
Building a band

Izuku Midoriya, Current age: 7, Quirk: ??????

"Hey let him go!" Shouted a messy, green haired kid.

"Huh? why? he started it" said a slightly older kid who was beating up a younger kid with his friends.

"Yeah! he told us to let the cat go and then kicked us" said friend Uno, "Yeah!" shouted friend Dos, kicking the small kid in the process.

The Green Child couldn't look at this, he ran up to them and kicked the leader in the face, his two friends changing their target from bullied kid to less bullied kid, the green haired kid, who is me BTW, was now getting kicked.

A minute later the older kids left, Most likely Bored from hitting me.

"T-t-thank y-you..." said the kid who was being kicked tears rolling down his face, "Whats your name?" I asked, "Iida, T-Tenya Iida" He answered, "Iida, Iida, Like Ingenium?" I asked.

"Yes! He is my big Brother, He is so awesome!" Said Tenya, his eyes shining like saphire's, He started to rant about how Ingenium is an awesome hero, not even acknowledging his pain.

"Hey? wanna come to my place?" Tenya asked me, "Sure, just let me tell my mom first".

After my mom told me I'm allowed to go and that she'll pick me up at 7, I went to Tenya's house.


"Wow, you can play Guitar?!" I asked as we entered his Garage.

"Yep, do you play any Instrument?" He answered and asked, "No, I sing instead" I answered his question, "Can I hear you sing?" he asked "Only if I get to hear you play your guitar" I answered "Deal"

I Start to sing, a nursery rhyme I remember from my childhood, my Voice turns melodious.

After that I listen to Tenya play his guitar, "Wow, you are good, hey Tenya?" I said after hearing Tenya's Guitar skills, "Yes Izuku?" he asks after hearing me, "Lets start a band" I say, "A Band? like those on TV that make cool music together? Sounds Cool! Did you think who else should be in it?" he asked, "Yes and Yes. I want to make Music with you, and I have a Drummer in mind..." I answered.


After Ringing the doorbell We wait, "Who is it? Oh Midoriya, Come in come in, Katsuki is in his room" said a Blonde woman with spiky hair, "Thank you Miss Bakugo" we walk to my best friends room, and outside the door I yell "Hey kacchan, Wanna join my band?" into his room, "Will I be on the Drums?" he shouts back from inside, "Sure!" I shout once more, "Deal!"


6 years later


Humming a song We worked on, we being Tenya, Katsuki and I, I was walking down the street.

THUD, "Owowow, I sorry, are you Okay?" I asked someone, in the One second i wasn't paying attention, I bumped into someone.

"Huh? Yeah! I'm fine!" Answered the Person I bumped into, a Pink haired girl with eyes resembling Scope lens, she seems to be my age.

"Mei is somethi-" asked another Girl who was walking with her, making another girl look.

One of them had Purple hair with headphone-jack looking things coming out of her earlobes, and the third girl had brown hair in a bob cut, with a blush on her cheeks.

"Kyoka? Kyoka! Kyoka get back to work" said the Bob Cut girl towards the Headphone girl, "Uh-huh... Whats your name?" the Scope lens Girl asked me.

"Oh, My name is Izuku Midoriya, whats yours?" I introduced myself.

"My name Is Mei Hatsume, this one over here is Ochako Uraraka and the one who is dazed right now is Kyoka Jirou, Nice to meet you" the scope lens girl introduced herself and her friends.

"The pleasure is all mine, I already said I'm sorry for bumping into you so if you'll excuse me" I said as I left and continued on my way to my Band meeting place, also known as the Iida Family's old garage.

---Jirou POV---

Who was that boy? he looked so cute... why the hell did I freeze when I saw him? Ugh, If I ever see him and his cute face again I'll apologize for acting like that, Did my mind just call that Cinnamon-roll Cute? wait, Cinnamon-roll!

"Kyoka is everything okay?! You look like you need my new Invention, the Relaxatron, with my newest Baby, Anyo-" Mei started talking about her Invention Again.

"Yeah Kyoka, is Everything alright?" Ochako asked, "Yeah, Nothing's wrong" what the hell is going over me.

---Back to izuku's POV---

"Why do I fell like someone just called me a Cinnamon-roll? Eh, must be my imagination"

Hi, I am here once again.

For anyone who will ask in the future if this is Harem, the answer is no, This is not going to be a Harem, Our Broccoli-boy is going to be with one girl only.

This isn't BL/YAOI so dont expect BakuDeku or TodoDeku out of nowhere.

if you have any questions, write them

netapcreators' thoughts