
Sweet Revenge (2)

The woman stepped in with high heels as she walked on the corpses not caring at all, Zero smiled a little as he said " Persephone...you still look as ugly as always I see,"

Persephone smiled back "Fufufu ~ and looks like you are still the same stupid brainless idiot that you are~

Zero smiles grew wider as the temper in the room seemed to drop a few degrees he said while his grip tightened on Orak's leg as the sound of broken bones was heard "Hahaha, you know I can't take jokes... don't try me Bitch"

Persephone smiled back saying "You want to try it~? Bring it on asshole, I'll make sure you eat your teeth"

From an outside perspective, you could see two stunning people talking and laughing sweetly looking as if they are having a great time... But if you look closely you could see the murderous aura surrounding them, Astra and Ezra were standing away, and Astra hugging Ezra for his dear life...while Ezra was trying to comfort Astra who was shaking in fear in his arm...

Jeremy was looking around vigilant...if this woman is here that means 'it' also came along if Jermey hate anything more than Zero, it was 'it' he loathed it with a passion...

Ezra gathered his courage and stepped in with Astra hiding behind his back "Hey...hey calm down guys...we all are on the same side...s-so let's chill a little okay?"

Zero and Persephone stared at Ezra for a second before both of them rolled their eyes in annoyance, the room temperature raised going back to what it was before, and poor Astra could finally breathe,

Astra smiled nervously as he said " N-Nice to see you again Persephone...an where is Mr Fluffy? I'm sure Jeremy would be happy to play with him"

Jeremy's nonexistent eyes widened in disbelief as he started hissing and making many gestures " NO!! I DON'T FUCKEN DO!! I HATE HIM!! HE'S EVEN UGLIER THAN THAT MOTHERFUCKER!! HE'S SO ANNOYING!! " Astra understood what Jeremy was saying... But he looked at Persephone and said "See? He's super excited to see Mr fluffy"

Jermey felt betrayed by the one he calls Mama...his silence spoke everything he wanted to say "Why Mama...why?"

Persephone not understanding what Jeremy was saying thought that he was embarrassed by what Astra said...she smiled a little saying " Oh Jeremy don't worry fluffy is on his way now...he was bringing the gift, I'll check on him for you " Persephone closed her eyes for a second before opening them again her smile widened saying " fufufu fluffy is surely excited, he said he'll be here in less than a second to play with you

Jeremy was moving in circles looking around it seemed like he couldn't wait for fluffy arrival but in reality, he was looking for a place to hide. The ground started shaking and then started cracking under them, Zero and Persephone jumped back, Orak's face smashed the wall, and Ezra just held Astra in a Princess carry away, Jeremy was still trying to hide.

Persephone said" Ah fluffy arrived" As the ground fully cracked a big black snake with very scary teeth, the large of that snake was the room itself but even larger, it crawled out of the hole hissing, Persephone "Ah~ Fluffy! You finally came, Jermey here was waiting for you~"

(she looks like this, I own the photo)

Fluffy eyes shone with excitement as he throw something that his tail was holding to the near wall, and started crawling toward Jeremy, his size was decreasing in high speed as he became the same size as Jeremey, Jermey started running away and Fluffy chased after him, Zero was grinning evilly liking to see Jermey suffer, Astra wanted to save Jermey but for the better he couldn't, Ezra secretly was holding a recording device filming everything happening.

Fluffy caught Jermey, his body strangling Jeremy and rubbing his head on Jeremy's affectionately, Jermey was screaming in horror asking for saving.

Persephone was smiling, she walked to the place where Fluffy throw the 'gift', it was a man with orange hair with freckles on his face, wearing glasses and unconscious.

Persephone started dragging him to where Orak was, they put the two of them together, Persephone looked at Zero and said "Wake him up" Zero smiled as the same black ball appeared in his hand, instead of orak this time it made her way to the other person,

That person woke up screaming in pain, he looked around to see blood and corpses all around him his eyes widened in fear " Look who finally decide to wake up~" the man looked up slowly with terror on his face when he saw Zero and Persephone he put his hand on his mouth in disbelief" N-No way...Y-Y-You are supposed to be Dead?!?!"

