
Who said I can't have unlimited wishes!?

[A/N: I just need to get some ideas off my head so I can focus on my other work. This is basically just going to be a collection of pilots for various stories that pop up in my head. Might as well just call them a collection of synopsis'. Feel free to comment on which ones you guys are most interested in and I may just end up writing the whole thing.

Grammar issues may pop up but it hardly matters unless I plan to fully write it out. Everything in these shorts is subject to change should I actually decide to continue them. Length will vary depending on how many words I think I need to convey the gist of the story. Or just how long I feel like writing for it at the time. Lastly, I only write Yuri, so assume all protagonists are female unless otherwise specified.]


Welp...guess I died…

How, you ask? You really don't wanna know. Let's just say it involved electrical tape, a turkey baster, a pair of boots, the number 11, and an odd sense of humor.

Never mind that. I now appear to be in the famous isekai white room, I think. Pretty weird since I don't remember getting hit by a truck but I'm not complaining.

I've just been told by the very beautiful goddess across from me that I get to reincarnate with 3 whole wishes! Amazing isn't it!? How many of your wishes have been granted in the last 24 hours? See, I'm doing pretty good for myself!

Luckily I've thought over this scenario for quite a while now thanks to my odd group of former friends. So I already have everything planned out-

"By the way, you can't wish for something stupid like unlimited wishes~"

-The f*ck…

Oi… I don't care how beautiful you are! Nobody tells me what I can and can't wish for!!

Good. Good! Very good!!

I know exactly what I'm going to wish for now! Giving a sinister smirk that visibly sent a shiver down the beautiful woman's spine, I spoke my wishes.

"For my first wish, I want a fairy godparent like Timmy Turner!" I said completely stunning the goddess in front of me.

"Wha-" She looked like she wanted to say something, but I refused to give her time to react.

"For my second wish, I don't want "Da Rules" to apply to me unless I so choose!"

"Wait a se-" After that wish, she started panicking a bit. Kukuku, that'll show you who to give reasonable conditions to! Hmph. Now to bring it all home.

"For my final wish, I want you to make her magic as strong and far-reaching as you possibly can!" At that, she went pale and tears started forming in the corner of her eyes.

She looked absolutely adorable. Maybe I was a bit too mean? Oh well, I'll use a wish to make it up to her later! *nod* *nod*

"Well? Will there be any problems with my wishes?" I asked in a completely undeserving self-important tone.

"Muuu, why are you bullying me? I'm still new at this *sniffle*. No, there won't be any problems with your wishes. Do you want your fairy to have any specific characteristics?" Although she asked kindly, I could still feel her bitterness from here.

Thankfully, I had an answer to this as well. So with a grin, I let my infinite wisdom be known!

"Of course! I never want to go anywhere without my emergency food!" (A.K.A. Paimon)


This story would see the protagonist going anywhere she wants and doing anything she pleases. fairy godparents were kind of stupid broken, especially considering they were given to a bunch of miserable children all over the world. I have no idea how that world is still standing even with Da Rules in place.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Pandoras_Librarycreators' thoughts