

An antenna television bleeps on, bzzt! In the screen with black and white colours, comes a tall man with broad shoulders, wearing a suit and a birdlike mask.

"Well hello there dear customers, I am the CEO of Pandora Express or PEX, Epimetheus, and we proudly present to you our company, Pandora Express' 2330th year anniversary! For those of you who live under a rock, we the Pandora Express deliver boxes of misfortunes to sinners, and only sinners. You could say we are your guardians! As per anniversary, we are to hire another 10 employees! Please call the number blinking on screen, our dear secretary shall make you a candidate! With some luck and a good heart, you could be the one chosen! Remember, you reap what you sow. Thanks for tuning in to our 2330th anniversary!"

A phone rings, "Hello there Mr. Hale, we of the Pandora Express give you a warm welcome to our ranks as the newly hired Delivery Man. Congratulations! Your uniform shall arrive shortly."

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