Zero smiled saying "Sadly their pathetic attempt was a failure, it held me back but didn't kill me"

Persephone rolled her eyes as she said "Enough chit-chatting!! I have other things to attend!!" Zero who was trying to act cool and scary was about to beat the shit out of that ugly Bitch, but he chooses to ignore her.

The man was soaking in sweat from fear, he closed his eyes and said " ...I'm not going to fight back...kill me fast...I...don't want to feel any more pain...please"

Zero laughed saying " I'm not going to kill you... Instead, I want to make a deal with you...Kairos G.O.D of time"

(he looks like this, I own the pic)

Kairos opened his eyes" Deal...?" Zero nodded..."Why...I was part of their suffering..."

Zero smiled" Kairos...I know that you were forced to...I know he forced you... You didn't want to hurt anyone, but because of him, you were forced to...They forgive you a long time ago... Their Hatred is not towards you... But to him...if you want to be forgiven completely, make the deal"

Kairos was silent, Zero decided to give him the last push " I'll bring her back" Kairo's eyes widened tears dropping, Zero said," If you agree I'll bring her back...you only have to help us...deal?" Zero held his hand out.

Kairos gritted his teeth and agreed " I'll do whatever you want... Just bring her back..." he looked at Zero with determined eyes full of tears...to bring her back he was prepared to do anything.

Zero smiled "Welcome to the team...Kairos" They both stared at each other in silence, Jermey gave up struggling at this point and Fluffly was still rubbing and licking him, Astra had a few tears in his eye, while Ezra had a small smile planted on his face.

"Yeah yeah so beautiful! Now can we get over it!?" Persephone interrupted not caring about how warm and beautiful the atmosphere was, she was a busy woman can you blame her?

She continued saying "Listen here glasses, I don't give two fucks about you or your past, since you agreed to the deal, here is what you are going to do" As she said the rest, Kairos's eyes widened stuttering "i-i-is that even possible?!?"

She rolled her eyes and said "I don't know big guy, that's your job to discover not mine "Kairos sighed but still nodded...

Zero "Now since everything is good, let's go dump this trash!"He said as he raised his arm high holding Orak.

Astra:" What are we going to do with him anyway? Jermey won't eat him because of how filthy he is" Persephone nodded as well she didn't want Fluffy to suffer because of that filthy man,

Zero smiled and said," I have a better idea..." They all looked at him confused...after hearing his idea they all started laughing even Jeremy did

Persephone:" hahaha!! That's really the most suitable punishment for him!"

Ezra:" I agree, and not to forget how happy they will be..."

Orak who regained his consciousness was begging not to, but it was ignored,

Zero opened a portal for them all to step in, Persephone was the first to enter, followed by Jermy and Fluffy, then Ezra...leaving Kairo Astra Zero and Orak.

Astra was about to go in before he remembered asking "Z, this is the short-way portal right?"

Zero halted in place...as sweat started forming on his forehead... Astra asked again shaking "Please don't tell me..."

Zero started laughing "Hahaha!! Looks like I opened the long-way portal! Oops!" Astra and Kairo's eyes widened "ZERO!!!!!!!"

Zero closed the portal and opened another I'm sure this one is the short way let's go!!" he said as he pushed them into the portal, then followed dragging Orak with him,

Soon they opened their eyes to see themselves in a place filled with Fog and darkness...they sat a little waiting for the rest to come...

After a long time, a portal opened, and Persephone, Ezra Fluffy and Jeremy Fell from it...Persephone and Jermy glared at Zero preparing to kill him..."YOU PIECE OF FUCK!! IM GOING TO KILL YOU!! Screamed Persephone, Jeremy was making the same gestures but with more heavy curses.

