will protect it the way you did.)

I spoked in a serious tone.


A year later

"Sorn.. It's almost time… Where are you now…" Mrs. Preempracha whispered to herself.

In the restroom I was in a hurry to retouch my make-up as I heard that it's almost my turn, so I ran from the restroom to reach the back of the auditorium. I saw my mom and professor waiting for me. I came near them and asked.

"Did I miss it mom?"

"Just in time."

As my professor came near us.

"Sorn.. Are you ready to deliver your speech?"

"I'm ready, prof…."

The professor gave his signal to the master of ceremony.

"Now let us hear an inspirational message from the Valedictorian from the faculty of International law, Ms. Thayasorn Prempracha."

After hearing my name, I went up to the stage and delivered my speech.

"We did it, my fellow lawyers. We finished it after five years. As lawyers, we must demonstrate that our client is not guilty. But for the time being, we must demonstrate to ourselves that we have it. We now have the key to our success in our hands. I would not be here today in front of all of you if it weren't for my motivation. Thank you to my parents for their support in this endeavour. Thank you to all my instructors for assisting us in bringing their knowledge in this sector, and thank you to Ms. Chataya Alizee Versellino, who has been an inspiration to me since middle school. I wouldn't be standing in front of you all today if it weren't for her. I will not continue, but I would like to congratulate all my friends and classmates who are present today. We accomplished it all together!"

I walk into the middle and bow down my head, As I lift my head, I can hear the clapping hands from the audience. I feel so proud of myself, and I can also imagine that Alizee was very proud of me. I hope she can be here and congratulate me after all.

Chataya Alizee Versellino, she graduated at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in the faculty of international law. She has been my inspiration since middle school. I met her once when she was in middle school, and I was in my childhood in italy. I remembered many years ago we're taking our vacation in Italy when my uncle was still alive on the busy road of Milan. I was looking for my uncle at that time. I was crying because I couldn't find him. Then I sat at the branches when a little guy came closer to me as he poured me cold milk from the supermarket.

"EHI! Che diavolo state facendo ragazzi!" (HEY! What the hell are you guys doing!)

I heard from a girl shouting as the guy ran away. She removed her jacket suddenly and wiped it on me.

"You should not be here all alone, are you missing?"

"I couldn't find my uncle."

"Don't worry I'll help you find him."

She said as she covered her denim jacket to me. She grabbed my hand as we went to the police station. That time I saw my uncle talking to the police. When I saw my uncle, I ran into him and gave him a hug. After a few minutes I looked back to the girl who helped me, but she was gone.

Then when I came back to Thailand, we moved our house when I was in the middle school, I found a denim jacket when I realise there's a name inside that embroidered.

"Chataya Alizee Versellino''

I searched out her name and when I saw her photo at her middle school, I realised that was the girl who helped me and saved me when I was finding my uncle in the busy road of Italy and hat jackets belong to her. That's why she became a hero to me and inspired me to meet her once again to bring back what he left to me.


Three years later

"Hoping that you will not break your promise to me, Alizee."

"I never broke any promise, grandfather." "I promise that I will marry Heng as soon as everything is settled."

"Make sure, or else I'll break the ties between you and this family."

"I always keep my words, grandfather."

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