
panlong,I use earth elements to transcend

Roy had crossed over to the world of Panlong and, with his affinity for earth element, he used his knowledge from his previous life to grow step by step. Earth Element: Elementalization, Old Sand, tactics from the gourd doll, Earth Element + Gravity Space: Can a bag of rice withstand several floors? Add in the movement of the earth, and who can withstand the weight of my rice bag Five Finger Mountain: A combination of five profound rules, with one slap, even Sun Wukong cannot escape. God Kingdom in the Palm: A super ultimate move that combines six profound rules of the earth element, invincible in the perfect state. At some point, Roy suddenly realized that without realizing it, he had already touched the "limit" of the Panlong Universe... Note: This is a Chinese Translation https://www.69shuba.com/book/48290.htm

blue_cannoy · Book&Literature
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74 Chs

Teaching the Maid

After Elder Kunyan and Roy finished their battle, a group of elders surrounded them.

These people witnessed the battle between Roy and Elder Kunyan.

Roy showed great strength but did not bully others. Occasionally, when Elder Kunyan was overwhelmed, Roy would give him a chance to recover before continuing the fight.

Such a person is worth getting to know and communicating with.

"Go away, you guys. What are you all thinking about? Don't think I don't know," Elder Kunyan rolled his eyes but still introduced everyone to Roy.

"Roy, this old man with green hair is Nelson, a fire-element Seven-Star Demon."

"This one with a long beard is Mars, like you, a earth-element Seven-Star Demon."

"And this one is Dennis, a water-element Seven-Star Demon."

"And this one is Adelaide, a water-element Seven-Star Demon."

"And this one..."

With Elder Kunyan's introduction, Roy got to know more than a dozen Seven-Star Demon elders.

Upon hearing that Roy planned to use battles to nurture divine artifacts, they all expressed their willingness to help.

And so, with the enthusiasm of these people, Roy fought another ten battles.

From these people, Roy also knows that they have completely integrated two kinds of profound laws, just like Elder Kunyan. Next, there are a few moves that integrate four kinds of profound laws, which can elevate their power to the level of a Seven-Star Demon.

Roy can be certain that ninety-nine percent of the people in this world, who follow these elders, are on the same path.

Invincible Great Perfection is not just a saying. Great Perfection means completely integrating six kinds of profound laws, with one's defense, speed, attack, and soul constantly in a state of "Great Perfection," with no weaknesses. In addition, with the amplification of the Great Perfection Will, the power of a Great Perfection Upper God is one thousand times that of the Asura Overlord.

If we take into account the several times of power that can be erupted, the gap in power will be even greater.

After bidding farewell to these elders, Roy returned to his castle.

"Roy, Lord Roy, I have already cleaned the castle."

When Roy opened the castle door, he was greeted by a maid covered in dust.

The cloth in her hand was not completely wrung out, and there were still some stains on her face and clothes.

"Hehehe, hehehe..."

Being looked at like this by Roy, the maid awkwardly laughed a few times and lowered her head.

"So embarrassing..."

"When I woke up, Lord Roy had already left, which means he saw me being lazy and sleeping?"

"In order to make up for some impression, I have cleaned the inside and outside of the castle, so Lord Roy shouldn't be angry, right?"

Roy naturally didn't know that because he looked at her a bit more, the maid started to overthink. However, as for Chris, Roy's impression of her was still good.


Roy nodded and walked towards the second floor.

However, when he was walking down the hallway, Roy suddenly remembered something and turned back to the main seat in the hall.


"Lord Roy."

When Chris heard Roy call her, she quickly stepped forward.

"I told you before that when I have free time, you can ask me any questions about your cultivation."


Chris looked up in surprise. Roy did say such things before. So, when he says it now, does he mean...?

"Don't be surprised. Although you are a water user and I am an earth user, I can't show you the specific profound laws, but I can provide you with some basic and effective cultivation methods."


Chris was overjoyed.

Although Chris could be considered a genius in her family, the strongest in their branch only has the power of a Five-Star Demon. It is rare for her to have the opportunity to receive guidance from a Seven-Star Demon.

So, ignoring the dirt on her body and face, Chris knelt down in front of Roy and placed both legs together, asking about the problems she encountered in her cultivation, as well as the difficulties in comprehending the profound laws.

And Roy did not disappoint her.

"Chris, the profound laws can actually be traced."

"Each profound law can be divided into elemental, speed, domain, soul, attack, and defense aspects."

"You see, among the seven profound laws, there are the most basic elemental profound laws. The earth system is the elemental law of earth, the water system is the elemental law of water, and the wind, fire, thunder, light, and darkness systems also have their corresponding elemental profound laws."

"Then, above the basic elemental profound laws, there are speed profound laws for each system."

"The earth system has the earth-walking technique, the water system has the water-walking technique, and the others have light-walking techniques, fire-walking techniques, and so on."

"Domain profound laws are the most versatile among the profound laws, with their own respective attributes. For example, the earth system has the gravity space, the water system has the water fluctuation, the wind system has the dimensional space, and the darkness system has shadow transformations, and so on."

"Soul profound laws include the earth system's power of life, the water system's misty illusion, the wind system's soundwave music, the darkness system's wickedness, the fire system's heat, and so on. They are all laws related to the soul."

"Attack profound laws are much easier to understand. The earth system has the power law, the water system has the ice sharpness law, the wind system has the dimensional law, the fire system has the explosive law, and they can all be classified as attack profound laws."

"Finally, there are defense profound laws. The earth system has the earth pulse law, the wind system has the cloning technique law, the water system has the round and soft law, the fire system has the fire-body technique, and so on."

"Although the names may be different, their essence is the same."


As Roy explained, a joyful light shone in Chris's

All along, although she knew the six mysterious rules of the clan, she only knew the superficial and not the profound reasons.

But when Elder Roy explained it to her, it was as if he directly unveiled the mysterious veil of the rules, allowing her to clearly understand the essence of the rules.

The most obvious change was that Kris felt that her comprehension of the water element rules had increased by at least three times compared to before.

Kris was confident that she could comprehend more than ninety percent of the water element rules within a thousand years and reach the limit of the Holy Domain.

As for the final breakthrough to become a god, Kris felt that with Elder Roy's guidance, it was not impossible to achieve it within two thousand years.

This was not like forcefully boosting her bloodline awakening in the bloodline awakening pool, but rather becoming a god through self-cultivation and self-comprehension of the rules.

The sense of achievement was completely different.

Many people in the clan, apart from awakening their bloodlines and becoming gods through the bloodline awakening pool after adulthood, had not yet even obtained a second god avatar after tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years.