Zero shrugged his shoulder not saying a word, "You-" What are you doing here" a voice interrupted them,

They turned their head in unison to see a man with magenta hair and torques eyes standing behind them...his stare was cold making them shiver from fear...Zero smiled and looked at the man saying "Grandpa! How are you doing?" the man smacked Zero head in 0,0001 seconds without showing a hint of hesitation "WHO DO YOU CALL GRANDPA YOU BRAT!! I'M STILL YOUNG!! YOU ARE THE LAST TO TALK ABOUT AGE!! AND WHO DO YOU EVEN THINK YOU ARE TO CALL ME THAT!! " the man said angry, his eyes glaring at Zero.

( looks like this and again, I own the pic)

Zero rubbed his head in pain pouting and saying "But...grandpa.." he got another smack on the head this time harder, and they went back and forth until Zero said "Okay fine I won't call you Grandpa...Mr Robert Kazimir..."

Mr Kazimir humphed "Then what are you doing here brat...and you bought company as well," Mr Kazimir said as he eyed them all.

Zero:" Well...we decided to make some changes in the realm...and we thought we might give you all a gift..."

Kazimir looked at Zero vigilant...Zero didn't mind his look...he understood why he looked at him like this and he didn't blame him in the slightest " This gift..." Orak appeared out of nowhere with tears and pain in his eyes...

Kazimir didn't believe his eyes...he stared at Zero in disbelief, Zero's smile didn't waver in the slightest " he's all yours...don't worry... We made sure he'll never die..." Zero looked at Kairos with a smile and Kairos nodded back nervously, Kazimir and started laughing...his laughter filled with pain and relief...

"hahaha...we finally can have our revenge... " he looked at Zero and smiled a little " Thank you... Consider it accepted " he looked at the scared Orak and suddenly more people started emerging out of nowhere...they all had 2 things in common...the same magenta hair and torques cold eyes...their smile reached their ears...

Orak seeing them started screaming again, they dragged him away and disappeared... A Woman with short magenta hair and torque eyes appeared, she stood beside Robert...unlike Robert, she had a small smile on her face and she greeted them, if you look closely you would find that she resembled Penelope a lot,

(she looks like this)

??:' Zero...how...how are they doing?" the woman asked with concern...she looked at Zero with sad eyes...Zero put a hand on her shoulder" They are fine now Lily...they met again "

Lily's tears formed in her eyes as she started crying...Roberts hugged her and said" See? I knew that he could pull it through! He's your son after all! And not to mention he also have my blood running in his vines so he has to be okay "

Lily hugged Robert back as she nodded with a smile, Zero summoned his mirror and said "See for yourself "The mirror started showing two figures... One was Eros who was brushing Penelope's hair affectionately, and the other was Penelope who was sitting smiling at Eros who was brushing her hair. Lily started crying again "he grew up so much...look, Grandpa...he became a handsome man...and look at her...she's so beautiful "

Roberts looked at the warm scene with a rare smile on his face " Eros looks so much like me when I was younger!!" he said as his hand started playing with his beard " and Penelope resembles you a lot too, "

The mirror disappeared, and Lily looked at Zero with a sweet smile on her face "Please bring him to visit me...okay?"

Zero nodded with a smile as he bid farewell to them and opened the portal...the short way this time...assumably....they all went through it except Persephone who was frozen like a statue...Zero sighed as he dragged her by the neck to the portal.

When Persephone woke up from her state she looked at Zero with wide eyes, Zero was confused he didn't do anything this time...Persephone said in a small voice "Who...who was that girl...?

Zero said confused "You mean Lily?" Persephone shook her head "No...the girl in the mirror who was she exactly?"

Zero is even more confused and answers with a big idiotic smile"Ah...you mean Penelope!! She's the daughter Of Eros! Which means she's my daughter too!!"

Zero left her in her house along with Fluffy and left not caring anymore about her...Persephone was only muttering "...Penelope... What a beautiful name...for a beautiful girl" Persephone never called anyone beautiful... In her eyes, she was the only beautiful thing...but when she saw Penelope something changed...