
Prologue 1

In the midst of the forest cut off from society, he appeared.

This place is meant to be mine. I erected a barrier for the exact purpose of being alone. Even an insect could not pass through without me knowing, and yet here he is. I am forced to look up so I can see the expression on his face. He, frustratingly, wears a smug smile.

  He is half an arm taller than I, but thinner by a good margin. He still carries his walking staff. His knee must still ache, I think as I stare at him. His hair is styled into long, thin, rope-like strands (I believe he called them dreads) a few framing his face. His stunning green eyes held mirth and complimented his dark features. He is a Sylph and someone I have known for far too long.

"Hey Cugu." He greets.

I had not seen him in so many years, yet he looks the same as the day I left him. His smile remains the same, as though he is happy to see me. He still looks just as confident and powerful, nary a care to be had.

"Jeriah." I nod. "How did you get in here?"

"I broke in." He admits with a sheepish smile. "Not easily, I might add."

"Do you have ANY idea how long it took for me to erect this barrier?" I ask, redundantly. He knows. He is, after all, quite proficient in barrier magic.

"I needed your help." He defends, smile waning. "I had no choice."

"There is always a choice. Did Lucifer tell you where to find me?"

He did not answer. There was no need as his face spoke volumes. Lucifer had betrayed my trust in him.

I took a deep breath before letting out a heavy sigh. I expected this the moment Lucifer had managed to tracked me down, but I had hoped for a different outcome if I am honest.

"Is that why you came?" I snap bitterly. "Because you needed my help?"

I watch Jeriah's face morph into something akin to shame and I immediately regret my harsh tone. I was the one who cut him from my life. How dare I blame him for seeking me out only when he needs help?

"I apologize." I say, lifting my hand to rub my face. "I was not expecting you."

"Obviously." He scoffs. "I had no idea where you were, if you were even still alive. If it wasn't for Damien, I would have buried you."

"Without a body?" I ask with a smirk.

"That's not funny!" He yells, throwing his hands up in a huff. "Last I saw you, you were broken and bleeding. Then you fucking vanished, and I don't hear from you for decades.

"I search EVERYWHERE for you. I even go back to hell, and nothing. I don't see even a trace of you. Damien finally took pity on me and told me you were alive. Didn't tell me where you are or how you're doing, just that you're alive, and I can finally breathe again. Fuck you if you think this is funny."

Jeriah is breathing heavily after finishing his rant and my heart starts to ache. Part of me knew I should have told Jeriah where I was, but I had been broken and he did not need to see that.

"I am sorry Jeriah." I sigh. "I was mentally unsound. I could not risk harming you."

"Oh don't give me that shit." Jeriah said with a glare towards me. "What you did was fucked up and you know it."

I nod my agreement. What I had done was inexcusable. I had been afraid, yes, but that had given me no right to disregard my loved ones. An apology would not suffice for the wrong I committed against Jeriah.

"That being said," Jeriah states with a sigh of relief. "It's so good to see you."

"You as well." I say. It is not a lie, as I have sorely missed him.

I walk towards him, nearly stumbling in my haste, and wrap my arms around his broad shoulders in a hug long overdue. "I am so sorry."

"Shh!" He holds my head to his shoulder as I cling to him. "It's okay, Cugu. It's okay." He soothes.

What I did was not okay. He and I both knew it was nothing short of cruel, yet his words help ease my mind as I clutch at the fabric of his green jacket, my knuckles turning white with the strain. Why I thought it wise to distance myself from this man is a mystery, but I will never make that mistake again.

I right myself and take off my glasses, wiping at my eyes in embarrassment, my face wet with tears I do not remember shedding. It was fine, though, as Jeriah was never one to judge.

"What can I help with?" I ask, using the hem of my shirt to clean the tears from my glasses before placing them back on my face.

"It's about Aype-" He begins, only for his words to falter as he finally takes stock of his surroundings. "Have I been here before?"

"No." I shake my head. "This is merely a recreation of a distant memory I cherish."

"Uh-huh." His brow raises and he looks at me suspiciously. "If you say so. Anyway, as I was saying, it's about Ayperos."

"What about him?" I sneer. "What does he have to do with me?"

Jeriah raised his hands in surrender. "I get it." He said, placating me. "I don't like the bastard either, but we kinda need him."

"Oh, what would we ever do without that piece of garbage." I mock, blatantly frustrated.

