
The Last Chapter




The spirit of fire element whispered to Likha that the people of Avion is in great danger. Aregon already conquered Avion. Luthro is already dead.

"I need soldiers who would fight against that evil Aregon!"

"Soldiers? We are not strong enough to fight with you. You must be kidding?" said the gremlin.

She held up her magick wand and chant a spell, "All outcasts must turn to light!"

All living creatures in Deathro go back to normal. And with the help of fire element, she already destroyed Deathro. She brings these magickal creatures to Avion to fight in a battle.

When she comes to face her greatest enemy, Aregon, she waved her magick wand, "You killed Luthro, and this is what you deserved!"

Likha is now become most powerful wizard. He killed Aregon so easily with her bare hands. And Mikaelo is also died in the battle unfortunately. They won the victory. There is now peace in Avion.


