
Prologue: The Fated Chase!

The Canton Museum was said to be the most impregnable museum in the world...until he broke in.

He stood on its glass roof, 69 meters above the ground, watching the chaos he'd caused below with his bloody red eyes. The security guards were scrambling to close the main gates, but they would never catch him. The alarm was blaring, and emergency vehicles were approaching at high speed, sirens blaring.

The cool and cold wind of the night whipped past him, and he could taste the excitement of the chase on his tongue. "Shit! This is going to be a long night." He rubbed his hands together and adjusted his mask. "Should wait here until the heat is down."

On the ground, in front of the Museum where the police have stationed their troops, a special investigator grabbed the megaphone from another police officer, shoving him to the side. His handsome face screamed with annoyance and urgency. He tapped the megaphone on his palm, readying it. "The Museum is surrounded. There's no escape, Neon Ghost. Put your hands in the air and come out like a good little puppy."

The masked man smirked beneath his disguise, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "Officer Dipshit is also here? This night just keeps getting stingier than a penny-pinching landlord."

As if the chaos wasn't enough, another cacophonous sound ripped through the air, growing louder and closer by the second. "You've got to be kidding me, copters now?" Neon Ghost raised his head, his gaze fixed on the air vent. He tried his all-purpose screwing tool bought from an online store for just 2.99 dollars and $7.99 shipping, but the screws didn't budge. "Damn it! Can't a guy catch a break?"

The helicopter's blinding lights pierced through the openings of the vent, leaving him momentarily disoriented. The swirling crimson glow of the rotor was unmistakable, indicating it was dangerously close.

Meanwhile, down on the ground, the police officer with the megaphone persisted in his attempts to coax Neon Ghost out of hiding. "I'm giving you one last chance. Come out now! You're under arrest!"

Neon Ghost's grin widened. "Oh, the generosity! Maybe I should surrender right away, just to make Officer Dipshit's day."

As the helicopter hovered closer, its powerful gusts of wind ruffled his hair. Neon Ghost huffed, determined to find a way to elude capture and extend his adventure for as long as possible. In this game of cat and mouse, he was the cheeky feline, and tonight was shaping up to be one wild, never-ending chase.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" He cursed under his breath as his most trusted companion, the $2.99 all-purpose tool, snapped with a clanking sound, leaving him wide open for the spotlight of the helicopter.

Neon Ghost swore again, cursing his luck and his trusty tool.

With one hand, he fumbled through the bag slung across his shoulder and his fingers brushed against the cold, jagged surface of the crystal crown, the prized bounty amidst this chaotic mess. This crown, whose origin remains shrouded in mystery, has captivated the imaginations of scholars for centuries. It was discovered approximately 200 years ago by the renowned archaeologist, Johny John Jon, hidden beneath the ancient tombs that once cradled the remains of the mighty Alexander the Great, and is said to be even older than Alexander himself. And he thought stealing this could change his life forever, even maybe to quit this life at all. But it seemed like fate had another play at hand.

He felt the weight of the crown on his palm, its smooth surface reflecting the helicopter's bright light. His hands shook slightly from the adrenaline rush, and he clenched his fist around the crown. "There's no backing now. Live or die!"

"He's on the roof!" The helicopter's pilot's voice came through the loudspeaker.

The special investigator's face lit up with anticipation. "You're cornered, Neon Ghost. Stop running. Come out peacefully." 'I could finally go home,' he sighed under his breath.

Neon Ghost's eyes narrowed, his resolve unshaken even in the face of imminent capture. With a smirk playing on his lips, he muttered to himself, "Cornered? More like the grand finale of our little dance, Officer Dipshit."

As the helicopter's searchlight zeroed in on his location, Neon Ghost took a deep breath, his mind racing for a way out of this predicament. His gaze shifted to the crown in his hand, its brilliance mocking the surrounding chaos.

A surge of determination coursed through his veins, dispelling any lingering doubts. He knew what he had to do. With a flick of his wrist, he launched the crown high into the air, its trajectory leaving a trail of glimmering sparks.

The helicopter's searchlights instantly fixated on the glittering distraction, illuminating the night sky in a dazzling display.

Seizing the opportunity, Neon Ghost darted towards the edge of the roof, leaping with calculated precision. For a moment, suspended in mid-air, he felt the exhilarating rush of freedom. Then, with a graceful tuck and roll, he landed on the adjacent rooftop, disappearing into the shadows.

The police held their breath as the 69 Billion worth of crown fell from the sky. If it shatters, it is on them. All of them know it and officer dipshit, Callahan Moriarty, screamed with his lungs. "Catch it!!!"

Every police officer ran, even forgetting the culprit behind it, to catch the crown, which is worth more than their lives. Their eyes bulged out and tongues lolled out. They locked on the target and leaped into the air.

Big mistake!

All the 40 officers toppled each other in the dead of the night, each one falling on top of the other.

As Neon Ghost watched the chaotic pile-up of officers, a mischievous twinkle gleamed in his eyes. Little did they know, fate had a surprise in store for Officer Callahan Moriarty, the very epitome of righteousness itself.

With a mix of anticipation and amusement, Neon Ghost witnessed the toppled officers gradually rearranging themselves. And there, emerging from the tangled mass, was Officer Callahan, unwittingly finding himself at the top of the heap. As luck would have it, destiny delivered the crown directly into his hands.

Officer Callahan's eyes widened in a mix of astonishment and triumph as he clutched the glittering prize. "Finally, luck is on my side!" he exclaimed, unable to contain his excitement. 'Finally, home.'

However, just as he reveled in his apparent victory, a sudden realization swept over him. The crown felt oddly light and emitted a faint, mysterious glow. With a heart pounding in his chest, Officer Callahan's triumph transformed into a moment of dread.

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