"Cugu." Jeriah sighs. "You know as well as I do that he's the solution to a very big problem."

Jeriah is right, of course. That bastard is essential to a bleak future I am trying to prevent, but that does not mean I want to be involved with him. I throw my head back with a groan and look to the sky. I watch the clouds make their way slowly across my vision and breathe slowly, trying to manage my anger at the situation.

"I died for him." I say, barely above a whisper. "He manipulated and destroyed me, and I still gave my everything for him." Here I look at Jeriah, my face unreadable. "How much more should I give?"

Jeriah shakes his head, sorrow evident in his eyes. "I can't answer that." He chokes out finally. "I would kill him for you if I could."

"I know." I go back to staring at the clouds. "Surely, you killed him many times already."

Jeriah laughs, but there is no humor in it. "I did. Every time he reincarnated, I killed him. I knew we had time...but we've run out."

"I know." I purse my lips as tears sting my eyes. "I would give so much, never to see him again."

"I know." Jeriah replies bitterly. "I tried everything before coming to you. I really wish I could spare you from this."

I close my eyes against the tears threatening to fall. My stomach aches with anxiety and my body shakes with tension. I really do not want to go to him. I would have holed up here in my memories until the world burned, but it takes one thought to bring myself to the present.

If I let the world burn, what would become of my children? Or Jeriah, and Damien? They do not deserve the outcome of my wrath anymore than I deserved what happened to me. This conclusion hurts more than I thought it would, as I take in my surroundings for what may be the last time.

The hut I grew up in sits undisturbed in the clearing behind me; some amazing memories were made in that hut. That was my reason for recreating it as flawlessly as I had. Those memories had gotten me through a lot. I will miss this place.

"I have to tell Damien." I say, leaving no room for argument.

"Okay." Jeriah nods. "Do you need help with anything?"

"No." I shake my head.

I wrap my fingers around the amulet hanging from my neck and squeeze tightly. I am not looking forward to Damien's reaction. "Damien." I whisper, knowing he will hear me.

With a burst of white flames, he appears. I cannot help but smile, looking at him. He has always kept me grounded. Damien is...some would call him handsome? I suppose. I call him rugged and more than slightly beautiful. His eyes are so dark they seem black at first glance as they bore into one's very soul, and his hair is a nest of amber locks, as unkempt and wild as he is. The stubble he sported last I saw him is gone. He must have shaved. I muse. 

He looks frantically from side to side until his eyes fall to me. He visibly breathes a sigh of relief.

"Cugu." He says, making his way towards me. "What's the matter?"

"Damien" I begin, hesitant. "I have to leave."

"That's fine." Damien assures, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. He frames my face with both of his hands, prompting me to look at him. "That's fine, sweetheart."

"I have to go see him." I say, not needing to elaborate. We all know who he is. The tears I held back, ultimately began falling from my eyes. I am terrified.

Damien pulls me close to his chest and places a loving kiss to the top of my head, as he rubs my back gently.

"Explain." Damien barks at Jeriah, not able to hide the venom in his voice.

"I've been trying for the past seven years to get that fucker to awaken, but everything I've done has been useless." I hear Jeriah say.

"Then smack him." Damien deadpans. I snicker quietly into his chest. "If your hand isn't enough, use a brick or that staff of yours. I don't care how you do it. Just do it."

"I mean..." I hear Jeriah chuckle. "I get it. I really do. But that would most likely kill him, and we kinda need him not dead right now."

"So?" Damien replies, I feel his arms tighten around me and the edge of my glasses dig into my face. "He'll be reborn again."

"True, but this is probably our last chance before creation gets fucked." Jeriah is grumbling now.

I reluctantly push away from Damien to look him in the eyes, adjusting my skewed glasses. He looks so worried for me, my heart breaks.

"I have to do this." I say, placing a hand against Damien's cheek. He leans into my touch and sighs.

"I know." He breathes, grabbing my hand and squeezing lightly. "I just don't want you to."

I smile tightly and nod. "I know. I abhor this more than you could possibly fathom."

Damien shakes his head. "I can." He says, hugging me close. "I absolutely can."

I sense a wave of magic surrounding me, and breathe a sigh of relief as I feel a shield being built around me. I am not sure the type of protection he supplied, but I know Damien put his all into this spell. Whatever magic he cast will keep me safe.

"If anything upsets you, I will kill him." Damien says, malice dripping from his words. "I will not let him take you again."

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