
Offer Letters

School days were over. We were no more kids. With last days of July, we were too excited to enter the new beginings of our lives. Although, last 18 years were no better than working at offices for even extra hours 8am -10pm and slept for 8 hours.

But our lives were gonna change upside down, we had no idea.

I remember being with Shanaya since forever. We were too young to recite details of the begining of our friendship but yes, we have been through thicks and thins together. We transfered to another school been there till high school and now recieved our call letters from the same university.

We have been sitting next to each other ever since we can recall. Somehow our fates were connected.

I got my call letter before her. That never occured to me, even for once, that we might get separated at this point. She might have felt a little anxious thinking about it now, I bet it. But I never doubted that, I just knew it, we will be going to the same college.

I have my offer letter in my hands and my father is little too excited to see I got into one of the finest colleges in first attempt, program name was even shinnier 'Engineering'.

I intended to pursue Electronics Engineering, only for its fancy name, not that I didn't want to become an Engineer, I did, but I was more inclined towards Physics rather than its engineering part. Why I ended up in engineering? I was overexcited to share a dream with my father. He wanted me to become Engineer, and I, without realizing my inclination towards physics, got admitted in Electronics Engineering.

So, I was excited and a little too much rushed to go to college, meet friends, Shanaya and another friend Divina. Both of them are like Tom and Jerry when it comes to playing around. Their giggling are contagious, I tell you. They are dramatic and anyone may fall in love with them when they start throwing their silly jokes. Their jokes have no connection with logics, just useless but you will still laugh at them because the ones who tells you are already laughing at their own jokes with teeth out. There is a friend of Divina, Niharna. She is a quiet-n-calm person, a bit like me, who equally enjoys the company of Shanaya and Divina as much as I do. She is like mature but knows-how-to-live-her-life person at the same time. Her sweet smile with a dimple is purely a killer. I adored her ever since I first saw her. You know a kind of girl that just spreads sweetness with her smile that's her.

I was waiting for Shanaya to get her offer letter soon. After a few days, I got a call from her, "Good news, our wait is over, I am also joining you guys on our first day to college, though I got Civil Engineering." We were super excited. Our sophomore year used to have students from mixed majors. And luckily, we four were allotted the same class. We couldn't control but meet up to celebrate this. Her dad visited our house a few days later to check up on me as he has been friends with my father for seven years as well. He told me that last few days Shanaya was anxious, had cried a lot and had lost her hope to get admitted but thankfully now its okay. I told him dont worry, I already knew we can't be separated that easily. Later that night, I called Shanaya asking about how is she now and then we ended up talking about matching up our first day outfits. I felt relaxed when I heard her giggling carelessly.