


The knock on the door made Harinakshi's attention towards him.

"Who could be this time?"

Thinking this, Harinakshi went to the door. When he opened the door, three people are standing at the door. The costume of the person standing in the middle is slightly different from the rest. The costumes of the persons on both sides are almost identical. The person in the middle seems to be in a good position. But one thing that Harinakshi has found strange is that all three of them do not have any special expressions on their faces and the length is also slightly different from normal.

As soon as the door opened, he first greeted Harinakshi and then said,

"Sorry, bothered you but we have to talk to your husband Advaita about something."

Harinakshi greeted him back and said,

"Yeah, anything special to do with them? He's a little busy right now."

"Yes, special that we need to talk to him now, please call him."

"Ok. You just stay here, I'll call him now."

Saying this, Harinakshi went to call Advaita but she found it strange to see these visitors.

"Advaita, just come here."

Harinakshi called Advaita.

"Yes, say."

Advaita came and said.

"Some three people are asking for you. They are saying that they want to meet some important work immediately. You come and talk to them. I sit here."

"How does they look?"

"They Like someone is wearing a uniform..."

Advaita said without listening to the whole,

"Ok. I am leaving."

His friends got a little annoyed on seeing Advaita leaving from the circle, but after Harinakshi told them, everyone got busy again. Advaita came after about ten minutes.

"What happened man, who had come?"

One asked.

"Nothing. they are from the company. Something went wrong, had come to clear it, there was a technical fault."

"Okay. Come on now it's your turn…"

Everyone got busy saying this, but Harinakshi saw that Advaita was engrossed in some thoughts. Right for a while.

After a while everyone went to their respective homes. Before leaving, everyone got the house organized, got the kitchen set up and then went to their homes.

Next chapter