
Meet old friends

Cicc changed into a little blouse and skirt that matched Anna's, while Louis wore a smart casual outfit. The three of them walked from the neighborhood to the street, attracting 100% of the attention.

Everyone was drawn to the family's appearance, wondering why they had never seen such a beautiful family in the neighborhood before.

Cicc held hands with her parents, bouncing along the way, her face already blossoming with smiles. She had never imagined that one day she could go out holding hands with her parents like other children.

At this moment, Cicc felt like her happiness couldn't fit into the grandest princess castle!

Although the weather outside was a bit hot, the family seemed oblivious to it. The smiles on their faces showed that they were in a good mood.

On the road, Louis flagged down a taxi. He first helped Cicc into the back seat, then courteously let Anna sit in the back, closing the door for her. He then took the front passenger seat himself.

They were headed to the square in the city center, where Anna's former assistant, Freya, had arranged to meet at a bubble tea shop.

The reason Louis and Cicc were accompanying Anna was solely because Freya wanted to see Cicc. Since Cicc had become Louis' little sidekick these past two days, always sticking close to him, Louis was just basking in her glow.

The journey to the city center would take over forty minutes. Cicc clung to Anna's neck, looking out at the passing scenery. For her, this was her first time going on such a trip, so everything seemed fresh and exciting.

The taxi driver first marveled at the family's appearance, then suddenly found the little one in the backseat somewhat familiar, but couldn't quite remember where he had seen her before. So, he chatted with Louis from time to time.

Louis was also very friendly, chatting away with the driver, making the atmosphere in the car less dull.

The taxi soon arrived at their destination. As the family disappeared from view, the bored driver, waiting for his next ride, absentmindedly opened Douyin, and then it suddenly dawned on him.

That little kid from earlier seemed to be the cute child who had recently gone viral on TikTok!

This realization made the driver regretful. His daughter was a loyal fan of that cute child. Since the video came out, she had been watching it ten times a day, singing the song non-stop. How could he have missed the chance for a photo just now? If his daughter found out, he would definitely lose a few more hairs from his head!


This square was the most bustling place in the center of New York, not far from where Freya lived and worked.

After two years, she could finally see her big sister Anna again. Freya was very excited. She had bought several cups of bubble tea in advance and sat at the table, staring at the entrance of the tea shop, longing in her eyes.

She had worked with Anna for a year and a half before, and they were like sisters. Anna had been really good to her. It was just a pity that after that, Anna got together with Louis.

Freya couldn't understand why Anna insisted on being with a seemingly useless man. She couldn't figure it out and had advised her. But Anna seemed determined at the time, unwilling to listen to any advice.

As Freya was lost in her thoughts, she suddenly saw a familiar figure walking in with a bouncing little kid. Her eyes lit up, and she stood up, waving her hand.

"Anna, over here!"

Hearing the voice, Anna looked up and saw Freya waving her hand. A smile spread across her face. Freya hadn't changed; she was still as lively and cheerful as ever.

As they approached each other, both women's eyes were a bit moist. It had been a long time since they had seen each other, and they couldn't contain their emotions.

Freya carefully looked at Anna, her eyes turning redder. She grabbed Anna's hand and her lips pouted.

"Anna, you've lost so much weight! Is that man not treating you well? Where is he? Let me teach him a lesson!"

Anna pursed her lips, shook her head, and sat down with Freya, pulling Cicc into her arms. Then she spoke.

"Don't worry, Freya, I'm fine now. Louis... he treats me well now."

"And you? After I left, has your work been going smoothly?"

"I'm fine too. Sis Xia, you have no idea how much I've missed you..."

The two asked each other about their recent situations, while Cicc looked at the woman opposite with big, curious eyes.

The sisters hadn't seen each other for a long time, so naturally, they had many topics to discuss. After chatting for a while, Freya shifted her gaze to the little one. The child had been behaving well on the side, and Freya had been so engrossed in catching up with Anna that she hadn't really looked at her. But now, as she took a closer look, her eyes immediately lit up.

"Wow! Is this little Cicc? She looks just like you, Anna! So adorable!" Freya exclaimed, her eyes shining as she reached out to touch the child's face.

But then her brow furrowed slightly. Just like Anna, little Cicc was so thin! This made Freya feel incredibly angry. She was certain that that useless man must be treating Anna and the child poorly. After all, Anna used to be plump when she took care of her. How could she look like this now?

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. She wished she could confront that man right now. So she lifted her head and looked at Anna.

"Anna, didn't you say he would come too? Where is he?" Freya asked.

Anna could feel Freya's hostility towards Louis, but she didn't know how to respond. Should she say he had changed? That would imply that Louis had mistreated her before. She didn't want Freya to know about that, especially since they were like sisters. So she just awkwardly smiled.

"Cicc wants ice cream. He's gone to buy some for her," Anna replied.

Freya naturally noticed the expression on Anna's face, and this made her even angrier. Anna had always been gentle and cool-headed, but now she seemed even more timid. Freya could sense it.

Afraid of scaring the child, Freya just snorted and returned to her seat. But inwardly, she was seething with anger, wishing she could just kill Louis.

"Anna..." Freya began to say something, but then she suddenly stopped. Her gaze gradually became sharper as she looked towards the entrance of the milk tea shop.

Anna was taken aback, her expression even more awkward. She thought it was Louis's arrival that caused Freya's hostility. Just as she was about to turn around to look, a slightly sharp voice came from behind her.

"Freya, do you have time to drink milk tea? Have you finished the task I assigned to you?"

Today I had a bit more inspiration and wrote four chapters. I hope everyone can enjoy them. If you can, please support me. It would really give a new author like me endless encouragement and motivation to see people enjoying and supporting my work.

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