
Dark Night

I was looking out the window completely oblivious to my surroundings until I felt a pinch on my arm. I looked over at my brother and pinched him back. I continued to look at the window until we reached our destination.

An hour later we arrived at the amusement park and got out of the car. There were a lot of people there and getting inside took longer than I thought. Before I could leave and do my own thing m mother stopped me.

"Remember to come back here before nine o'clock."

I nodded and then ran off. I went to the nearest roller coaster and rode it. I rode a few more before I had the return to the designated spot. I was walking to the spot when I heard an explosion and turned my head. A blue light rushed past me and then the park went completely dark.

You could hear kids screaming because they were stuck on a ride and some people were just confused. I proceeded to walk to the spot even though I couldn't see well. While walking my head started to feel heavy and I fell to the ground. I awoke a few minutes later and rubbed my head. The park was still dark and the screams of the children got louder.

I pushed myself up and tried to find my family. I still couldn't see in the darkness and my vision was blurry. A few minutes later the light had finally returned and I found my family. We left the park after that and returned home. My head still hurt so I walked to my room and went asleep.

I woke up the next day and decided to watch the news to see if I could get information on the explosion. The news stated that the explosion was normal and that it was just a rocket failure.

I was still watching the news when the screen went black. A new channel popped up and a monster with black fur was seen eating the organs of two small children. I tried to turn off the t.v. but it didn't work.

I heard a scream outside my house and ran out. I was shocked by what I had seen. Cars were flipped over and on fire, houses were destroyed, and many buildings were on fire. I ran inside my house to look for my parents or brother but I couldn't find them. I ran outside and saw my dad standing over the body of my brother and mother. He looked at me and ran to me with blood all over his shirt and face.

"Come with me."

His voice was deep and sad. I followed him down to the basement.

"Stay in here until I get help."

I wanted to ask about my mother and brother but he ran out of the basement and locked it. I sat down in the hair and waited until my dad came back for me.

A few hours later he didn't come back so I fell asleep in hope that he would be here in the morning.

This is my first time writing a story so I don't know if it will be good but I hope you like it and don't forget to leave a comment.

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