
Paper Paper Fruit In One Piece

This is the story of an 'ordinary person' --Torkovich Roman who ate Paper Paper Fruit-- in the world of pirates, without any systems, cheats, or special bloodlines but plot twist identity in One Piece World. Warning : This story has a slow pace and makes changes in the One Piece world little by little, not suddenly, like when you suddenly slap the Four Emperors or kick the Five Elders. The major change would be after Summit War Arc. 2 Chapters / day This is a translation ======= You can read 30 advanced chapters at my patreon*com/YeyeQiu

Yeye_Qiu · Anime & Comics
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146 Chs

Chapter 122: Sky Island Fusion, Future Crisis.

The bell of the Golden Bell echoed for a long time, announcing the end of the 'war'!


"Grab my hand, I'll pull you up~~"

"Children and the elderly first!"

"Everyone, don't panic, we'll move the stuff later~~~"

On one side of the sanctuary, the homeless people of Angel Island came here, once again stepping onto this dreamlike land. Because it was previously occupied by Enel, ordinary people from Angel Island were not allowed to approach here.

Otherwise, it would be divine punishment!

Now that their homes were destroyed by the 'Thunder Welcome,' they had no choice but to seek refuge here. They couldn't just float on the sea of clouds forever~~


"Over 400 years..."

On the other side, compared to the still-frightened people of Angel Island, the Shandians were already crying tears of joy!

"We have finally returned to our homeland, our city of Shandora~~~"

The excited Shandians knelt on the island, grabbing a handful of soil and holding it like a treasure in their hands.

Since they were driven out of their homeland by the people of Angel Island 400 years ago, they had never set foot here again. They could only rely on guerrilla teams or people like Aisa, who were born with Observation Haki, to 'steal' soil from here bag by bag.

"With this land, our Shandia can finally develop—"

With land comes food, with food comes population, and with population... comes strength!

The reason the Shandians couldn't reclaim their homeland for 400 years was that their population was severely suppressed by Angel Island.

Even so-called 'experts' are born from a large base of ordinary people. So population is always the foundation of a country and a nation.

With Enel's departure, the battles between experts had ended. But the conflicts among ordinary people...



The severely injured Gan Fall had been found by the people of Angel Island. Facing the former god, the people of Angel Island respected him from the bottom of their hearts. Unlike the arrogant and self-centered Enel, the old knight was truly righteous and selfless.

"I am no longer a god..."

"God, our Angel Island has disappeared. And Shandia's Kumogakure has been destroyed."

"Has the war... really ended?"

If the Shandians took the opportunity to attack...


On the other side, the calm Shandians faced the same problem.


"Can 400 years of struggle really be resolved so easily?"

"Enel has wiped out the god squad of Angel Island, and Enel himself was driven away by those blue sea people, so we—"

Can we...


Suddenly opening his eyes!

"Where is this," what met the eyes of the Shandian warrior Wyper was an unfamiliar ceiling and—

"Lie down, don't move."


"You... you are from Angel Island—"

"Injured people are not divided by race," thought Wyper, who was pressed back onto the bed by the blonde girl Conis. After all, he was not Enel, hitting women was not the style of a great warrior like him.

"Chief, what about the Golden Bell?"

Of course, part of the reason Wyper didn't get up was the old chief in wolf fur beside him. As for the armored Gan Fall on the other side... although he disliked this 'naive' old man, now was not the time to argue with him.

"We still have the duty to protect the Golden Bell..."

"Don't rush, Wyper."

The old chief paused with his cane.

"No matter what conflicts and pains we have experienced in the past, now—"


The curtain was pulled open, and Roman walked in with a large plate of food and wine, interrupting the conversation.

"No one wants to continue fighting."

Behind the curtain he lifted, there was a group of people from Angel Island and Shandia celebrating their survival.

"Let's have a feast~~~!!"

The most active one at the feast was, of course, Luffy, and the food came from the granary left by Enel. Whether they were from Angel Island or Shandia, they all respected the Straw Hat crew who had just saved them.

Under the mediation of the Straw Hat crew, the two races, who were cautiously interacting and communicating, suddenly found that they had a common topic:

Enel, that XXXX

Sometimes, a stronger enemy is the best way to resolve hatred.

