

Biting my bottom lip I stared at the tall male guard in front of me. His name tag said Bryan but I would never say is name nor would I ever speak to him or any of the guards. It was just a normal day in the Panic Room- Insane Asylum or better known as PRIA. I came here 2 years ago when I killed almost all of the birds in our town. Don't ask me how I don't know. It was lunch time and I was being escorted out of my "room" cell to the dining area. I sat with my usal group of friends Damien my roomate, Quinn my best friend and her boyfriend Gage. Damien came here a year before I did and was shocked when he was out with a girl for a roomate. He came here for theift and b and e. Quinn came here for her fire power she lit her whole backyard on fire one time. Gage came here because he had dreams of people dying or something and the it happened so we were all consitered crazy. We came togther after Quinn started both me and Damiens room and her own on fire during a break out.

"Hey, Cia you okay" Damien asked pulling me out of my thoughts.

" Fine just thinking ya know the usual"

"Okay well lunch is over we gotta go back before they put you in the hole again princess"

" ugh fine" we walked back to our room Damiens hand on the small of my back guideing me through the maze of hallways that made up PRIA. As soon as we got there Damien had me against the wall on the other side of the room. Me and him had this tease going on between us but we wernt together together like Quinn and Gage. Damien out his lips against my neck making a small whimper escape my now parted lips. At that moment I was so glad there were no cameras and the room was sound proof.

" I don't know if I can hide my feelings for you anymore baby" He whispered against the curve of my neck and jawline.

" then dont" I somehow managed to choke out before his lips were on mine and we were on the floor. We sat there for what seemed like forever. Just laying on each other. I woke up on my bed with Damien beside me I so wanted to kiss him but was interrupted by the shower alarm. I shook him awake and we walked to the showers together after grabbing our clothes mine consist of one of the over sized sweaters they give us that I tured into a dress and my knee socks. I laughed at the thought of Damien with a shirt on like ever. I got done before Damien of course like always so I went back to our room alone I usually waited but I didnt feel like it so I went alone. Most of the gurads are pervs and I saw many of them looking at my ass when I walked back.

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