Madara next door smiled without saying a word~~

Moreover, after witnessing Enel's unparalleled 'Kamui', everyone thought they were doomed, but then the situation took a turn for the better, making the old 'hatred' seem less important. Besides:

"Wyper, I have always hoped that our two races could coexist peacefully."

This was the long-standing belief of Gan Fall, the current 'god' of Angel Island, which had not been realized due to the opposition of the Shandia warriors led by Wyper. Now:

"Angel Island and Village hidden in cloud are gone, both our races have been deeply hurt by Enel, there's no need for more sacrifices..."

"From now on, the land of Shandora will be shared by both races. — It's enough for us to thrive."

Looking at the people singing and dancing outside the tent, and the benefactors of the Straw Hat crew, then at the leaders of the two races in the tent: Chief Gan Fall. Wyper frowned, reason told him it was time to let go of the hatred, but the 400-year-long war...


A portion of food was placed in front of the great Shandia warrior by Roman.

"Eat something first, then listen to what this 'outsider' has to say."

As Gan Fall nodded, the people from Angel Island in the tent went out to join the feast, leaving only a few seriously injured warriors and the leaders of both sides.

"Wyper, do you think—"

Roman forked a piece of meat and started chewing.

"Are we strong?"


After a day of chaos, both Enel's side and the Shandia side were down, but the Straw Hat crew could still celebrate outside. If that's not strong, what is?

"Do you think Enel is strong?"


Gritting his teeth, Wyper squeezed out a word. Even the proud Shandia warrior had to admit that the man truly deserved the title of 'invincible'. If it weren't for the captain of these Blue Sea people in front of him...

"There is a saying: 'A person who does not plan for the future will have immediate worries.'"

"With our strength, we may be considered notable figures in the Blue Sea below, but we definitely can't claim to be 'strong'."

"Among the strongest in the Blue Sea, there are those who can fight Enel to a standstill, and even defeat him."

This is even considering Enel's ability to control the Ark Maxim.

Ah, this...

"If you don't believe me, you can ask this old man," Roman turned to look at the old man Gan Fall in armor beside him.

"He should have a direct understanding of the 'strong' in the Blue Sea."

"That's right,"

"More than twenty... nearly thirty years ago, a group of pirates came to Sky Island. Their strength was terrifying! Swords could cut through the sky, and fists could shatter the sea of clouds. If they were here, any one of them could have prevented Enel from ravaging Sky Island..."

Roger's crew: We didn't say that shit!

Roger, Rayleigh, Oden, these main forces could definitely defeat Enel, but the rest might be a bit uncertain.

Barrett doesn't count, he had already gone solo by then~~

"So, this world is very dangerous!"

Roman shifted the topic, and compared to the lively celebration outside, the discussion inside the tent was much darker. However:

It is precisely these dark things that protect the bright daily lives of ordinary people.

"If it's an ordinary country, they can avoid attacks from the strong by joining the 'World Government'."

The World Government, after all, has some reputation to maintain. Except for the 'New World' in the second half of the Grand Line, if there are problems in other member countries, the World Government will not ignore them.

This is why people like Crocodile and Doflamingo, with their high combat power, didn't just storm the palace and take over, but instead took the time and effort to ruin the original king's reputation before coming out as 'heroes' to seize the country.

Otherwise, do you think those 'Heavenly Tribute' payments are made for nothing?

If you pay 'protection money' and they can't protect you, who would continue to pay?

But Sky Island is different. Not to mention there's no need to get themselves a 'father'. Just considering the difficult transportation, by the time the news reaches the World Government, Sky Island would have been destroyed several times over.

"So, I must remind you—"

"Whether it's the Golden Bell or the historical stone tablet under the bell..."

"It's best to make them 'disappear'."

Otherwise, in the future, people like Bellamy who come to Sky Island to take the golden pillar, or ambitious people coveting Poseidon... will one day break down the gates of Sky Island! And without Enel's deterrence, the fate of Sky Island might not be so pleasant.







You can read 30 advanced chapters at my patreon.com/YeyeQiu